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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Imrie's in Leven does Stornoway black pudding fritters and Stornoway white pudding fritters.
  2. I must admit, I would just roll with it in the extremely unlikely circumstance I was selected (as a 59 year old) for a professional team. Older and ever so slightly wiser. The world gradually gravitates towards the stupid (the far right) day upon day.
  3. 1st Round: Full Draw: Sausage v Mock Chop Haddock v White Pudding Beef Burger v Chipsteak Smoked Sausage v Chicken Steak Pie v Black Pudding Pizza v Haggis Pudding Red Pudding v King Ribs Scampi v Mince Pie
  4. A lot of folk in the west of Scotland also can't pronounce Dundee for some reason.
  5. This might sound a bit daft (I'm not the quickest) , but what does the wee black hand next to your username indicate?
  6. I'm convinced that the eejits who refuse to switch on their headlights until it's nearly pitch black are the same wankers that drive with their fog lights on when it's a perfectly clear night.
  7. Was there not a previously banned poster who came away with a similar sob story recently? Before getting banned again.
  8. Straight into the Orange Walk and Poppies threads like a Gregor Stevens two footed tackle. Hmmmm..
  9. Even minute's silences ahead of games on the Saturday nearest 11/11 are a relatively recent thing.
  10. I've got a landline but I couldn't begin to tell you the number. It took me ten years to memorise my mobile number.
  11. On reflection, it would be the shittiest pub in Scotland.
  12. How about being direct and just calling you out for being an apologist for bigotry? Sectarianism is down there with racism and homophobia. Enjoying yourself in the gutter of life sunshine?
  13. Got to slum it and just go Sammy Dow's in such a situation. f**k doing that labyrinth of staircases etc just to get a drink.
  14. Questions that you would expect to be asked of Israeli spokespersons. "Out of the over 5,000 individuals killed in Gaza in the past 12 days, how many do you estimate were terrorists?" That's what I would be asking, but hey, I'm no journalist.
  15. I'll be your short haired police bigot from Maryhill I'll catch you no matter what you dae If your name is Declan Sean O'Rafferty I can tell you, you won't get away Apologies to the Big Yin
  16. Anyone else triggered by the angle of these floodlights?
  17. The use of the term "box ticking" should be a red flag that we have a full-on gammon in our midst.
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