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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. This Friday night fitba is the dug's bollix though. Great stuff! Swiftly followed by an old episode of Still Game
  2. You don't do that. It's basic man management. He is a kid. He had a poor game. Live on TV as well
  3. Erriffohhh Serubee I love you Erriffoh Serubee Love you too
  4. As someone who has never stayed anywhere west of Dundee in Scotland, I've always been puzzled by the absence of family bakers in that neck of the woods. Almost every wee town in the east has at least one place where you can buy a decent morning roll. Leven (population 10,000) had three at one time - Deas, Lightbody's and Stuart's. Now just Stuart's.
  5. Putin's got a warrant oot. What day of the week do we think he should hand himself in?
  6. When my kids were wee, on holiday in Spain, a well intentioned English couple gave them an inflatable pool mattress thingy for them to play with. Unfortunately it was a union flag design. The kids didn't give a damn, but I dislike that flag with a passion. After about half an hour of pretending they didn't belong to me, I caved in and handed it back to the couple. I still feel conflicted about it 20 years later.
  7. "Everyone turns into a High Court Judge when someone else farts"
  8. Tam is a talented, funny guy but I think he is heading for a fall. He needs to refine his stand up delivery forward a few decades.
  9. My wife has been having a shitty week at work. Today she said she was so stressed that she'd eaten a whole packet of jammie dodgers.
  10. I feel we deviated from the thread topic somewhat
  11. Rugby Union has returned to its status as a pish sport.
  12. A game of two halves. I think the wind blowing from corner to corner had an impact. East Fife got the ball out to wide areas after the break and had Stenhousemuir on the back foot for long spells. Alex Ferguson was once again man of the match for me.
  13. An appropriate apostrophe might have indicated whether the amount of mums, whose sleeping pills he had appropriated was/were singular or plural.
  14. Is this not up there with All Lives Matter and Why don't we have Straight Pride marches?
  15. Hopefully the union can get you a better deal.
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