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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. It seems like any government or local authority run outfit is still operating under level zero anyway I go to banatynes gym (to perv on ladies of a certain age obv [emoji6]) and apart from mask wearing in reception and corridors, it’s 100% back to normal, no distancing either in gym or changing rooms, no pre booked slots , no floor markers , you can sit in a steam room with 12 other ladies of a certain age like its 2019 if you want Compare that to one of the council run facilities and it’s night and day, friends of mine use xcite in bathgate and it’s ; track & trace, book your time, you can have a rinse but not a shower ( whatever the f**k that means) All the way through this the private sector (they have their own reasons obviously)has found a way of working through things and getting the most out of what is permitted wheras with the public sector it’s often just a straight “no”
  2. with regards to the alleged party's last year, whats the betting that by this time last year, government staff at downing street and whitehall were all getting daily PCR tests & instant results and were therefor exempt from group limits and social distancing requirements similar to football players and certain other industries? . for example, when close contact services like barbers were closed to the likes of you & I, TV presenters were still appearing on our screens with their hair & make up done. Perhaps boris just isnt old school tory enough to say " Well the thing you little people have to understand is, we were allowed to have these gatherings under our exemption, it was just the public who were banned from socialising"
  3. I was on the fence about getting a booster before today but it’s made up my mind that I won’t be bothering I took my two doses even tho there’s f**k all wrong with me and I was unlikely to get seriously ill but I’m not going back 3 4 and 5 times just to end up in lockdown anyway And f**k whatever shite they come with next. Obviously I can’t go to a pub or whatever if it’s shut but I won’t be adhering to any of their bullshit household mixing or tavel bans They can f**k right off
  4. As much as im fully loaded ready to give them both barrels , that isn’t really true, they have spent billions in grants to the likes of sustrans and for local authorities to promote active travel whilst trying to discourage car use in built up areas The truth is we are a shower of lazy c***s who won’t walk the length of ourselves, we are second only to the yanks as seeing the car as the go to mode of transport
  5. Pretty much this, you can’t close or restrict such things whilst A) you have no means of compensating them and B they’re open in England whilst we have an open border
  6. Falkirk will be playing in the champions league before you get the adult conversation
  7. they're persistent & consistent I'll give them that at least. I'm still waiting on them not being widely wrong but f**k it trying to keep themselves front & centre rather than go back to their boring jobs?
  8. it would bring them into line with us, surely calling a lockdown on the day it's revealed that they don't bother following it themselves wouldn't be a good look
  9. Pish! I used to use cloth to buzz aer… Nvm as you were
  10. She was a Scottish nurse, she may have been partial to a wee quality street or 2 . We just don’t know
  11. To all on this debate, i have a story Back when i was a single man, i went on a tinder date and subsequently spent the night with a nurse who worked in intensive care, now I’m sure we don’t need to get into too many details but the main point of it all is; I was absolutely loaded with cold/ flu symptoms that day, which I informed her of and gave her the chance to KB me, she couldn’t have gave less of a shite, as did anybody else before all this hysterical pish last year Go to the fuckin fitbaw if your well enough
  12. I’ve been pretty anti restrictions all the way through, but you’d have to be pretty irresponsible going out to something knowing you had it. I might stretch to going out for a wee walk if i had it but certainly not out on the lash
  13. Just incase anyone’s in any doubt, I’m an absolute 10/10
  14. I'm not sure about putting faces to P&Bers, it's a bit strange for me
  15. Scary how this has passed relatively quietly because it might just be the most racist policy the UK has implemented in a generation. you could be born and raised here but because one of your grannies where from somewhere else, we think you could just go "back" there instead f**k off Britain , seriously just f**k off
  16. A lot of people in life are hugely risk averse and don't always understand that everything in life has a risk, including doing nothing, and the trade of involved with the benefits . I doubt someone who made it to first minister is one of those people but she knows many of her voters are , and now that everything in politics has become a version of the old firm she has to do the opposite of what the UK government are doing The reckless torry's , who i'm sure aren't really doing it for the befit of the people, have went with the line of " if you don't do anything dangerous , then you won't do anything at all" which is actually the right thing to do although it will lead to more illness and death. the world has backed themselves into a corner with lockdowns and restrictions , there's now no way out without an exit wave, someone had to bite the bullet and go first. To be amongst the first few to do so along with the USA, the UK government probably hoped that this would give them a massive economic headstart over the EU so that they could tout brexit as a success, that would be a disaster for the snp , so naturally they want to stop it. Politics is the big bad world
  17. this is by some distance the worst we have ever been in my lifetime i'm 33 btw
  18. they have to resign, you can't have a team of full time players getting pumped 6-0 in a part time league and still have any credibility
  19. It sounds as though they simply let their version of sage call all of the shots entirely as opposed to here and elsewhere where political leaders have had the final say and how much of a deviation depends on where you are
  20. her and the bus driver from last year would make a lovely couple
  21. the fact that there is such hard evidence of the suffering of the boy that everyone can see first hand makes this case stand out, most child abuse cases are storeys and allegations read out, bad things happened, guilty people went to jail, the rest is left to the imagination - or not for many who'd rather not think about it, there's no getting away from how horrible this was for the poor kid
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