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Everything posted by RC55 FFC

  1. Good to see Nathan Austin training today over in Ireland. Anyone know why he played no part last night?
  2. I remember when replying to a post (idiotic or otherwise) was just that. Now it's seen as having been "hooked". This thread/site gets worse I'm sure of it.
  3. Took a while to get going but was ok in the end. Not going to score 20+ goals but 6/7 over the season id say.
  4. Was buying a season ticket but not now, not after this result. Wait, it was a kick about after 4 days training. I'll return to not giving a shit. Cheers Hibees. (Looks forward to heading to the Hibs post match Europa League defeat thread in July)
  5. Agree with this. A player deemed not good enough to play for you is then banned to play against you. Harsh on the lad & the club good enough to play him to get match time.
  6. Looking forward to the response from Mr Know It All 😉
  7. He was on FB on Wednesday saying he's had a cyst removed from the top of his head. Looks a sore one and I assume he'll need recovery time.
  8. This. Hearing Hibs are very keen also however.
  9. Speedy recovery to David McCracken. Great around the club & will be useful cover on the bench this season.
  10. I was told that Henderson is seen as a future replacement for Kerr and that he'd learn the role in the 20s. Not to say he won't get some game time though. On another note I see Gasparotto's dad retweeted the story about his son joining us.
  11. Unless I'm missing someone, I have the current squad list as (Not including Luca Gasparotto) Gk: Deniz McMinn Def: Kidd Muirhead Grant McCracken Watson Leahy Mid: Sibbald Kerr Vaulks Craigen Hippolyte Taiwo Henderson Fwd: Miller O'Hara Baird McHugh Austin Shepherd
  12. http://m.greenocktelegraph.co.uk/sport/14563960.Morton_defender_set_to_join_Falkirk/?ref=twtrec
  13. Looking forward to winning at Easter Road next season. We can all go on the park and trash the place. It's just exuberance though, no harm intended Hibees....😉
  14. Gasparotto will be another good signing once confirmed. In Houstie we trust. I wouldn't be too surprised to see a centre half pairing of Watson/Muirhead & Gasparotto until Peter Grant is fit.
  15. Swansea will see who plays well in the friendly & then get their cheque book out.
  16. Rodgers will be on an increased wage now so if they put him on loan again I'd wager it'll be to whoever stumps up the most cash in the deal.
  17. Definitely. I think the Dons got him signed on so that if he goes they'll get a decent fee.
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