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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. I'd be amazed if at least five women (or four and one of their boyfriends) didn't comment and call you despicable or something equal mental.
  2. I forgot about the raven, tbh.
  3. Was he though? I remember him saying he was, but literally everything he says might be a lie. Fully expect him to be the most powerful man in Westeros come the end of the season. Thought this episode was better, although it felt like it should've come about three weeks earlier. Dorne is completely tedious and I couldn't give a shit about anyone there, although I hope Bronn survives I'd be amazed if he did, as this poison theory sounds very plausible indeed. Im intrigued to what happens with Jorah and Tyrion now, and if they'll ever actually reach their destination, while Ayras story is picking up a bit more pace. Have a feeling we'll see both Tyrells killed off by these creeps, against Cerseis orders, and we'll see the complete wrath of Olenna unleashed against her and the sparrows. No idea why but something about her just suggest shes far more deadly than she looks, and Cersei is simply no match for her. It would be nice to get rid of the religious weirdos though, as they annoy me. Also (not sure exactly how to put this) sort of glad at what happened to Sansa, I know Joffrey was a dick to her, but what Ramseys done now is completely break the final barrier, mentally. She'll know likely be willing to kill to protect herself after this to prevent it ever happening again. Her story can only get better now as we can't look at her as being squeaky clean anymore. Not sure about the whole "Reek kills Ramsey" idea, theres been thousands of opportunities for it that hes turned down, and if he can watch Sansa effectively get raped and not react I can't see what will make him. Far more likely to just top himself I reckon.
  4. I think hes more on about the "comedian". Like its pretty embarrassing Adam Sandler genuinely thought anyone would find Jack and Jill funny.
  5. Cant wait to see Mad Max, can't wait to see Jurassic World either. On an unrelated note, I cannot stand all female comedies. The likes of bridesmaids and pitch perfect, while having the odd funny moment, just annoyed the absolute f**k out of me. That Melissa McCarthy genuinely deserves to die, and its a disgrace she'll be a main star in a ghostbusters movie,
  6. Folk from every corner say you're spending a fortune on Loy, Hemmings was earning double our highest earner last season, and now you've signed a player who'll need a development fee. All before the seasons over. If you genuinely think this is normal behaviour for a newly promoted side who'll finish sixth then I'll understand why everyone seems so blase about the whole thing, but its not.
  7. In all seriousness I amazed none of your support seems to question any of this, even for a moment. I don't know the ins and outs of your finances, but from the outside, you seem to be spending a lot, and the only teams that do that are Aberdeen who can support it due to building up funds and having a large fan base, and Ross County, who arent run sustainably but rely on their owner. You seem to fall closer to County than Aberdeen.
  8. Dundee are looking very strong for next year already. Bit worrying.
  9. They play in different positions. Unless you're suggesting Neymar is better than Ronaldo?
  10. I don't understand how many goals you score defines anything. When you look at the top five European leagues (England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain), and find the player whos scored the most goals in all these leagues, then Jimmy fucking Greaves sits top, with the likes of Delio Onnis and Gordon Hodgson in front of Messi and Ronaldo. Cristiano Ronaldo is ahead of Messi in this list too.
  11. Jon and the wildlings could be fun. I was praying this rebellion in the Dany story would make something interesting happen there, but its not
  12. They way I've read it he might not be part of the squad, but he'll be involved in the film
  13. Brienne needs to die. Pod needs to die. Sansa needs to die. Ramsey Bolton needs to die. Reek needs to die. Dany needs to die. The annoying twat who shes marrying needs to die. The Sand Snakes need to die. Stannis' wife needs to die. They all bore/annoy the absolute f**k out of me.
  14. It doesn't particularly prove anything either way, so all we're doing is just wasting moments of life staring at numbers.
  15. Everyone lives in Coatbridge, you just refuse to accept it.
  16. I was talking in regards to their first full seasons in the respective leagues. Goals per minute is a lot less misleading too I find aswell. Seeing as May played about 20 minutes over ten games when he was 16/17 in the Premiership. May Premiership - Goal every 152 minutes Scottish Championship - Goal every 118 minutes English Championship - Goal every 353 minutes Rooney Premiership - Goal every 257 minutes Scottish Championship - Goal every 119 minutes English Championship - Goal every 184 minutes
  17. I thought you'd be after a keeper that didnt chuck a few goals in every month
  18. Compared to the potential strikers they want to bring in (Bent, Rhodes), hes not as good, no. Russell left United as a striker who sometimes played out wide, exactly the same as May. Its not me clutching at straws
  19. Whats irrelevant about mentioning Russells first season in England? And they want promotion, and are being linked with Jordan Rhodes and Darren Bent, both better strikers. They got Nuhiu who the manager likes as he gives them a different option. Then its between May and Lavery as the younger option. Laverys quicker and stronger so is better suited to the league, so his weaknesses are less obvious than Mays. He didnt have a poor season, but the club having better players as targets and feel hes the weakest one they have currently there
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