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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Purchased on Steam 10 minutes ago, for £30, with the Greek States Culture Pack included, meaning there's extra playable factions from the start. Not that I'll be starting outside Rome. Currently at 8.2%, got recommended to pre-load this as it's fucking massive and takes forever to download, glad I did it now because if I was waiting to play it while it downloaded I'd be going mad
  2. Absolutely this, I'd be amazed if a young lassie went abroad with her friends and didnt get rifled
  3. Here's a belter, combines the Bermuda Triangle and Atlantis... http://www.altering-perspectives.com/2013/06/giant-pyramids-and-sphinxes-found-in.html
  4. The end was pure speculation on my part. As all I read was that they spotted something outside their window, had frantic phonecalls, then the one I quoted, and then they simply disappeared from all knowledge. Is it possible the ship is still floating aimlessly around the Earth with everyone inside it dead? Aye it's scary to think you're abandoned in space, sounds like something the Russians would do though I think thats one that most people believe is a hoax, as she doesn't use the correct grammar and the like you'd expect. Although it's scary as hell if it is true
  5. It was removed from YouTube, you get others, which are seemingly fake. But the one involving Alexey Belokonev is seemingly true, as he's listed by the Russian Space Program as missing, with no official explanation. There was regular recordings on February 17 1961 about how "everything is satisfactory, we are orbiting Earth". Then on February 24 1961 there was a garbled transmission about something outside the ship, that needed to be communicated instantly, then an SOS message was picked up, along with a frantic message... 'Conditions growing worse why don't you answer? . . . we are going slower . . . the world will never know about us. . . .' and then complete silence. It's believed the craft lost a key component, which they cosmonauts saw floating away, and then they lost thrust and merely drifted into deep space to die
  6. I've got a love of a good conspiracy! Russia bombed their own people to begin the Second Chechen War, three people all claimed this publicly and all got assassinated.... Harold Wilson was a Russian spy Yuri Gagarins space flight in 1961 wasn't the first one. Russia had sent up numerous space flights before hand, but not all had been successful and some cosmonauts had been abandoned. Theres recording from an Italian listening station where you hear them screaming, crying and asking whats going to happen to them as everythings going slower and "the world will never know about us" The American president let Pearl Harbour happen so they could enter the War
  7. We have a strip in honour of us in the Turkish Leagues. So beat that! Also..
  8. This is probably my favourite song at the moment. Heard it ages ago and it just popped back into my head
  9. Boy was smoking weed last night at a party and not one person gave a rats arse. He's been doing it for thirty years and the only effect is he's incredibly laid back and lazy but still has a job and his family. I know an alcoholic who's been drinking for thirty years and he can barely walk, forced all his family away and can't hold a job because he's unable to stand straight or speak coherent sentences without slurring. It's quite interesting to compare the two
  10. It was incredibly fun getting the army after you. I remember the first time I got told the Tank cheat on Vice City. I was in awe as it dropped down in front of me, and just stared at it, in that time a tank fired at me and killed me I got my revenge though Also remember falling out a plane, doing the Harrier cheat, and trying to get in it in mid-air never worked
  11. I remember being bored and putting it GTA on, and deciding I'd just drive about all day. Stopping at lights, not speeding, and paying at toll booths. I think I managed two minutes before spotting a ramp, going full pelt at it, somebody walked out in front of me and got fucking thrown for miles. I went over the ramp and ploughed straight into someone in front of a police car, and within five minutes of deciding I'd be a law abiding citizen I was perched behind a Hospital Reception throwing grenades at a SWAT team
  12. I've got to work tomorrow morning. And have three hours to do four jobs, some are services, some are still to be diagnosed, and others have potential to be c***s. But I'm happy about it, as it shows my boss trusts me and will be depending on me. For some reason being relied on makes me cheerful
  13. The fact she instantly agreed it was something I would do, and most friends believe it's something I would do, should show you what type of person I can be. So it's quite understandable in a way why shes believing it and reacting the aggressive way she is. Although the accusation seems to be purely that I saw in her undies rather than actually going any further
  14. Apparently her friend saw me in a room at a house party with another lassie, who was only in her bra and pants. I don't recall this, at all. And the party was over a month ago so I'm sure it would've cropped up before now. The fact that my girlfriend is convinced this other lassie fancies me, and "always flirts" with me isn't really helping matters, although it's possible that paranoia starting it all? I dunno, wish I could remember the whole night properly to try and defend myself better
  15. It's been a while since we fell out to be fair. Can't get my head around this one though, I'm not entirely sure what I'm meant to be doing
  16. Mhaks persistant use of an extra "h" in his posts all those years ago, inspired the current trend of Celtic fans doing the same. There was a group of Celtic fans on this site who decided for whatever reason to use it, and The Boys, turned into The Bhoys, and it's been that way ever since
  17. My girlfriends in a mood because I don't remember doing something her friend has just told her I did, a month or so ago. And is more annoyed I didn't tell her that I done this thing that I never knew I'd done, more than me actually doing the thing I can't remember doing. I had planned a drink ot two with an old friend tomorrow night after work, of course this will now be under threat by this mood. I'm completely baffled as I genuinely can't remember it, yet I remember a lot from the night in question, but for whatever reason her friends word is worth more than mine and I'll likely face this seethe until I've admitted I've done something wrong and tried to make up for it
  18. There's an old scrappie who agreed to sell a car to a guy down in London. The buyer drove all the way up with a few friends, tried to haggle and then threaten him to try and get the price down He obviously didn't realise that messing with an old scrap merchant who spends all days ripping cars to bits wasn't the best of ideas, and left promptly without a word after some more discussion...
  19. You see I'm the opposite! But for a good six months I drank only Tennents and Budweiser. So I think I sickened myself
  20. I'm same. I can only have two or three Tennents before getting bored of it, I prefer to start with cider these days. And I'm partial to a Kopparberg or two if I'm starting really early
  21. On the subject of "Americanism" and cars. Do people say "throttle pedal", or "accelerator pedal"?
  22. I think it's too late for that, Loft has become "the" place. I always like City anyway, although only when I was single and hammered
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