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Posts posted by RC55 FFC

  1. 2 minutes ago, Harry Kinnear said:

    I mind being in the Wee Bar in the stand at Ochilview a good few years ago, I noticed that they had pennants from every Scottish club you could think of and many English as well. I couldn’t see a Falkirk one and asked where it was, to be told by staff in there that they wouldn’t have that shite on their wall. 

    Did he stay down after you thumped him? 😂

  2. I used to go to Ochilview in the late 80s/early 90s with my dad if Falkirk were away from home and we weren’t going to the away game. Had no issues with them at all tbh until the ground share season in 2003. 

    The farce over delaying putting the old Brockville roof on the terrace left a bitter taste with me (and others that I know) so that certainly changed my opinion of them. 

  3. 45 minutes ago, Blame Me said:

    P&B would cease to exist if we all agreed about everything! 

    Credit to Ross and John that they're honesty and candour means they've become faces that fans can attribute contrary views to.

    I'm sure it'll be addressed on this week's podcast and has provided some grist for the mill on here.

    Such is life, you can't please all of the people, all of the time.


    I’m sure it'll come up on the next one 😂. Which will be recorded Sunday evening reviewing United, Ayr & Buckie and previewing the Stenhousemuir tie with Craig Telfer from AVFTT

  4. 1 hour ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    Just catching up and wanted to mention that I really enjoy Falkirk Daft and appreciate what @RC55 FFCand the guys do in their own time to entertain us and the effort they go to to get different guests on.

    Do I agree with all their views ? Absolutely not but their is no doubt they love the club and some of the flack they are getting is unwarranted.

    Keep up the good work guys.

    John and I barely agree with each other so it’s all good 😂

    Cheers for the feedback sir.

  5. 1 hour ago, AJ1981 said:

    i agree, but if you offer your opinions then you should be held up to to scrutiny surely as long as this challenge is sensible, or evidenced and not abusive. i see plenty of challenge and discussion and not much abuse unless i've missed it of course.

    No abuse, absolutely not, just discussion which is healthy and about our all of our favourite topics, FFC. Which is what it’s all about. 

    Talking of which, we have a few guest pundits lined up for the first few episodes as a carry over from last season but if anyone on here would like to come on, just drop me a DM on here or email as at pundit@falkirkdaft.co.uk 👍🏼

  6. 3 minutes ago, AJ1981 said:

    i'm not taking sides that's what presented without comment means, people can make their own decision. 🥹

    what nobody is talking about is the tactical change yesterday that saw us being more direct and Ross MacIver playing a vital role in winning the ball in the air. he was really important yesterday 

    He absolutely was yeah. MOTM for me behind Adams, with Nesbitt, Tait and Spencer all having strong shouts too. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, AJ1981 said:

    the exact quotes were

    Presented without comment after listening to it just now, the exact quotes were the priority was "a big strong striker" , "a level above Ross" and then later "a grade above"


    John meant in addition to Ross MacIver, not instead of. You’ve not mentioned the quote where John says he likes Ross which is important for context too. Also if Ross were to get injured there isn’t a suitable replacement, which I agreed/agree with. 

    FWIW I think Ross MacIver will get a large number of goals for us this season, like he did last season. Whether he gets 30 is up for grabs however 😉😂

  8. 6 minutes ago, StuartA said:

    Shanley looked decent when he came on. Won a couple of headers and was physical. Not exactly the same as Tequila obvs but it’s clear how McGlynn is developing him. Let’s be happy ffs, that was great yesterday 

    He did look up for it, which is what you want from the subs coming on. No failures yesterday. 

    Great to be back in the stadium & atmosphere was brilliant again from the fans. 

  9. 31 minutes ago, Rocco said:

    Absolutely. It baffles me when some of our fans say “we need a striker that will score more goals than MacIvor” but they don’t have the football intelligence to realise that if you replaced him with someone like Burrell, he may score more but we will score a lot less as a team as MacIvor creates so many attacking chances for others due to his unselfishness in the build up

    I think we need someone else similar in style to MacIver as should he become injured, I don’t think any of the others would bring our 2 wingers into play as much, as you say. I may be doing McKenna an injustice but think he is more of a CM/10 now than a target man to win flick ons or headers like MacIver did in the box yesterday. 

  10. 2 hours ago, PedroMoutinho said:

    Don’t think it’s a case of getting anyone ‘better’ but I would be concerned if Maciver was unavailable for any length of time. 

    Before today I’d have prioritised a centre half but on today’s showing Adams is more than adequate in that position. I’d therefore be looking for an extra striker on loan.


  11. 3 hours ago, Rugster said:

    Are Falkirk Daft saying MacIver isn’t good enough?

    Not at all. Just re-listened and John says we need another big, strong striker as well as Ross MacIver as the other options are very different in Shanley and Oliver (assuming Allan goes). Nothing at all was said that he wasn’t good enough. 

  12. 3 hours ago, BPM said:

    Hopefully today will be the end of “we need a CH” campaign and the MacIver is not good enough chat on Falkirk Daft. 
    Adams was outstanding as were the whole side. It was like we had never been away. After 20 minutes we absolutely bossed the game. Win on Tuesday and we will be in a very strong position. 

    I’ve been a massive advocate of MacIver, he’s on for 30 again this season 😉😂

  13. Thanks to everyone who has downloaded or viewed the first podcast back this week - almost 1,500 of you since Tuesday 👏🏻

    📘 A reminder that Pablo Robertson joined us on this weeks podcast to discuss “The Untouchables” book that’s been launched to mark our INVINCIBLE season. 

    You can even win a copy, just listen to this weeks podcast to find out how👇🏼


    📺 🎧📱falkirkdaft.co.uk


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