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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Do masks work or don’t they? I don’t think a bit of cloth will make much difference but some believe they do. I don’t believe that surgeons would have to wear them if there wasn’t some benefit but never the less; It is 100% certain that you can’t eat or drink through a face covering, so you can’t wear one in a restaurant setting, but you can sit at a table for up to 2 hours in a busy restaurant full of people ( even if you’re 2 metres away) and expell all the air you like but you must put on a mask for the 2 minutes it takes to walk to the pisher I’m sorry but that is just a fuckin carry on, same with the gym example Rather than just use comon sense and exempt hospitality they carry on with this charade
  2. always been the case, as anyone who's tried to argue that the price of his trainers should exempt them from a nightclub dress code will surely understand
  3. that was what my post was in response to, that was the most boaky thing i've heard yet, lovejoys have serious power here and the chance to get one over the torries appears to trump any common sense and reasoning. Not to worry , she has a few weeks to see if england back peddle after their re-opeining, if they don't and everyone ends up cancelling their weddings and re-booking for english venues where there's no mask rules for example, or just piling down to newcastle & blackpool for a night on the lash, then the game will be up and the furlough rug will also get pulled keep believing!
  4. What a fuckin pandering to the lovejoys there
  5. does this so called professor not understand somethin as simple as fuckin personal choice? if you want to wear one then wear one ya attention seekin cow
  6. If England win tonight and everyone goes tonto like they would, it will render all remaining restrictions even more farcical than they already are
  7. f**k sake that’s brutal , maybe this time last year we could have been happy with such shite f**k off jason
  8. I presume they think it won’t affect them personally? Just like the tough talking brexit gamons with thier “ send them all back” “end freedom of movement “ funilly enough they didn’t like it when it was actually their freedom of movement that was affected
  9. Saw that earlier, 20-40% of people support permanent restrictions on life even without covid? Yer havin a laugh nah?
  10. dependent on who the lovejoys or rabid torys? we need to stop seeing covid as a left and right wing thing, in fact theres probably a few other things we could apply that to as i doubt many people solidly support a particular view point on every subject, it's not any governments job to "care" it's their job to manage and achieve the most utilitarian outcome from the situation
  11. How the f**k are we ever meant to get anywhere as a society if it's just a case of tories say black, left say white just to spite them and vice versa, what a bunch of fuckin fannies they are
  12. Wheres the one for getting pumped at the christmas party?
  13. I've always known these sort of folk exist but i still find it hard to get my head round that sort of thinking, perhaps this is their way of getting attention that they're not getting elsewhere in life? btw im not being a self righteous know it all looking down my nose at anyone like that, there are many reasons why someone could fall in that catagory and most won't be aware that's what they're really doing
  14. i think thats just a few media sources which has sent P&B into a doom spiral, wait and see
  15. the SNP is populist too, their mnumber one goal is independence and they're not necessarily wedded to a left or right wing means of doing so, they take the path which is likely to buy them the most votes - free university, free prescription, elderly care removal of tolls etc etc . perhaps we have more lovejoys here or more likely it's a desire to paint the opposition - in this case the uk tory gov ( they have no real opposition in scotland) as shite PS i'd rather England won the euros in front of a full house than have lockdown carry on any further
  16. Ya c**t we’re about 20% of the January peak! How can it be code declaring time? There better not be any backpedaling now
  17. All my posts today have came from the office if that makes you feel any better one good thing about social distancing is there is nae c**t sittin next to you keeping an eye on what yer doin
  18. now that lovejoying is taken care off should we start a P&B dictionary? Cigaring- verb- a clear and decisive victory with ease - a merge of two common footballing phrases 1. description of smoking cigars to celebrate a victory 2. description of domination of play " they were under so little pressure they could stroll around the midfield smoking cigars and still keep possesion" see also - smoking , americansim, meaning victory or destroying
  19. the character helen lovejoy from the simpsons, who gossips, acts moraly superior to others and outrages at the most trivial & harmless things often shutting down any reasonable argument with her catchphrase "won't somebody please think of the children"
  20. pick a third world country out of a hat and i bet youl find the average person of around 55 will have similar health, mobility & dental issues of someone aged 75-80 in the uk, unless they belong to the middle class or above in which case they can afford better care, it's all about healthcare
  21. where i work , departments like HR are currently WFH but were traditionally based in the same office block as those office workers who also carried out physical work on site, they work from a set of scripts and procedures and are utterly useless if you give them any kind of curve ball at all. we also have people like draughtsmen(women) who's job is now 100% CAD computer based and document clerks which haven't set foot on site in over a year . are you saying there are not enough educated english speaking workers who could fill these kind of roles abroad for less? maybe they havent thought about it before now?
  22. What will that mean for those in a pokey flat trying to work on a kitchen table or couch without a proper chair and lighting ? i wouldnt fancy a job where wfh was the norm, i've never lived more than 20 mins from work so my commute is negligible . that said , i did WFH yestarday for the first time since early march & i have to say it felt much different with stuff open and life happening outside of work as opposed to full lockdown when work was the only change of scenery we could get. dare say it might be awrite when life returns to full normality, still tho be careful what you wish for, as said before if a job can be done remotely then it can be done abroad by cheaper labour.
  23. do people still clip kids and tell them to speak properly if they use it?
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