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Crawford Baptie

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Everything posted by Crawford Baptie

  1. Stainrod chose to miss the penalties for the greater good. Nothing else.It was his choice. You will go to the burny fire for that comment.
  2. I hope we aren't loaning him back. He'd do a job for us before the end of the season.
  3. Thoughts are that he would be daft to even think about any team in Scotland if he has options In England or abroad.
  4. You're understanding is wrong. He will be free to play against us.
  5. You're team's bus windows are needing cleaned. Away and lick them you bampot.
  6. Bowman in the cells again at the weekend. 3 times in last year. Surely he gets punted.
  7. He's 22 this is his 4th season with us. Came in at the same time as Andy Haworth.
  8. He shat in an egg box and put it in the fridge on campus. One of the reasons he was punted. Much more serious than drink driving then 2 years later spending a night in the cells or breach of the peace whilst being drunk again.
  9. Joe Tortolano and Davie Sinclair for the North Stand Murals. Eammon Bannon and John Lambie in the bogs so you can piss on them.
  10. Farid to some younger Bairns nowadays will be what Stainrod was to me as a 10 year old.
  11. Tom Taiwo out for 6 months minimum. Due to resume training in April. Source - Tom Taiwo
  12. I don't think he will ever be a box to box type as Kerr was in his younger days. However he has an eye for a pass, isn't afraid to tackle and can hit a cracking shot.
  13. I've seen him a lot in the U20's. He breaks the play up great and almost always looks for the diagonal or the forward pass.
  14. Game against Rangers on the 19th of December has been changed to a 12.30ko. BT Sport are covering it.
  15. Sinnamon will be ready to play in the MORTON game if required. Playing in development game today.
  16. I'll agree with you about the left, but Duffie was injured during pre season and the Rangers lad was injured in training.
  17. One thing we don't have is a balanced side. Due to Sinnamon and Duffie being injured we have played a centre half and holding midfielder there. Add to that playing Sibbald who's best position is behind the strikers and Alston likewise on the left when we have Cooper who is a natural fit there. Unfortunately he ain't too good so we are stuck with what we have.
  18. Just a quick note to say Rogers is fucking rank rotten. Full of himself and thinks he is better than he is.
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