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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Yeah some of it seems quite simple, and some of it just seems utterly odd and confusing. A few people on forums say it takes about four or fives decent lengthed saves to just get used to how everything works and the best way to do things, as theres so many variables.
  2. Welcome to over 21s night at Loft... #Strict #NoUnderAgersAllowed
  3. It shouldn't have been. We're operating on the basis of "one good game, one shite game" at the moment. Expect us to scrape a win against St Mirren then be pumped by Hamilton.
  4. I only ventured onto the Zoo fb page last time to find the photos of Jamma
  5. I generally try and always have someone "collecting taxes" and have my armies raised as little as possible. Think economic research helps things too. Two guys fighting. Dont think you get a full on battle on screen like total war. You also need to have more men and higher army morale to stand any chance of winning. Taking control of new counties can take a while, as seiges can sometimes last months, and they can be expensive.
  6. Its just this pain all around the knee whenever I bend it, sort of hurts most at the back and joints area at the sides. I had no idea they had that, will look into it.
  7. We've not done it since, but felt it was necessary to feed them at that time to save ourselves from a horrific death.
  8. Me and my dad make the mistake of sitting in the car with the windows open eating a fish supper after an away game against Arbroath. The seagulls that appeared were absolutely massive, and I'm convinced they were seconds from figuring out they could fly in the windows before we just chucked them the rest of the chips.
  9. My right knee is an absolute state. Started going to the gym every morning before work for a half hour run, but could barely manage the half hour sometimes without it becoming agony. Today I managed about eight minutes before it was unbearable. Play fives aswell, and seem to manage that fine until I get subbed off then have to come back on again. There was a time about three weeks ago where I couldnt bend my knee for a couple of days. I feel like this will come back to bite me when I'm old.
  10. Started with just Clydesdale in my latest save. After around 100 years I've added Galloway and Carrick, to create my own little corner. Foolishly started a war with the Duke of Lothian, who I under-estimated, two years after it begins I go bankrupt due to the cost of the war. In a frankly huge stroke of fortune the Duke of Lothian dies the same month, and his son offers me peace which I gobble up. Currently trying to recoup my money, pride and army for my next attempt at expansion. May look towards Ireland instead, but the English are already making moves that way. Probably doing fairly shite, but wanted to start low so I could get to grips with the game without the hassles of rebellions and plots against me. Starting to realise the importance of arranging marriages too. Been reading about trying to get claims on other counties, and it turns out you can look up claimants, and invite those with strong claims to your court. Once they've arrived you can declare war on their behalf.
  11. Its taken me all day to realise thats Scott Brown.
  12. "You need the boab", is the only comment you need to make, and it'll quickly change the situation.
  13. Still find it amusing Rangers are still living off Ashleys money, and relying on his players performing for them, yet he's still seemingly the bad guy.
  14. Woke up to confirmation this is the deal in all its glory. Tremendous trade for the Rams. Also been confirmed Bradford would have been paid $13m this season, while Foles will earn $1.5m. Freeing up $11.5m in the salary cap, seemingly the Rams now have $27m to play with.... Also been confirmed Bradford was offered a restructured contract in St Louis, but turned it down as he didn't want a smaller salary, and thats what started this whole deal.
  15. Also, I'm away to bed as my heads frazzled. No doubt by the time I've woken up there'll be another fifteen different versions of what the trade actually is.
  16. This seems to be the agreed details of the trade, amazed nobodies just come out and officially confirmed it all yet though. This is the trade: Rams receive: Foles, 2015 4th round pick and 2016 2nd round pick Eagles receive: Bradford and 2015 5th round pick and 2016 conditional pick The conditions on the conditional pick are: Eagles get a 3rd if Bradford does not play for them. Eagles get a 4th if Bradford plays less than 50% of their offensive snaps.
  17. More information just released.. Eagles will surrender 2016 2nd-round pick to Rams in QB trade no matter what. But will get back a conditional 2016 pick from Rams. It will be a 3rd if Bradford does not play at all; and a 4th if he starts less than 50 percent of plays.
  18. I'm not sure, just seems to be part of the trade. I'm still not sure all these clauses are actually happening yet though, as none have been officially reported by either club. As it stands we know for certain the players have traded, and the draft picks have been traded. All those clauses are coming from every angle though, from the same people who reported the deal before it was done, so I'd be surprised if they weren't a part of it. I can understand why the Eagles would want some protection if he got injured though, and also if they trade him early. And I can understand why the Rams were desperate to get his wage gone while also getting another QB with potential for an absolute fraction of the cost.
  19. Yeah that particular clause seems to heavily suggest they'll try and get rid of him before the draft, and then they've covered themselves if they can't by getting a pick back if he doesn't start eight games.
  20. Yup. An added detail coming out is that if the Eagles trade Bradford away before the start of the draft, they get the second round pick for next year back. Yet more clauses. If Bradford isn't traded before the draft, and then fails to start 8 games during the season, the Eagles get their fourth round pick back. Apparently a clause that if he gets re-injured then they get a 3rd round pick from the Rams.
  21. Philadelphia Eagles @Eagles · 2m2 minutes ago #Eagles acquire QB Sam Bradford, '15 5th round draft pick from St. Louis in exchange for QB Nick Foles, '15 4th round, '16 2nd round picks
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