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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Yeah, took me a raft of mines/grenades/exploding shotgun shells to its legs and most of my dignity. I got bold when its health was right own and went too far in the room, ended up cornered and just frantically blasting aimlessly with my gun.
  2. Returned to this, and been having a great old time. Just utterly blanking all settlement building and have gotten back to having fun. Last night I ended up some mad place with about 30 ghouls, and some raiders, ended up a three way brawl between us all, which coincided with me realising I had an "exploding shotgun", which is a shotgun which causes every shall to explode upon impact. Utter carnage with bits of ghoul littering the screen. Tonight I finally visited the Museum of Witchcraft. Shitting myself, fully aware of what was waiting for me upstairs. Have to laugh at the folk on FB who gloat about "one shotting" it though, as they must be playing it on easy, as I sconed it full pelt in the puss, with a Fat Man, and barely took a quarter of its health.
  3. You get the feeling he gets delirious when he gets a more than normal amount of red skittles in a packet.
  4. They'd just make up figures to claim attendances are up.
  5. Lets also not forget Paul Elliots the black anti-racist campaigner who got sacked by the FA for racially abusing a black man.
  6. Probably not. You never know though, maybe some utter no-mark Greek journalist is currently blaming their financial crisis on AEK Athens being relegated
  7. Hate them wee fuckers. I've been getting attacked by wasps at work just now, every day at least three go flying into the side of my head then start being all wide about it, arseholes. Spiders don't bother me too much, live in the "wild" to a degree so we get hundreds of them. Although the attic, which we're never in, is a bit fucking grim. Theres clearly one large b*****d cannibalising the other ones and theres just bodies spread out everywhere. Crushed a big one a while back so hoping that was the one, but live in fear a neighbours had a tarantula as a pet and lost it, and its residing up there.
  8. Its fairly clear that most of Europe has no idea theres even an Old Firm game this weekend
  9. Wales arent anywhere near the same place we are. They weren't going to lose anything chucking in some youngster, and happened to get a once in a generation level of talent in the same time period.
  10. I'm intrigued as to how the pundit knows TGIG hasn't posted on the Hibs thread since last Thursday. Thats some severely obsessed behaviour right there.
  11. Like Robertson, Kingsley, Tierney, Paterson, McGinn, McKay and Watt who've all been capped in the last 12 months? There's more Under 22s who've been capped under Strachan as well.
  12. There's talk the new one would include Canada
  13. I dont think I'd like that, tbh. I think they'll stick with America, simply to keep the BoS in it. I'd hope they bring Karma back into it though, little things like having a BoS companion with you, while wandering around the Railroads secret base, ruin the whole experience, whereas such an event in New Vegas would see you walking into a huge gunfight. None of the new factions compare anywhere near to the Legion either, who are outstanding whether you loved them or hated them.
  14. Saddening thing is Rangers fans genuinely don't understand why everyone else mocks them for this.
  15. Get it done. The choices you make actually affect things, whereas in this you're on a path regardless of it all. The karma system makes the games hugely more enjoyable too.
  16. Being reported that a further £4m is due after he plays 100 games, meaning the total fee would become £17m
  17. In relative terms, being a mid-table jobber, and eventual Championship regular, is far below the level Burke should really be aiming for. Also I heard Steven Fletcher bought an iPhone recently. Coincidence they get hit by a huge fine not long after???!!!
  18. We're going down for the weekend, to see a theatre show, so only really have one day to do things. Girlfriends wanting to do a bus tour and go to some Harry Potter place, I'm happy to just be off work.
  19. I'm going to London for the first ever time at the end of the month. Both excited and nervous about it, tbh, as I enjoy seeing new places but I hate people, and apparently everywhere you go is mobbed.
  20. I thought that was more the origins of White Walkers. As far I know its, stabbed by a certain type of glass while still alive = White Walker, killed by White Walker/wight = wight
  21. Also, while we're on the subject. How did Benjen manage to be dead, but still manage to not become a member of the Night Kings army? Or is it a slow process he's just half through?
  22. I've got the feeling Littlefingers going to get in too deep with too many people. His obsession with Sansa is likely to be his main downfall, as he seems to take his eye off the ball a wee bit with her.
  23. She says its been going on for years but the forms changed recently.
  24. Muirton Park seemed to have no segregation, even during Rangers v Saints matches. Was this normal in that time period? Sure I heard we only segregated when we played Aberdeen.
  25. My girlfriend works in the registration office and says yes it is completely normal. It is the current annual canvass and every house in Scotland should get one of these forms. With regards to the fine they legally have to have it written on the form. If there are no changes to be made just sign the form and return in the prepaid envelope. If there are changes just note them on the form and return. As said above this is an annual thing so the forms will come out around the same time every year.
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