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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. The problem is Newcastle fans suffer from the same disease Rangers fans do in expecting to be far better than they are regardless of the situation. He's turned them into a club who make a profit and are steadily rising up the league sustainably. Thats his pedigree. Whats Dave Kings pedigree with owning a football club?
  2. More likely he'll be getting the shit kicked out for him after games for arguing with fans and asking if the "know who I am"
  3. ... So he turned them from a loss making company to a profit making company?
  4. Still don't really understand why Rangers fans wanted a known tax cheat with questionable funds ahead of someone who's already stabilised and improved a debt ridden club and has considerable, unquestionable wealth.
  5. Depends if you're thinking they planned it or whether they just refused to act when they found out it was happening.
  6. It could yes, but again, who'd have the balls to do it where it was done? Especially when you'd then have Putin after you. Maybe Putin done it in a way he knew would be blamed on him, so he could pin it on someone else for trying to pin it on him?
  7. He's likely the only one with the balls too, tbh. Maybe its just me, but the fact he was about to host a massive Anti-Putin rally the day after sort of sways my opinion of the things.
  8. I think thats the most cut and dry Government issued assassination of all time. Putins "Who?! Me?!" reaction to it is fairly humourous though
  9. McDiarmids outstanding when its full and in voice, the European games were ridiculously fun there.
  10. You're likely the only person to ever be rejected by Loft tbh, my mate showed them an ID proving he wasnt old enough and still got in not sure the bouncers can actually read Also once got rejected for two of us being too drunk. Walked round the block, swapped jackets and the same bouncer then ID'd us again and let us in
  11. I imagine many Saints felt the same as Ludo when we announced we'd be leaving Muirton. Simple facts are its the best thing the clubs ever done.
  12. We signed Rory Fallon and improved the car park instead of getting Loy for nothing... #Infrastructure
  13. Has all this come about because Dundee announced a loss due to relegation?
  14. The Hobbit films seemed to try and copy the same storyline as the LOTR ones to an effect, and in that comparison it was always going to come across as poorer. I think the whole love interest side story was a vain attempt at making it different as LOTR doesn't really have one of those which challenges the main story. The LOTR books are much more film worthy than The Hobbit films anyway, and thats why they were made first, these films shouldn't really have been made at any point and especially not after the LOTR ones had been made, as its just got enough substance on screen. I really, really, fear they'll try and make some effort on The Silmarillion at some point, which would be utterly dreadful.
  15. Has Clarkson not got an appearance based contract extension clause after 20 games?
  16. Because when we rejected him he went to a far smaller side in the seaside leagues.
  17. Not surprising to see Dundee signing another one of our rejects
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