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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Those of a nervous disposition better get these on their shopping list... 2,538 new cases of COVID-19 reported 35,999 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results 7.5% of these were positive 10 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive 39 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 324 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 4,065,970 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 3,498,257 have received their second dose
  2. People often become fans of the genre as a way of loudly saying f**k you to the "mainstream crowd" who they feel has ostracised or picked on them, whilst there are a few decent bands with a few decent songs, it's a genre that disproportionately attract social outcasts since extreme music is their way of expressing themselves, if there's a higher than average number of smelly , angry outcasts that are fans , then there's a higher than average chance one of them will go and do something mental like this
  3. In any job or position, big or small, where you have to make decisions , you will be shot at. it will often be from people who are unwilling to be shot at themselves or propose any alternative. these isage c***s are nothing more than a bunch of know it all sweetie wives only with letters after their names in fact i think indy sage is a group of people collectively possessed with the ghost of the onefinfalkirk forum, constant doom mongering and wishing for the worst just to say i told you so
  4. ^^^^^ one of” them” ^^^^^^^ We are the (maskless) people No surrender!
  5. I'm in the same boat as you, i'm not worried about catching covid , i just don't want to bother going abroad for 1. the extra hassle associated with travel & 2. i don't want to spend money just to experience another countries version of lockdown level system. As far as i'm aware most of the Mediterranean countries are still insisting on facemasks outdoors as well as indoors & actually have enforcement of said rule. That and having to book everything and abide by social distancing to me aint a holiday so i'd rather just wait
  6. I'm gony sound like an auld da here but f**k it, what the f**k is wrong with c***s these days? there seems to be an ever growing mentality that if you don't get the result you want you keep shouting louder and louder untill you do. this obviously isnt an age related thing as we saw with the trump riots lockdown should be lifted, how long and to what extent do these people think that the government must protect them from ever getting sick? it's just farcical now. the FBPE crowd have been having a continuous heads gone for over 5 years now, it's mental i wasn't t happy about the result of the 2014 indy vote. i wasn't happy about the result of the 2015 Scottish cup final i was't happy about the result of the 2016 EU vote were they the result of foul play? - no Should any of them be replayed? - no Does it make any sense to keep moaning about it on the internet ? - no These c***s- if one politician says black- we'll say white
  7. f**k me swinney must be a masochist who loves getting publicly abused . also both the SNP and the torries need to but out on WFH, it's between employers, employees and unions what happens now as it was pre pandemic,
  8. was it just me who kinda assumed that blokes who emigrate out to south east asia were OFTW? be honest?
  9. Whilst I’m not exactly in a wee village I’m hardly in a big city either . But i have a fucking good paying job 5 miles from my door and in non covid times I could travel wherever i likes at home and abroad. Most of my family live close by but I’m not at all close with any of them If i had a reason to move, like say my job no longer existed then I would do so without a second thought , I’m not emotionally tied to the place Am i a hick?
  10. This is when we really need stacey from denny to counter that it’s all a load ae shite cause her two huvnae hud it
  11. More like Haha your teams shite , quite appropriate for a football forum really
  12. Looks to me like this will be a nonissue just shortly
  13. This is most unusual in my experience i haven't been to a bannatynnes tho , no c**t has said a dickie bird to me at any time ( i have generaly been masking but i've stopped now and on the odd times i forgot through the year) like 90 % of covid rules their has been next to no enforcement whatsoever
  14. during the clap for NHS last year someone, can't remeber who, reconed that nurses were mostly fat lazy bints who sat around eating quality street all day either gossiping or looking through their phones
  15. it's going to be binned in hospitality and wedding at the first review, they realise what a c**t of this they've made
  16. It’s the last part that really sticks out here above alp else. Whenever anyone has any positive ambition there is usually a chorus of “ look at this c**t , who does hw think he is” It’s an absolutely shite attitude thar permeates every part of society and goes along way to explain why, despite having plenty in our locker , we consistently fail to perform at any level ( sports or otherwise) we’re so negative in fact we voted no to our own sovereignty remember We often get annoyed at the English during tournaments. To be fair we watch English centric media where pundits turn into fans , if it only went out in England then fair enough. Y’know what, I’d love for us to have some of their attitude, not the OTT delusion but actually playing with success in mind. It’s like we decided “ naw we tried that once 40 year ago and it didnae work so wir no daein it again!” , if we get beat by a better side then fair enough, but lets not kid ourselves that qualifying for a 24 team tournament and finishing bottom with one point and one goal considering some of the players we have as a success I’ll never stop being embarrassed that we sent a team of to the world cup with a song called “don’t come home too soon” Fuckin hell
  17. your right, i'd be much better off getting with a fat scottish nurse who is happy to sit about and eat quality street all day
  18. i've always lived here but my partner is one of those foreignery types, she says the negative attitudes here are an absolute killer and the single biggest downside to living here above everything else, She can't believe how people here will talk themselves out of applying for a promotion or trying to better themselves, i consider myself quite forward thinking and positive ( i guess it's all relative) yet she has a go at me for negativity or excessive caution at times, f**k knows what she'd make of folk like my parents and others with their constant "it's aye been that way" and "ocht that sorta thing isny fur the likes ae us" " it'll no work , if it was that easy we'd aw be daein it!
  19. What do we think will happen then? continue with this farce for 3 weeks then review against case numbers and decide masks are no longer required in hospitality but are required in "essential setting" ie ones where people have no choice but to go to? There's absolutely not a chance it will be observed or enforced in pubs and clubs , this really is all about saving face, pardon the pun There really is no reason to keep anything now, but after telling us all to "keep being carefull" all summer whilst rules were relaxed they think it's a bad look now if they suddenly say ok do what you like. Somehow they've actually managed to look more foolish than Boris , well done
  20. Celtic & Rangers granted capacity crowds as Aberdeen seek same permission - BBC Sport if other teams aren't given the same permission it'l be yet another farce in a long line a farces. if it's safe enough for 60k to travel from all over the country then it's safe enough for everycunt else
  21. in other news, do you smoke your cigars standing or seated? 1,271 new cases of COVID-19 reported 29,257 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results 4.7% of these were positive 13 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive 58 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 383 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 4,016,326 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 3,249,622 have received their second dose Isreal today have brought back a whole raft of restrictions including everyones favourite pointless exercise - outdoor mask wearing. a surge in cases after has left them shiteing the bed, wonder if giving out vaccine based on race & religion, as well as claiming that your whole population was fully vaccinated when it was really only half whilst not counting the "other half" when your effectively responsible for all who live under your occupation, was a bad idea? Well, f**k them Ps the mayor of an australian town in NSW under lockdown is the first high profile aussie to crack and publicly state that zero covid is futile and they need to live with covid from now on, wonder how many more will follow now
  22. Just remove hospitality from the mask mandate law and be fucking done with it. people can chose not to go to these places or they can chose to wear a mask if they want. keep them in the supermarkets if it makes people any happier, cause that's all we seem to care about now.
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