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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Need to get within field goal range, but don't want to do it too quickly. Incredibly tense time EDIT: That'll do
  2. Yeah the map AI has improved massively, also seems more aggressive too
  3. I've no idea how they didn't. Doesn't matter too much though
  4. Three missed interceptions in one play, I was bouncing around the room!
  5. All square with 9 minutes remaining, can't say I ever doubted a comeback
  6. FUMBLE!!!! Whos got it! Fucking show me! YASS!!
  7. Bradford two pointer! Only three points in it now, I planned on going to bed half an hour ago, make it worth it Rams. Please
  8. To be honest I get the feeling the Cardinals have won already aswell, all the confidence seems to have gone from the Rams offense
  9. Oh fucking dear Bradford, oh fucking dear
  10. Even then it takes a while, although obviously not as long. Any idea how many nations are actually in it from the start?
  11. Neither could I, can't say I've ever seen anything like it. And was completely baffled when everyone was lining up for the extra point won't complain too much though
  12. It's quite frustrating eh? As theres definite hints of a good game in there, but its almost unplayable
  13. Fucking outrageous TD from Cook, has to be the most audacious odd touchdown I've seen anyway
  14. Its far, far, far too huge really. All the wee things they've tried to squeeze into this huge expanse of map is too much, and when you end your turn you end up sitting for actual minutes waiting on the never ending list of nations completing their moves. There's reviewers with £2,000 laptops whos laptops struggle at times. Theres also a lot of bugs Best description I heard was when someone compared it the Roman Empire. A massive swarming beast of activity, that leaves people in utter awe at the scale of it, yet ultimately unstable with a raft of problems that will lead to its demise. Although even the collapse will be utterly beautiful I, personally, struggle to play it as my laptop isn't good enough. And it sort of ruins the whole experience when it takes a few minutes to get through AI moves, another few minutes moving around the map and then a few clicks before you can actually select things. Although I went through an hour or so where it was flawless, and was in genuine disbelief at quite how much they've got into this game and at the scale they have. Anyway I believe a lot of people might be getting similar frustrations and it makes me a bit sad that the game was released when the average computer commits suicide when it sees it, if it was released when the average computer could cope with it then it would possibly top the original, as the sheer size of map, and the endless list of options and paths means it would be incredibly re-playable. In fact it makes me very sad, as it might tarnish the reputation of the Total War games as first time players won't understand quite how far they've tried to reach with this game. It'll still be an in-depth game, and one of the largest, in 5-10 years time, which I guess is the best summary. As it's not really a game for the present, more for the future. I wouldn't buy it if you werent sure you could run it to a reasonable standard to be honest, it'll just make you feel a bit empty
  15. Was it? I literally just switched on at the same time the pre-TD catch happened
  16. Well, that'll be the first points on the board. Shame it'll be for Arizona Some TD to be fair
  17. Nah it's fine, bottling it all up is a great idea as it avoids any confrontation at the time. If you're really lucky then the day it all comes out will be a day you're being annoyed by a total tosser
  18. Outstanding film, I laughed at the stoner monster relentlessly throughout
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