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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. How? Whats the justification for Rangers fan going on the pitch?
  2. There was no reason for it anyway, theres been hundreds of pitch invasions, where fans have celebrated in front of other fans, in the past couple of season. It happens in every single Play-Off game in England. Yet opposing fans, outwith Millwall, never feel the need to charge on the pitch to start brawling...
  3. "No one likes us, we don't care!" Except when they celebrate winning a trophy in front of us, then we'll attack them and claim they provoked us.
  4. Same with Wallace, who Sportscene just showed walking off the pitch before the fans are near him. Most Rangers fans can't even agree what three players were apparently assaulted, and even when they flail about for evidence its just goading and pushing likes happened at every single Play-Off victory down South this month
  5. Dundee fans deflecting massively, and all over the place. Tremendous.
  6. Lets just bask in the fact Rangers just lost a Scottish Cup Final against Hibs
  7. What a classless bunch of wankers Rangers fans are. Absolute scum
  8. Is the new Survival mode out for ps4 yet?
  9. No pressure on Hibs really, everyones expecting them to "Hibs" it. Ranger though, cannot lose a Final to Hibernian. Imagine the shame.
  10. I like how a Hibs fans opinion has led to a page worth of posts from thepundit trying to force the Hibs fan to change their opinion. Mental.
  11. You can tell hes a Jambo, has that on it plus "would've finished above Hibs without points deduction", which is effectively saying he would've finished 11th.
  12. It was hipster or something, he spent last Summer suggesting Kris Commons as a signing.
  13. Hes apparently being unveiled at 2pm tomorrow, and STV are running a story about him being appointed. Can't see them turning back on it now.
  14. STV now running the story of him being appointed. Dazzles currently deleting tweets all over the place Apparently be unveiled at 2pm, so enjoy your last 14 hours of Locke free Raith
  15. I feel sorry for you, and him slightly tbh, after reading that.
  16. His CV is absolutely fucking tremendous btw.. https://uk.linkedin.com/in/gary-locke-47a7443a Some highlights
  17. Theres genuinely no point discussing left backs as he will be signing Kevin McHattie. No joking or anything, but its literally the first thing he ever does when he takes charge of a team.
  18. I'd rather he joined you than spent his career rotting in Celtics reserves tbh, hes too nice a guy for that horrific fate
  19. Raith Rovers have just appointed Gary Locke. I feel like people should know this, and should roundly mock them accordingly.
  20. Its him, just face it already. Its beyond belief, really. He averages a singular point per game over his career FFS and his teams concede on average two goals a game. Add in the fact hes a fucking moron and you struggle to see any logic in it.
  21. I cant believe its actually Locke, has assumed it was just the usual fans panicking but its actually him. Gary Locke has actually managed to get another job.
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