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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Has anybody ever attended such a place? It's my idea of a nightmare. Honest to f**k
  2. 1995-96 was a great season to be in the East of Fife. Stevie Archigod etc
  3. Is it the golden goal or do away goals count double?
  4. Sheridan looks like he's been unexpectedly woken up after a half decent kip
  5. It used to be Leuchars when airshow day coincided with an East Fife home game. Whether you drove, took the train or bussed it from Dundee, you were guaranteed to be inconvenienced by these utter muppets. Thankfully they shut the base down a couple of decades ago.
  6. "In two or three months I was more or less fluent in Italian" Aye right you are pal
  7. It's the tight Scotsman stereotype* that gets my goat. Usually from some brexity c**t nursing a half pint of mild, who would run a mile at the prospect of buying a round of drinks. *I blame Harry Fucking Lauder
  8. Cleese being rebellious by re-donning his Liberal Democrat hat. Part of me wants to see him cancelled just for the chortles. He really has become an insufferable p***k of a man
  9. No McCoist, he didn't do exactly what he did with the last penalty. You dick on a stick.
  10. McCoist struggling to grasp the concept that teams can go for both the league and cup games with equal endeavour
  11. Rarely watch English games, but this has been hilarious. The commentator asking the co-commentator if he should have taken it around the goalie there. Basic, basic stuff. Thank God fitba is a devolved matter.
  12. I rarely watch English games, but this has been hilarious. The commentator asking the co-commentator if he should have taken it around the goalie there. Basic, basic stuff. Thank God fitba is a devolved matter.
  13. The one way system in supermarkets was something else. I got a ticking off on the day it was introduced in Tesco South Road. Up the wrang dreel.
  14. One of the highlights was doing a prank call on the missus from "Bell Street" in the early days when it was strictly one walk a day. "Hello Mrs Joe, this is PC Paatelainen from Bell Street police station. It has come to our attention that you have been taking more than the regulated one walk per day. Now Mrs Joe, we understand that you are a registered person with SSSC etc etc
  15. I think, following horrendous crimes like these, we should focus on minimising the risk of such an event happening again. Learning lessons.
  16. What will be your abiding memories? Working from home, watching every episode of Minder at 3.20pm twice over. Watching fitba, sitting in empty stadiums Watching the unravelling of the Covid thread
  17. Snared sounds a bit pervy in itself. That's the Sun for you though. The preferred rag of the utter c**t
  18. Dom Thomas doing the old socks under the shorts nonsense for the interview.
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