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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Raith fans seem to be following the Ibrox mob's example by fucking off at full time after a final defeat. Poor show.
  2. I quite liked that interlude of the musings of @Frank conner
  3. Tam Cowan seems to be capable of pronouncing every club's name correctly except for one. "Blubberwell" I think someone needs to have a quiet word.
  4. Aye. It's either scumbag behaviour or someone pretty desperate.
  5. I'm on my way to Hampden and feeling pretty, pretty chipper. Probably something to do with the Mighty men from the People's Republic of Methil winning last night and Scotland not having arsed it yet.
  6. Quite possibly. I was thinking about Stanley, but the Herald cartoon preceded him.
  7. Scottish accents/ dialects are brilliantly diverse. Biding in Dundee, having been brung up in Leven, I love the way you can travel ten miles north, east, south and west and end up almost listening to a different language. Spoken Fife in itself is something to behold. In 1927 when East Fife reached the Scottish Cup final for the first time, the Glasgow Herald featured a cartoon lampooning the visitors' accents. A guy on top of a ladder shouting "Could you go a pie?".
  8. Treat this thread as a confessional. We are the collective Priest. In all liklihood you will receive absolution.
  9. They can't seem to help themselves. Immediately going into self-defence as soon as there is any suggestion of a discriminatory culture that needs to be challenged. Hiding behind lack of funding in an attempt to excuse institutional racism, sexism and homophobia is pathetic. We all suffer from lack of funding these days.
  10. This dreel that the thread has wandered up, isnae the most interesting
  11. Such a culture isn't created by incompetence. Shite management doesn't cause individuals to become racist, misogynistic, homophobic scumbags.
  12. Can we not just wind the clock back to nae c**t liking the USA and every c**t being ambivalent about Russia. Happier and less complicated times.
  13. Just minded this one: In the public benches at a High Court trial in a murder case. I got huckled outside by security for shooshing someone continually talking throughout the proceedings. It turned out they were providing a translation for the Lithuanian family of the victim. Not my finest hour.
  14. Best things you've ever done thread for.... .... etc
  15. You want to try being a postie in Fintry. A fairly large scheme in Dundee where every single street starts with Fin...
  16. Which begs the question. What are you here for? To be unpleasant to as many people as possible?
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