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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Boys I think it's yous who could do with moving on. There's undoubtedly a lot to come out in the wash regarding the handling of the corona virus pandemic and we will probably be into next year before the entre world as a whole is back to normal, but, never the less it is now pretty much over. spending time online searching for some outlier's opinions so that you can rubbish them on here is probably not the best use of anyone's time it's time to pack it in
  2. What is the main difference between that and now? it already feels like a "proper " war as it is
  3. I've heard people suggest that Marvin Bartley's media appearances are down to diversity & inclusion policies IF that was the truth, then it would show exactly why such a thing was necessary, otherwise we will be stuck with slavering simpletons like Derek Fergusson forever more. Scottish football is absolutely saturated with underqualified auld pals acts, 100% of which are white. Assuming that straight white people simply get where they are on merit could be a CCOM to itself
  4. i was about to report you to PTTGOYN but as you were
  5. 4.15 Although there is a perception that the wearing of facemasks by the public in the community and household setting may be beneficial, there is in fact very little evidence of widespread benefit from their use in this setting. Facemasks must be worn correctly, changed frequently, removed properly, disposed of safely and used in combination with good respiratory, hand, and home hygiene behaviour in order for them to achieve the intended benefit. Research also shows that compliance with these recommended behaviours when wearing facemasks for prolonged periods reduces over time. china's doing X so we must do X
  6. of course it does, no one would deny that. but the facebook maws who are adamant that mcdonalds stuffed the council with dodgy money in order to get perfectly legitimate planning application approved on a site in an existing retail park is stretching it a bit or perhaps the fort william fans mentioned on another thread. accusing a rival team of bribary when they would in fact have pumped them sillly had the game gone ahead
  7. explaining any decision you don't like or more likely don't understand by claiming that "back handers or brown envelopes " are involved
  8. pozbaird used to tell tales of the aqua fit ladies he regularly "bumped into" whilst at bannatynes gym
  9. what about the aqua fit classes in bannatynes? none of the falkirk ladies of a certain age had anything on in the steamroom with me the other day, absolute middens the lot of them!
  10. You'll notice that the mood had turned decidedly against vaccine passports by the time they were implemented yet in January last year when they were first mooted I posted against them and was given something like 13 red dots including by the likes of VT despite stating that I was not an anti vaxxer I never wanted a lockdown, I couldnt understand why all these people were demanding that the government tell them to stay indoors, it was fuckin mental
  11. Now that it seems we are almost finally out the woods in terms in regulations, how has everyones views on this been over the last 2 years? For me personally I'd say I've been quite consistent, from the start I was happy to accept the risk and didn't want to change any aspect of my life, although I knew that not everyone was in such a fortunate position health wise. I could accept some precautions being in place in some scenarios but nothing like what we got lumbered with. Also as soon as it became clear that this was a manageable illness for the majority, which I think was clear even before it reached the UK, then they should have ceased to treat every case as equally significant and should have spent more effort on protecting those at risk
  12. aye you're right, it was nice to see falkirk at the top of the table for once
  13. It takes some getting used to, I haven't drank for years now and my social life is unrecognizable although it would probably have went this way with age by now , it happened much sooner as I was 25 when I chucked it. I don't mind going to the pub so much, but only for a couple of hours and preferably if there's football or such on. f**k hanging about when everyones on the "sesh" it's brutal and of no enjoyment at all. I didn't normally drink at falkirk games anyway so that was no big change, scotland games on the other hand are actually quite annoying as most of these tartan army wankers are only there to get pished
  14. the only thing that makes me slightly paranoid with this is, did they indeed make it in a lab and know something the rest of us don't? probably not, it's most likely just another controlling tool of theirs but still
  15. you are absolutely correct. whilst 4 - 6 pints is not enough for most people to get pished to the point of causing bother, it is pretty much the exact amount required to override the part of the brain that earlier said you would only have 4-6 pints because you don't want to get hammered and cause bother.
  16. Not at all, take a look at the replies from SNP supporters. they won't criticize their own team or their manager for anything at all. some people just can't see past it. one person enjoys going to live music regularly, and was delighted when it was finally allowed again last September, but when the SNP called the omicron mini lockdown at christmas time turned 180 and called the torries murderers for keeping them open in England
  17. f**k me those replies politics has became like football, if one side says X then the other MUST say Y, there can be no agreement the SNP say masks so masks it is
  18. I didn't see that this time, i read that it WILL end on the 18th. i think it will tbh. there is no more testing. it is over and she knows it
  19. Pretty much, you have to set the bar pretty high for thigs to get prohibited otherwise you run the risk of any other form of protest or assembly being crushed under the weight of the state. police could take a heavy hand against trade union pickets or even simple boring shit like local councils seeking to curtail local gala days because 12 fixed penalty's were issued for alcohol and antisocial behavior offenses under the same " zero tolerance" policy. don't embolden the hidden gestapo in the authorities
  21. never once had any bother, looks or remarks from anyone, I'm not particularly hard looking or unapproachable either
  22. You'll have to make sure your shop is covid safe as much as possible whilst also ensuring maximum comfort for your customers I would recommend having the windows open and the heater up full
  23. dum dum dum Germany drops nearly all Covid restrictions (msn.com) another one bites the dust
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