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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Alternatively, just go out, at the end of the day nae c**t will either know about it nor stop you. You shouldn’t have to of course but that’s the reality now
  2. Exactly, had sturgeon went full boslenaro , the snp supporters would be lapping it up with ‘ whas like us ! We’re scots we’re no feart a nae virus youll never take our freedom!! It’s just tribalism now
  3. it's not so much the business it's the law itself that causes this farce, masks are required in all indoor public with the exception of ; gym exercise areas, swimming pools and whilst changing, when seated at a table in a cafe. Bannatynes gymes all haver swimming pools and cafe's so around 80 % of the premises is exempt from mask wearing but the law still applies for the rest as PB mentions. you could fault bannatynes themselves for enforcing the farcical walk to the changing rooms and 10 feet to buy a kitkat but it is the law which is a farce
  4. You could have just described a pub in falkirk from sunday to Thursday on any given date in 2019
  5. I’m not in anyway a hard looking c**t but since I’ve entered my 30s I’ve always found a dry and firm “whits that got tae dae wi you” will get you the peace you need, most folk are shitebags who don’t like confrontation
  6. What is all the pish about being rabid right wing torry's? I want restrictions done away with now that we're 2 years, 3 vaccines and half a dozen anti viral drugs into this shite . i'm not going to change my mind on this (what i think is a perfectly logical belief) just because I find myself agreeing with some people I wouldn't normally agree with, that's fuckin mental johnson and rees mog like getting their hole, does that mean i should no longer enjoy getting my hole becuase rabid right wingers also do? sit the f**k doon
  7. Pretty much agree, although in it's later years the tide had turned against TITP as the line up changed and it started to attract a much higher number of neds, but then TRSNMT came catering to a middle class audience and normal celebratory service was resumed. Anyway, over the last 20 years the snp and labour have tightened their grip on football and alcohol; you had the licensing law reforms of 2005 which got tougher up here at a time when england were loosening them, you then had the snp wanting to raise the off sales age limit to 21 ( their reasoning was bizare and quite condescending) and then implementing minimum pricing. we've also seen things like the offensive behavior at football act as well as more police involvement in fixture allocation ( the old firm can't both play in glasgow on the same day unless they play each other which is almost always a sunday lunch time) Anecdotal evidence says that in England, going to the pub s enjoyed across a wide variety of social classes , up here going to your local is a working class thing, the middle class might go on occasional nights out but they mostly get wine from the supermarket and sit at home
  8. Jenny harries was talking about masks and social distancing being in place " for some years to come" earlier this year, she's not ready to back to her normal routine
  9. Any large event takes ages to get away from, that won't change. the stadium itself could be far better for actually seeing a game rather than huge sections being miles away from the park
  10. The torrys might be shite at delivering a good government to their people. but they are excellent at holding onto power, which is what it's really all about. the SNP are much less experienced and have no real opposition. every time they have played with the big boys they have been utterly schooled
  11. Haven’t heard about these for a while, have they went into mass production yet?
  12. Tsunami! Armageddon! Also that’s not 13% its nearer 4% I’m quite sure that’s not everything but still
  13. thats just going to push people towards detournaments camp
  14. Not got much time for them or their views generally, especially since my partner is one of them foreignery types . I'm just surprised that the so called liberal left are screaming for their government to impose draconian restrictions on their own life, then again all sides have hypocrisy when it comes to what should and shouldn't be allowed. the right (especially the religious part) want to restrict sex drugs and rocknroll or anything else fun & debauched . the left want to restrict access to firearms and the ability for individuals to gamble with their own money. there are many other examples which i can't be arsed going into but you get the point that , generally, when people talk about restrictions on anything, they're referring to something that will likely only affect other people not themselves.
  15. How in fucks name did we end up relying on the Brexit gammons just to be allowed to enjoy thee most basic of enjoyments like going for a walk in a neighboring county and stop of for a bite to eat on the way hame? if it were up to those on the left, we'd have kept restrictions all summer and autumn and been back in full lockdown by now the worlds gawn faackin mad innit
  16. Whoever’s had these has sat on them for a year, they want rid of boris
  17. Except in this instance serious illness and deaths are “goals” Cases are “possession “
  18. Bit harsh mate, he’s got a bit of a point We always come down hard on sturgeon for restrictions accusing her of needing to “care more” than Westminster . The rest of Europe or the world doesn’t need to care more than Westminster. Doesn’t mean i agree with lockdowns but there must be at least some logic if all those places feel the need to take action
  19. Who fuckin set VT of with the schools chat again? Come on ! Who dis it?
  20. Again, not really, the only thing that might be different is we could have handled the first wave better, but as soon as the inevitable opening up happened we would have taken more or less the same course We are not New Zealand
  21. Plenty people think that the government are holding off because the public won’t tolerate a restricted Christmas 2 years in a row, but will be quite accepting of a lockdown when they are fat and skint in January along with a number of people getting an extended break in the form of furlough
  22. Not really, you know that more is coming as soon as they get a sniff of furlough. If we were independent we would have absolutely followed Ireland in not opening up fully in the autumn and going back into a soft lockdown around now
  23. Tbf the old legal limits were unenforceable in practice unless you lived up the road from philpy, how do you prove that your not having a welfare visit to someone rather than just a social cup of tea and a blether
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