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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. I suppose it's because horses lack the capacity to give consent, whereas human beings can make an informed choice about the risks involved
  2. Can they not just ditch the fences altogether? I'm sure there are far fewer fatalities in flat racing.
  3. Petty things that get on my nerves, but folk confusing mathematics with arithmetic. Do they not teach English at school these days?
  4. They were extremely quiet all night. I assume there was a few hundred of them through?
  5. I agree, it was good. Just bizarre that the most obvious important potential outcome was staring them in the face.
  6. For all their obvious meticulous homework, the commentary team failed to grasp that a Stirling Albion win would secure the title.
  7. Reminds me of being down at Stair Park around 2012 and BBC and Sky lost their connection. I provided updates via Twitter. East Fife won 6-2 and every c**t thought I was at the capers
  8. He is clearly a bit deranged and the elderly woman is of a nervous disposition. You are only going to exacerbate their already awkward relationship.
  9. Dumbarton FC postpone the live stream. What a shock
  10. If Dundee was Africa and Fife was Antarctica etc etc
  11. Long McLean Buchanan Denham Healy Ferguson Davidson Reilly Carrick Goss Hester
  12. Our record away to Dumbarton is atrocious, but I'm not certain an 8-0 defeat could be considered an improvement
  13. Basically you use your community facilities and bring in a coaching team who want to progress. Recruit local kids on amateur terms also with the prospect of progression. Those showing potential get to train with the first team squad, maybe inclusion on match days. It's then a case of deciding whether to farm out on loan to a Lowland League side to progress or continue to provide game time at Under 20s level. It isn't a huge financial burden. You do need a committed coaching structure from top to bottom all working together. *Apologies, I replied to the wrong post
  14. Is this game at risk of being postponed? Can New Bogheid cope with two games in four days? I need to buy a train ticket.
  15. Bobby Charlton and Gordon Banks have both played at Bayview. I think George Best once guested for Arbroath Vics.
  16. There is a distinct stench of Tories coming out recently.
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