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Everything posted by Pepper

  1. In the situation you describe he was offside but your understanding of the rule is incorrect. To be offside you must be beyond the second to last opponent player in the opposition half when the ball is played towards the opponents goal by your own player. In most cases the second to last opponent player is an outfield player but it can be the keeper who plays your player on side if there is another one of his players between him and the bye line, hence making him the second to last opponent player. Being a keeper or outfield player makes no difference, it's whether he's the second to last opponent player that counts.
  2. I hate to break it to you but he quite clearly can if there's another defender between him and the bye line i.e. he's the second to last opponent player.
  3. Work colleagues who leave their desks immediately after phoning and leaving a message asking for someone to call them back. Without fail the person calls back straight away and a series of pointless message taking ensues. Just hang around for 5 minutes FFS, or even better send an e-mail and ask them to call back when you know you will be at your fecking desk!
  4. I pre-ordered the s6 non edge model from carphone warehouse on 02 upgrade. £129.99 up front, £31 per month for unlimited texts, minutes and 3GB data and a free wireless charger. Would rather pay a bit upfront to keep my monthly bill down. I already have a lot of wireless charging stuff for my nexus 4 and I find it quite handy, so was keen to go with another phone with wireless functionality. Phone looks awesome too!
  5. The trend seems to be rather than having a traditional big season finale with loads happening they move all the significant character deaths, action and conclusion to story arcs to the first episode of the next season in an attempt to keep you hooked. But for a 90 minute episode it struggled to keep me interested tbh and I felt a bit disappointed. The pace has slowed so much that you really need to watch about three episodes back to back before you actually feel you've seen something worthwhile. The whole leaving the gate open scenario was just nonsense! lol
  6. Veranda = balcony Kitchen = scullery Kitchen counter = bunker That's how it is in deepest darkest North Lanarkshire!
  7. I think Rick's well on the way to becoming the Governor mark II. It wouldn't surprise me if the last scene was him sitting in a dark room looking at fish tanks containing the heads of Glen, Maggie, Daryl and Carl with a young zombie Judith chained to the wall.
  8. People who drive on the pavement and then get lippy when you call them out for nearly knocking you down.
  9. I watched the first three series of TWD in a run so the filler episodes were much more bearable as you quickly moved on to the more exciting/quality stuff. I'm tempted to just leave the rest of this series and then watch it all in one go in the hope that it has the same result as I fear any more rubbish episodes will put me off of the whole series, which is a shame as it is/was one of my favourite shows.
  10. Classic filler episode bore fest! Hate these episodes with a passion.
  11. They usually come pre loaded with a years free subscription and rely on people being naive and too lazy to search out better alternatives. Also some people will always assume a paid service is better. Of the paid ones Norton is ridiculously processor intensive. McAfee has been pretty good on my current laptop but I don't pay for it, and never would. Avast played havoc with my last laptop with startup taking ages (black screen, white pointer) so I ended up using Microsoft Security Essentials which I also installed on my folks laptop with no issues. I'd also recommend installing something like Malwarebytes or Super ant spyware to deal with any malware. Never used AVG but Ive heard its pretty decent too.
  12. Your laptops power settings may be set to high performance when on mains power and power saving mode (lower performance which may affect your internet connection) whilst on battery. Check them in the control panel. Also if the wifi signal from your router is crap the wifi adapter in the laptop will have to work harder to maintain the connection, which will use more power. Therefore it would stand to reason that it would work better when connected to mains power. Your battery could be goosed anaw.
  13. Thought that myself the first time I saw it but they actually say it's a 1:1 scale model of the original film prop.
  14. In the interests of not giving anything away...
  15. I would agree in general but the episode when they find Carol's daughter in the barn is an absolute belter, so was the one where Dale bites the dust and Shane goes tonto. I watched it all in a run though which definitely helps with the filler episodes. There was a lot of sitting around and talking shite in season 4 too, at one point Rick and Carol were picking tomatoes on a run just before she left. It went on for about 5 mins and was completely pointless. I was starting to struggle with it a that point too!
  16. I just clicked that he's in Gotham too!
  17. Aye it was the guy rick and Carol met in the episode where he told her to leave. He was with the bird with the gimpy leg that bit the dust.
  18. Watched it this morning online. I think this season is gonna be epic!
  19. Kerbed one of my alloys, only had them refurbed in April.
  20. I'm sorry to be so harsh but it's your own fault. You should have stood up for yourself and insisted they sort it at their expense. Your whole argument goes completely out of the window because you didn't give them an opportunity to do so. If I bought a car and the clutch started to go after a week and then the AC stopped working within a fortnight then it would be going straight back to the garage for them to fix otherwise the car would be going back for a refund, which you are completely within your rights to do. It's not some secret guarantee only some folk know about it's common sense! Places like AC will give their cars a brief visual inspection to ensure that they are road worthy. They might do an intermittent service if you are lucky which doesn't mount up to much so it is down to the customer to be smart and pull them up early for every fault you find, no matter how small or trivial. BTW I think they are cowboys too and if you let them take advantage of you, they will.
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