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Posts posted by Venti

  1. Couple of Youtube channels worth checking out if you're into your creepy and strange stuff. Some of it ends up bordering on daft conspiracies that are obviously not real, but some of their content is really interesting too.

    The two channels are DangerDolan and Dark5. Dark5's videos are mainly text based, here's a sample:

    This video is particularly interesting:

    DangerDolan is an Australian guy who talks over his videos but provides decent content too:

    If you like DangerDolan and Dark5

    Check out Matt Santoro, 'Seriously Strange' & CreepsMcPasta Plays.

  2. Going so long feeling like this isn't going to have a quick solution sadly.

    I think you should not worry about work parties etc right now.

    Just take small steps. Focus on your job & small interactions with people.

    Maybe cut back on the drink also?

  3. Had a dream i had to kill my dog and i had him in my hands and was banging his head on the work top but he wasn't dying he was just yelping in pain

    And the other night i had a dream i punched my gf in the face

    i always get the dream that i can't move and I'm stuck and i try and move my arms and legs but can't because I'm asleep. then finally get free and shake myself when i wake up, and occasionally punch my mrs in the face in the process

    Things don't bode well for her.

  4. I seem to be getting better at lucid dreaming. Lasting longer before I wake up.

    It's pretty addictive.

    It's good for those dreams where you are being chased. You start flying or using The Force etc.

    I've also found that if you think to yourself that someone specific is going to appear, you can 'spawn' them. (Usually whatever celebrity you want to pump)

  5. I'm about to finish making my first ever soup, with vegetables my dad gave us out of his garden.

    It's turnip, cauliflower and potato soup. Pretty sure it's going to be a disaster, will let you all know.

    Turnip is so much under-used. We just seem to use it with haggis.

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