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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. I read this this morning and it sounds like a shit state of affairs, but I've been reflecting on it. Your dad's mood is understandably low, he is possibly even suffering from depression. In these situations we tend to turn inwards, not thinking about communicating with others, even those we care about the most. You obviously care deeply and love your father. I would suggest letting him know this and looking at getting extra support in if necessary (easier said than done). We need to keep looking after each other. It's the only way forward.
  2. Breast can be fine. Soften around 100g of butter and mix in some zested lime, lemon and Clementine. Lift up the skin of the breast and squeeze the butter mixture underneath. A few cocktail sticks should keep this in place. So long as you don't overcook it, the breast should be nice and moist. Do it the evening before and it will be much easier to carve. There are a few fnnaaarrs and Kenneths in there, I ken.
  3. Sometimes you're cheaper buying a whole one, chopping off and freezing the legs.
  4. That's got me thinking. The deep frying of the turkey might be problematic. Not to mention the Brussel sprouts.
  5. Were you there SP? I quite enjoyed that, although they look spaced out of their tits. As someone who once had a joint in March 1997 at Bayview*, I'm not really in the position of a High Court judge on this matter. *A 1-1 draw v Dundee.
  6. It's actually pretty sad that this is their life, when you step back and think on (copyright Brian Potter).
  7. Zakopane for us this year. I'm the only one that can't ski, so a pile of books and Wyborowa and Ziewiec for me. Love the Polish Wigilia meal on Christmas Eve.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/reel/233582006261769/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v
  9. What's the population of Talbot these days? About half of Ross County?
  10. Cosgrove is a few years older than me. Of the Keep the Faith generation. In fairness the turnout was absolutely brilliant.
  11. Aye, not too bad. A few NS classics not included, but a decent night out.
  12. Talcum powder, although I didnae make it to Wigan Casino. Too young. I arrived with my pal for an overnighter to be informed that it had burnt down 10 years earlier. That was a long Saturday night in Wigan. An alternative "overnighter".
  13. Was at a Northern Soul concert last night at the Caird Hall. It was well attended. I can honestly say however that my wife and I were the youngest there. We are both in our late 50s. It's pretty disturbing that appreciation of Northern Soul might soon be a thing of the past.
  14. Hopefully not. The Dundee chippy foraging season is still with us.
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