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Posts posted by Soctty

  1. 1 hour ago, Demented Zebra said:

    Money talks would never argue that side Jason is a Buddie which might help to swing things also a manager that players speak so highly. Yes if a big club wants Jason then I'm sure they will get him. County got him for next to hee haw our last board were  bad for that. 

    To be fair, Naismith would have gone for nothing in the summer, and had spent most of the previous season out injured, so not sure how much we could have done.

  2. 20 hours ago, Arch Stanton said:

    I disagree. In the four seasons he was the manager, Saints won a total of 23 league games at home out of 76...a home win percentage of just over 30%.

    7 of those wins came in his final season which meant his home win percentage for the first three seasons was only 28%!!!

    Going to home games became interminable and I believe that a change was the right decision. However, to appoint Tommy Craig was just about the worst possible replacement.

    In the 4 seasons he was manager he guided us to our best finish in the top league for over 20 years (twice) and won us the League Cup for the first time in our history.

    Utterly bonkers to let him go without someone better lined up, as has been proven by our struggles over the next few seasons!

    Don't sack/get rid of someone for the sake of it. Certainly don't do it just to save some money...

  3. 18 minutes ago, Coventry Saint said:

    Sonupe and Genev had left my head altogether. We were really just guessing by that stage of the season.

    This is old ground, but I hold the BoD more responsible for it all than I do Craig. He was just arrogant and out his depth. The board, though, should never have given him the gig, should have sacked him faster, replaced him faster, and replaced him properly. We could have had a half-decent, experienced coach in the door well before the January window opened.

    Makes me very grateful for the current set-up.

    Lennon should have been kept on unless we had a better man ready to take over. He was treated badly by the board in not clarifying his situation sooner - deserved better.

    Incidentally, great to see him doing so well at Clyde now - always a legend.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Buddist Monk said:

    You've certainly got a more positive spin on it than I. For me he has shown that he is ready at least as cover for Hearts' RB if not a starting position, and while it's always difficult to judge a player when he plays in a different league I don't think I've seen anything from him that would suggest he'd struggle in any way. He is perhaps a little lightweight at times, and doesn't make the most of his crossing options, but he's not scared to have a dig and has fairly impressive awareness on field for his age.

    I'm obviously no Levein, so who knows what will happen, but I am pessimistic about our chances of getting him back unless we fork out a decent wedge (or at least a decent wedge to us) for him.


    I think if they loan him to us with an option to recall, it's better than him stagnating as cover for them, probably not even making the bench most weeks. He'll go back in the summer and do preseason with them, and during that time they'll decide whether to loan him out again or give him a go. Levein might not be manager next season - didn't seem overly keen when taking over this season so you never know if he'll try to bring someone else in and go back upstairs.

  5. 12 hours ago, QoS_Blue1919 said:

    Josh Todd put in a brilliant shift on the wing today, exactly the type of player we need. Not as good as Morgan, Magennis etc but definitely talent in the boy, only 23 as well (our 2nd oldest player on the pitch tonight). I’m assuming he won’t be signed on with you boys next season? 

    He's not signed up for next season, but I hope we give him a deal as he's shown signs of quality in his fleeting opportunities with us, with his time being punctuated by injuries. Hope he continues to do well for you guys, starting on Saturday...

  6. 57 minutes ago, Buddist Monk said:

    I like Stellios but he is simply not good enough nor consistent enough to regularly feature in the top division. Now, that is not to say he couldn't improve to match those requirements, but there is a reason he was found floating about the lesser clubs in Cypriot, Greek and Bulgarian football, there is also a reason he was given a short term sink or swim contract on the assumption that he was a gamble that could pay off and a bit of a wild card addition - and to his credit I'd say he as swum more than he's sank.

    For me he won't score the goals in the higher division that he has in this one, and his defensive frailties would be exposed far too often. I could be completely wrong, and my appraisal may sound harsh (it does to me re-reading it!) but we need to face the facts of the situation that in this league it can be a coin toss on whether he plays a blinder or a blunder. I would love him to find an extra gear as he has the swagger that fans enjoy, I just don't think that extra gear is in his locker.

    We've had Mo Camara at LB so in that sense we've all experienced what it's like to play with 10 men and a hole in our defence, and I really don't want to repeat that experience. So, for me, it's a case of he can get a new deal but it really won't be in his favour, he'll need to bide his time and when that time comes not only will it be more of a cameo appearance it isn't likely to lead onto an increase in his game time. When you look at it like that, what is required and what he is capable of offering, I see a bigger benefit from promoting within (or a promising youngster from lower down the leagues).

    As a side note to this, the other flank and the Liam Smith situation. I honestly can't see Hearts letting him go out on loan with us again, even if Smith wished to do so. He has proven that he can, at the very least, compete at this level and certainly looks like he has improvement within him. I can see him being an asset that will be cashed in on, whether by returning him to the Hearts 1st team or by selling him on. I have no idea what he'd cost or if Hearts are going to sell but he is definitely a player I would be more concerned over keeping in comparison to Stellios.

    Re Smith, Hearts are hardly going to get someone to pay any decent amount of cash for a player whose biggest success has come in a league below the top league in Scotland. IT would make sense for them to either give him a shot in their first team, or to loan him out to us to see how he fares in the Premiership. Either way they find out if he has what it takes at a higher level. I'd say there is a fair chance of us taking him on loan for another season come the summer, with the player clearly enjoying his football here and developing nicely in this team.

  7. Stelios is a talented player who needs to improve his focus during matches. The inconsistency in his play is what puts question marks over him. Take the Aberdeen match - gives away a needless penalty then sets up a goal at the other end, then makes an arse of a header to gift another goal. If he can cut out the brain farts he can certainly be an asset, and it's up to him how much of a success he can be for us. Add to all of this that he is a fans' favourite with a bit of character who is versatile enough to play in a few positions, and he is well worth keeping.

  8. 4 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

    I'm happy with the addition but given we're hopeless with a midfield 5 yet have continued to try it, I don't like that sentence that he'll fit into a midfield 5 :/
    Is he out of contract after this season?

    He is - only got a one year deal last season. Think Jack likes him as a player so would hope he might get a deal for next season. He's looked pretty decent in the fleeting appearances he's managed for us and I'd like to see him get a chance to show what he can do.

  9. 19 hours ago, Buddist Monk said:

    I don't.

    I was hoping I could maybe get some more info about the game from somewhere like RangersMedia, but to no avail. I stumbled across The Sun's piece during that search.

    I suppose there is the argument that the club should be keeping fans informed. There is nothing on the official site, nor their twitter. I get that the two clubs might wish to keep some of the information away from the public, but to provide nothing is a bit disappointing especially as the Rangers side of it is being reported in the red tops.

    Maybe the information is freely available and I'm just being an idiot and missing it.

    It was just a bounce match. I would be interested in details of who played/scored etc, but I'm not overly bothered about not knowing.

  10. 17 minutes ago, Buddist Monk said:

    So the fucking Sun, now I know it's a shite hawk but to post a story about a friendly game and not mention the opposition at any time in the article is fucking shan of the highest order. I detest red tops and this just underlines what a fucking waste of everyone's time they are.



    Simple solution - don't read the s#n...

    Works for me.  


  11. 2 minutes ago, Buddist Monk said:

    Are you still pissy that the argument I gave about Ross staying, which you disagreed with, turned out to be true?

    Build a bridge...

    The sarcastic answer would be, "a St Mirren fan posting on a St Mirren thread, shocker", but you are right I have been quite a frequent poster here. In my defence a huge amount of those replies have been answering other poster's questions put to me. Can't blame a guy for replying when asked, can you?

    Like I said, boreathon...

  12. 7 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:


    Didn't McCann do a U-turn after initially rejecting the chance to stay on, which led to the Jack approach?

    I was away during the whole Ross to Dundee saga so I wasn't really getting the chance to read much about it at the time so you may be right.


    Aye, he had told them he only wanted it til the summer, then they suddenly announced him as permanent manager the day after Jack was reported to have turned them down. All speculation, although you can often guess what's gone on, rightly or wrongly.

  13. 1 minute ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    Looks like Ross wasn't offered the job. Barnsley have appointed that Portugese and are claiming he was the number 1 candidate from the start.

    Not that it matters in the slightest but this notion that Ross kb'd them seems wide of the mark.

    18 month contract seems hardly a ringing endorsement. Wonder if that put other coaches/managers off?

    Happy they have gone elsewhere for their manager, regardless of how they arrived there.

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