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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. I love things like this. Maybe a bit sad but i broke my phone once and went a week without one. Tremendous week.
  2. They strike me as the type of folk who somehow believe they're a massive club because they have a large fan base for that level. And shove it down everyones throats. And theyll likely disappear once they reach a level where they become small fish.
  3. Its hard to judge how we'll see him portrayed tbh. The look is a bit.... much, but i get the feeling he'll be far far darker than Ledgers version. The fact he has capped teeth due to Batman smashing them all out suggests this dark past between the two.
  4. Whats peoples thoughts of the new Joker look? Getting mixed reactions everywhere
  5. I was disappointed by Ultrons character. I know they injected humour to emphasise him being Starks "dark side" but it was too much and ruined any threat from him. He also doesnt do very much. By the looks of things we'll have a new avengers line up from now on anyway. Hoping Thanos is completely unleashed in his full fury when he eventually joins the world. That would be epic.
  6. I'd be surprised if Bronn died, he's more likely to just disappear if any shit hits the fan and save himself rather than die fighting to save anyone else. I think. I'm loving the Tyrion/Varys stuff just now, its starting the match the Ayra/Hound double act we had before, and it'll probably surpass it. Desperately they want them to get to Dany though, as that could push her story into life, but so could the upcoming revolt that seems inevitable, especially since she seems close to unleashing her dragons again.
  7. Seeing anyone other than Dundee fans calling McGowan "Gowser" doesn't look right.
  8. Pods clearly dying this season. Anyone you start to like dies
  9. Prove it. Celtic fans have spent the weekend finding camera angles proving the ref, or 5th official, could see it but didnt give it. ICT should use these photos in the appeal process.
  10. I have a friend who's a Caley fan. They also have a bridge. And a castle. Both are wonderful.
  11. I'll be trying to get to this, probably in the ICT end. Very, very jealous of both sets of fans, as this is one of those "once in a lifetime" things.
  12. What type of player is Carmichael? Just asking for a friend...
  13. In the papers that Wilsons activated a clause in his contract meaning he'll be leaving Hearts on a free transfer this Summer. Strange clause that surely?
  14. Have a feeling this will be as one sided as last years final.
  15. Sadly for you it also happened in games i wasnt involved in.
  16. I played pub league against the Pole Team. Spent more time trying to fight you than anything else
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