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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Custody to protect children from further abuse is needed in these circumstances.
  2. I honestly can't work out who the good guys are in this fiasco.
  3. Bombay Sapphire and Fanta Fruit Twist. Hair of the dug. Fair hit the spot. Nubbly
  4. Used to love the traditional New Year's derby games. Guys sleeping it off horizontal on the terracing at Bayview.
  5. I'm giving it a miss. As usual.
  6. May we keep looking after each other as human beings. May Scotland win the Euros. And Come on the Fife!!!
  7. Aye but did he go via Inverness?
  8. Dinnae go daft on the water immediately. Spread it out across the morning. You can inadvertently flush out your body's essential minerals. If your feet start cramping up, you've overdone the fluids. Apologies for coming across a bit Texan Lino.
  9. You did say tablets though. Are you sure they weren't capsules?
  10. I think you missed my point. Is it so difficult for either set of fans to acknowledge that the better side won on the day?
  11. Great song. Wouldn't want to hear it on repeat though..
  12. Doing that sooking thing after getting a wee fraction of hazelnut stuck in your teeth after eating a picnic bar..
  13. Just switched on. That kit is in a shocking state. Thistle run out of fabric conditioner?
  14. Did anyone else get a PM offering a "protestant unionist handshake" ? I fear the poor lad is in his cups.
  15. His latest persona as an orangey St Johnstone fan is off the wall.
  16. Once saw a man with a mullet going mad with a mallet in Millets.
  17. Form is temporary. Major trophy wins are permanent
  18. The guy who got scammed online buying a pair of trainers has to be up there. In fairness it's more of a thread than a single post.
  19. Even the Daily Express isn't stupid enough to use the word transportation when transport would suffice.
  20. They should put Benjamin Button on at 2am on New Year's Day.
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