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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. 3,598 new cases of COVID-19 reported 49,597 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results 7.8% of these were positive 31 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive 82 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 1,076 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 4,163,235 people have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination and 3,815,907 have received their second dose
  2. are we pulling rank on other posters on a pishy fitbaw forum now? fucks sake
  3. are those same people terrified to go out for dinner/drinks/visit friends and family etc? people always have and always will use excuses to get out of things they'd rather not do that they conveniently ignore for something which they do want to do
  4. Mask wearing was pointless as soon as they gave fatties and the "ahv got asthma" drama queens self diagnosed exemptions. 90 % of exemptions were for people with conditions which, on the face of it at least, would be in the most danger from not wearing a mask. they are just a visual reminder
  5. where i work they sent all office workers to WFH in march 2020 , then for the following 18 months did next to f**k all except pay mere lip service to covid guidelines for those of us who had to be there in person, now that the office workers are coming back en mass they have been busy implementing " enhanced covid safety measures" to help everyone ( folk who've been working from home all this time) feel safe & secure on their return to the workplace similar thing happens every new year, we usually get an email "welcoming back" everyone after the christmas break and hoping that everyone had a lovely break, never a mention of us (about 50% of permanent staff) who are out working christmas day etc The article someone posted about home workers living in a wee bubble assuming everyone else is in the same boat as them is spot on for where i work
  6. That statements is a face saving way of them getting binned for all intents and purposes . theyd be existing in name only with that sort of enforcement
  7. I can’t really be arsed following my football team these days .. Ps not in a dummy spitting way , just proper apathy I couldn’t name most of the squad or their positions this season
  8. when it comes to the UK and the USA , there is a complete oldfirmification of everything covid related especially face coverings
  9. it's became very clear to me that there are a number of people in life that actively wish for misery for no other reason than so they can sit back and say I told you so, look at me i'm so clever it's exactly the same with brexit or any other divisive issue fuking c***s
  10. There's this and theres' also having to abide by whatever mask, distancing and local curfew requirements that are in place at your destination. it's not a holiday if you need to wear a mask outdoors at all times or have to pre book slots at anywhere you want to eat or drink
  11. 4,917 new cases of COVID-19 reported 57,383 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results 9.2% of these were positive 30 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive 91 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 1,079 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 4,146,847 people have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination and 3,791,597 have received their second dose 30 deaths is never good to see but given we were getting 90 a day back in january with about 1/3rd of the cases it all points to the vaccines oing their job cases seem to be on a downward trend now at least
  12. Reasons people voted for brexit in order ; 1- get rid of the foreigners 2- rule Britannia WATP 3- f**k the system lets upset the applecart 4- i don't like the EU 99 - spend money on the NHS instead
  13. Detournements a fanny Conspiracy theorists have been predicting the end of days for long enough, I suppose one day they’ll be right but I doubt we’ll see it
  14. The snp are surely smart enough not to call a referendum until it’s an absolute banker, a second bite at the cherry could be seen as a bit dubious but a third would be unthinkable, f**k this one up and nobody alive today will ever see an independent Scotland. They do have a lot of noisy numpties demanding one asap to try and appease , which , if they want independence is fuckin mental
  15. Small price to pay for sending johnny foreigner packing WATP
  16. Feel your pain, 3 years living together and I haven’t even come close to being able to look like i care about what she’s telling me when I absolutely don’t
  17. Surely a medically exempt person should be able to get a “ passport “ just the same as everyone else only their qr code will say exempt
  18. To be fair it's not something I do so I'm speaking from anecdotal evidence after previous big games about huge queues outside and folk missing part of the game. Seem to see these sort of posts pretty regularly on various clubs threads and that usually seems to stem from a large % turning up just in time for ko. Any time i've ever been cought in a big queue outside and missed the start of a game, it's always without fail becuase my mates have tried to stay in the pub as long as possible before going to the ground, the fact that the bar is still rammed 20 mins before kick of with folk getting one last round in tells a story
  19. the mask exemption is on medical grounds including mental illness, which in the uk are considered private & confidential matters, Instead of businesses being held responsible for ensuring compliance , like they are with the smoking ban, they were actually told specifically NOT to challenge those not wearing a face covering or to take a simply "i'm exempt" at the persons word How many times have you seen a pub allow someone to smoke? in 15 years not i've never once saw it, not in the middle of nowhere, not in a rough as arseholes spit & sawdust hovel, not even during a lock-in. if the business is going to be held responsible for non compliance then you can bet that they will be enforcing it
  20. Not that i agree with it but, it could be the thinking that if you have a big superspreading event like a crowded sweaty nightclub, then who gives a f**k if they all get infected as 99% should having nothing worse than the sniffles
  21. it's hardly a new thing is it? all the old time comedies with the likes of rikki fulton etc we're the same except didnt need to tell everyone that's what they were doing
  22. or they just really want some time off work let's no kid ourselves, there will be planty of chancers will play the "i need to self isolate" card .
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