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Everything posted by Pepper

  1. Power cuts, right in the middle of the Champions league final!
  2. I like how the put Hibernian in capitals, just in case their fans weren't quite sure who they meant.
  3. Overall I think this season has been poor. The amount of filler and seemingly irrelevant back story in almost every episode made me lose interest rapidly. They seem to be struggling to spread the story line of the comics over a whole season whilst keeping things interesting in each episode. TBF I watched the majority of the previous seasons in blocks which may have made them not seem as bad. For the season finale you would expect much more imo and all the flaffing about with rick's group at the start set the tone for a pretty poor climax. You were almost half way through before anything interesting happened!
  4. scummy parents who let their scummy weans run a muck in restaurants getting in every c***s way and generally causing a nuisance.
  5. I didn't notice that the guy Rick saw under the bed was in the group that met daryl but if it was the same guy it would kinda make sense to me about the different stories not happening in chronological order. there seemed to be too many in the group that met daryl. I wonder if this happened before they ran across Rick in the house, and daryl was actually in the house too? Probably wrong! Edit to add: in fact they did this in an earlier episode too when daryl and beth found the camp made by Tyreese's group, but you didn't Tyreese and the girls (where she killed the rabbit) make the camp until the next episode.
  6. Folk that when filling a photocopier/printer (the type with multiple drawers) who then leave half of the paper, still in the torn wrapper, lying around next to the printer when there are a least 3 other half filled or empty drawers they could put the rest of the paper in. Dunno why it annoys me so much but it does!
  7. Yet another yawnfest! Not digging the 2nd half of this season at all.
  8. The last four episodes could have been condensed into one easily. This used to be one of my favourite series but its turning into a complete bore fest!
  9. Guy at my school was nicknamed Gutty cos his surname was Trainer. He had a wee brother a few years below us who ended up being called Shoey.
  10. Players not celebrating when they score against a former team. Whoever started this custom deserves a slap!
  11. Apparently she's not dead, it was just the holding company that runs her....
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