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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Your avatar should really have been Butters
  2. Incredibly, it looks like David Robertsons going to be your best signing this window
  3. Christopher Lamberts Scottish accent will never be "beaten" for me. It still makes me chuckle the confusion on my girlfriends face when I was explaining during the film that hes the Scottish one and Sean Connery is an Egyptian. The Sean Connery point was further worsened by the fact he was called Juan Ramirez
  4. Found this quote particularly amusing at this time of the morning ... you cheeky scamp you!
  5. To be fair the first thought that enters my head when I see a British male with a Filipino wife is "wonder how much she cost him?"
  6. Yeah all the Doctors act differently upon regeneration, but there was instance before when the Time Lords took away the Doctors knowledge of flying the Tardis, so maybe its just a subtle nod at the past of the show?
  7. Bit disappointed in that episode. Was hoping for something a bit different from Trenzalore if I'm honest, and something completely different for the regeneration and the "new cycle". All very mashed and muddled together in the hope it makes sense while also being intriguing. Meh Be interesting to see how Capaldi develops considering his apparent "memory loss"
  8. I got it for Christmas so I never paid a penny, I was just quoting a random price anyway For what its worth its now working. I tried everything I could, going into secret PS3 menus, downloading this and installing that, nothing working. Was just about to give up, took the disk out to throw it in its box and noticed a fingerprint on the disk. Gave it a wipe, put it back in, and it fucking worked
  9. Got this for Christmas. Put it in this morning and got excited about playing it, but everytime I load the game it freezes. I've googled it and it seems a common problem, done all the things Rockstar say to try and resolve it and nothings worked. Their answer after this is to get another disk and try it or buy a new PS3 horrific that you can spend £45 on a game that doesn't even load
  10. Yeah you just watched everyone else w**k each other and called them silly every so often, thats a far better image
  11. I thought Anchorman 2 was hilarious. Although there seems to be a lot of people who say they hate it simply because its against the grain
  12. Timing Belts don't stretch, they're reinforced with fibre glass. It would just snap instead of stretching. Unless your revving the fucker to all hell, in which case the heat would stretch it if it was the original belt, which wouldn't happen in an Auto Its the same with a Chain. Its just not safe to design something that would eventually stretch over time. Its more likely that a tensioner or pulley thats worn. What mileage has your car done anyway? Belt/Chain should be replaced at circa 65k regardless Can't imagine why its £1,500 either, seems an incredible price for what shouldn't be all that complicated a job. We do them for less than half of that on Audis and you've got to take the front end off of them, can't imagine you'd have to do that in a Micra
  13. You "Copy Image URL" and then click the image icon, copy the URL into the box and WHAMMY! Theres your GIF
  14. I regularly get told that "Big Brother" has infiltrated society and through the use of smart phones can pin point exactly where we are at any time. And that they've put special hidden cameras that are always recording and "Big Brother" can look at this camera at any point and see what we're up to. I find this hilarious as all they'd ever see on my phone was a pocket, the roof, or me drunkenly pressing the screen instead of the buttons
  15. The son was a ridiculously poor actor, who surely only got the role for the utterly hilarious crying scene when the shark leaves, the entire cinema was in tears of laughter for a minute or two after the scene
  16. Loan deals are subjective. Celtic quite often pay the wages of young players being out on loan so I imagine they'll be paying most of Irvines. Gardynes an unknown though. And Boyd agreed the same terms he was on last season, which were agreed under Shiels. And I'll leave this to reply to the bit in bold...
  17. Sometimes you don't no. And where did Boyd play last season? And who signed them?
  18. Two are loans, Boyd was one of the "three", and the others aren't on huge wages at all. Your three highest earners are Reguero, Samson and Boyd. You only have about 12 senior players and back it all up by flooding in youngsters. It wasn't some "grand plan", it was poor management
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