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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. I'd be happy enough with that. Surely has more about him than the usual immobile pish we sign
  2. No surprise to see lichtie and bennett popping up to claim "its all about the Old Firm" despite there being identical posts moaning about the likes of Darren Jackson, John Hughes and Stuart McCall who suddenly get air time on every single BBC platform the moment they lose their jobs before vanishing once the advertising campaign is over.
  3. Mcdiarmid is less than a mile from a crematorium and cemetery. Our "new" training area is just the other side of a hedge from it
  4. Daviebhoys utter refusal to accept the blatant fucking fact that the away fans at Celtic Park have an utterly brutal view is infuriating. Stop trying to argue with folk who actually have to suffer the fucking thing.
  5. We've signed Swanson so there won't be one this year, unless we find out Scougall is available
  6. It's absolutely mental. A few folk now suggesting he's no more of a "bombscare" than Shaughnessy, and that because he's scored a goal or two he's a better option.
  7. I'm fairly sure I stumbled upon him on Twitter being utterly sassy to the traffic scotland page.. https://twitter.com/Enrico_Annoni/with_replies
  8. Just going from personal experience. Ibrox has none, you sit in the corner and see the whole pitch. Tynecastle has none, sit behind the goal and see the whole pitch. Victoria Park, placed behind the goal and see the whole pitch. Dens, put behind goals and see the whole pitch. Pittodrie, a wee mesh fence but you can still see the whole pitch. Fir Park, behind the goal can see the whole pitch. Rugby Park and Firhill, posts which cut out 1/15th of the pitch. Celtic Park has a concrete wall that cuts out a chunk of the pitch, including one of the goals. I paid £26 to watch the game on the large screen in the stadium. Value for money wise, its a terrible stadium.
  9. Watched Suicide Squad, can see how people would hate it but I enjoyed it. Biggest problem they have is the Marvel films. The characters in the "DC-verse" shit over their Marvel counterparts, but this, and Batman v Superman, have both felt rushed, and its as if they decided halfway through they needed to make the films more "wacky" to differentiate them from the Marvel films. Some of the humour is pretty forced aswell. Once they calm down these films will be sensational though, Harley Quinn was perfect, and even the Joker is played closer to the comic book version than in Nolans version.
  10. I mention this in every matchday thread away to Celtic, and not one of them seems to believe its true. £26 for a ticket and I could only see, at best, three quarters of the pitch. Stewards refused to let us move aswell. Horrific stadium.
  11. I've not even read WAP. It's the St Johnstone Banter FB page that I keep getting notifications about. I'd unlike the page but it's funny sometimes
  12. The clubs a disgrace and have treated him horrendously. He was the future of St Johnstone.
  13. Friendlies don't count. It's a fact so stop thinking it's not.
  14. Because the German authorities arent so utterly moronic to believe they'd want to name their club "Bavarian male Leverkusen" when they're sponsored by a pharmaceutical company called Bayer, you utterly fucking lunatic.
  15. And why would they name their club that?
  16. Its because they outdate the rule though, and is absolutely nothing to do with some inane "loophole" you're suggesting.
  17. This. Worth noting that Bayer in German means "a Bavarian". Bavaria being a region in the South of Germany, over 100 miles from Leverkusen. Clearly though, thats what they're named after.
  18. Bayer never "got around" anything, the club name is older than the rule preventing sponsors having their name in the club name.
  19. Is there not a couple of German clubs that were named after companies? You get the feeling they declined Red Bulls attempts at naming them Red Bull Leipzig out of spite more than anything,
  20. A "most expensive" current Scotland XI makes "interesting" reading.. Gordon (£9m) Hutton (£9m) - Hanley (£5.5m) - Cooper (£750k) - Robertson (£3m) Oliver Burke (£13m) - James McArthur (£7m) - Barry Bannan (£2m) - Matt Ritchie (£12m) Steven Fletcher (£12m) - Ross McCormack (£12m) Total: £82.25m Not utterly convinced thats even the most expensive players you could fit in either.
  21. Pretty sure the Top five Scottish transfers now sits like... Oliver Burke - Nottingham Forest to RB Leipzig - £13m Ross McCormack - Fulham to Aston Villa - £12m Matt Ritchie - Bournemouth to Newcastle - £12m Steven Fletcher - Wolves to Sunderland - £12m Ross McCormack - Leeds to Fulham - £11m
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