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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. My girlfriend will quite happily read her book in silence while I play either FM or Fifa. But the moment I start watching football on tv its impossible to get her to not talk and show me photos, I've no idea why this is, maybe something within the female DNA?
  2. I remember desperately trying to fit in with them by joining in, I never did make the grade
  3. Does Livi-Ulster still post? I remember the "four" used to be Kris Boyd (SuperAlly), pb, LiviCurryCider and Livi-Ulster
  4. Two recent account created... LexII Collector and Lexi Collector II Smart move
  5. Wonder what was so horrific about the far right guy they had to cover his face?
  6. No, but I think they were right next to me. Me and the only other male in attendance spent the night plotting how to steal a sandwich without anyone noticing
  7. He'll soon have the entire P&B Twitter crew winding him up
  8. I imagine being alone in the back seat of an open car in Govan would lead to rape anyway
  9. I was there for a birthday, but there were another two (possibly three) going on aswell, was a veritable mess of screaming women all night
  10. I'm not having them all at once. I'd like to add I'm heading out tonight, and coming home hammered to pies, and then waking hungover up to pies, is utterly sublime
  11. My girlfriend just came home with 6 (six) Murrays Pies, all for me. PIE SCENES
  12. Baws, I hate that type of person, especially when they come from Perth, possibly the most boring city in the country. Can see this night ending badly
  13. I'm going to Roca Blue tonight, I've never been before so I'm using this thread as a judge and I'm glad no photos of it have appeared on here yet.
  14. To be honest John McGinn is arguably just a big a talent, and he's proven himself over a few SPL seasons now. As much as May looks outstanding, and his performance against ICT was one of the best individual performances I've ever seen in the flesh, its important we don't get too carried away. Keigan Parker scored 10 goals before December in the SPL at the age of 18, and then didn't score again all season and is now rotting in the Junior leagues. May has more talent and seems to be more mature, but I think we have to be careful not to expect too much from him too soon. He's been deadly for two years now, he'll hit a slump eventually
  15. I went to Zoo once and enjoyed it, although the picture above shows why they serve you larger measures than usual...
  16. Think it was Lex. I suggested May was the biggest talent in the country and he laughed it off, then proceeding to mock me and suggest May wouldn't reach a certain number of goals. I'll be sure to quote it if May scores a hat-trick against the Midden
  17. You really are tragic. Supras was right by the way, all your posts are ever about are the EPL and how incredible it is, and how shite Scottish football is. I've literally no idea why you post on this site
  18. For numerous reasons I'm not going to be posting on this site outwith the odd post on a match thread every so often (more good news for many I suppose), but I needed to post this
  19. This is a stolen insult from my girlfriend, but I hope they both die in a fire before they can breed
  20. Didn't realise it started as early as this, oh well. Looks like I've just missed the now standard Rams tactic of giving the opposition a multiple TD lead going into the final quarter. Wouldn't be overly surprised if this finished 24-21
  21. I kind of presumed its just the usual "only adult female in the school so is instantly a sex goddess" type thing going on
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