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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. The English daily express has a front page that its' the end of the line for lockdown The Scottish version has pleas to pause as cases high same paper, different story - SNPBAD
  2. The mood music from the Scottish & uk government’s as well as most of the media today sounds to me as if it’s profoundly changed to “ don’t worry about cases we’re going to be fine” although sturgeons voice sounded like she knows she has a mountain to climb de- lovejoying a large part of the population
  3. 3 weeks of 1000 plus cases a day and the hospital numbers rise by .... 4 , fuckin 4! we just don't know !!
  4. that's not even conspiracy, that's someone having a carry on
  5. Maybe one for unpopular opinions this one A few years back when we played sevco at home 2 pissed up rangers fans who were not wearing colours were sat in the home end a few rows down from us in the main stand They spent the entire first half trying to noise up everyone around them Called everyone around them ****** c***s And tried to pick fights with anyone who would take their bait before eventually getting chucked out by the polis, that was only 2 at an otherwise segregated event when we had to listen to the usual shite from the rest of the away support. Not just the old firm either, largish brawl on the grassy park at Alexander avenue with hibs after the play off in 2016 not just the dancing teenagers but folk who are old enough to know better Yet the posho rugby fans can have 65 thousand for Scotland v England with no segregation and alcohol on sale yet the police don’t have a tantrum and there are relatively few arrests made for an event of that size On balance treating different sports fans with different rules might have a wee bit of merrit
  6. That must be a company policy as legally you only need to wear one whilst moving through communal areas Your company sounnd like p***ks in that case, for all my works flaws they have pretty much just played the game when it comes to the covid rules
  7. I’m guessing they thought cunmings was at it when heno doubt threatened them all with this info before he got the sack?
  8. Uefa basically said fans or GTF. Clubs and the sfa whilst not quite having the same leverage have sat on their hands waiting for someone else to do something , welcome to Scottish football past present and future
  9. In the last 25 years smokers have went from being accommodated as equals to being pushed further and further out the way and taxed heavily CCOM thread for those who think the tax on fags is just about raising cash for the treasury, thats a side effect, it’s to make people think seriously about not smoking The government spends a fortune on upgrading infrastructure to make walking and cycling easier whilst making it more difficult to just drive everywhere - again for little monetary return The lowering of the drink drive limit was not so much about road safety- few people suffer much impairment after 1 pint, but was to discourage folk from stopping for a pint on the way home from work, fives etc & also to curtail their intake during a sesh if they had to drive the following day - a good scoop can see you over the new limit till well into the afternoon We don’t just “accept “ the big 3 killers in Scotland wedo everything we can to encourage better choices without outright banning certain things These “ scientists “ are talking absolute pish Besides covid is a respiratory virus and it’s spreads during many activities that are on the whole good for our health and well-being, which they should know fine well by now People educated to their level should have a better understanding of risk assessment and management I work for a company who love to talk a good game when it comes to safety “ we believe we can have zero accidents “ The health and safety executive on the other hand DON’T believe we can have zero accidents due to human factors and that to think we can have zero is actually counterproductive and dangerous
  10. Exactly, death is a fact of life , theres also a reason we don’t treat other diseases like covid with NPI,s - because it would be ruinously expensive and painful to do so I have a relative who is extremely vulnerable and only 30 years old. They are double vaccinated now and enjoying life but in the event that they catch covid and die as a result (unlikely but possible ) you might be tempted to think “ oh you were in such a hurry to get out of lockdown and now they’re dead” and it would be devastating if that were to happen- but, for those unlucky enough to fall into that category, it will happen to them one way or another. If not now then in 1 or 2 years time so short of total eradication ( unlikely unless we get a 2 nd gen vaccine with full sterilising immunity) then your just delaying the inevitable
  11. Yes The uk as a whole has been recording 10k plus cases for the last fortnight and only had 18 deaths today When Scotland alone was getting 2.5k a day in early January, 3 weeks later we were getting 80 or even 90 a day You just need to look at how few cases are in the over 50s to see how well this is working
  12. Rugby fans will all have been working from home since last march, don’t frequent dirty pubs and only drink alcohol with a substantial meal when out. And will all be travelling to the match in socially distant range rovers So much safer if you think about it
  13. Sage = SPFL Indy sage = rangers media ARMAGEDDON
  14. Does he think soldiers should get footballers wages?
  15. If i was sure that restrictions would be lifted as per timetable to 2019 normality, with no danger of being re imposed Then I would stop following the news and this thread the very same day, I really don’t care how many people arny feelin well wae the covid
  16. Yeah i know mate I’m saying are they the ones in an echo chamber? 71% of what kind of people? The kind of no life bores who spend all day filling Facebook newspapers comments sections and gossip pages wih whinging about neds hanging outside a shop, dogs of the leash and folk not parking properly? People who want to get back back to life don’t have time for those pishy surveys Posted with 100% self awareness btw
  17. It’s a sad state of affairs when i find myself agreeing with half of the folk i find myself agreeing with But he’s correct, what a load of fuckin bollocks
  18. We often say that as a way of tenpering the mood But I don’t no anyone in real life who is also on p&b and everyone i know wants to get back to normal asap Is it maybe possible that the sm lovejoys are the ones in an echo chamber? The uk torries have a massive majority, the election is years and the opposition are hopeless . The snp are bulletproof cause #indyref and the opposition are again hopeless The lovejoys shout the loudest and get their way because to give in to them makes our stats Look better, remember covid is what everything is measured on now Those opposing lockdown also shout loud but at best look selfish and at worse look like loonballs so end up being ignored
  19. What a fuckin suprise eh these things have serious adverse side effects Almost as bad as that was this social distancing shite, the idea that you are supposed to treat everyone you do meet as if they’re a fuckin disease ridden lepper! Whats that gony do to folk in the long term especially thise too wee to understand? At least most sensible people have been ignoring this for a while but i bet the lovejoys have went and loaded up huge problems for the future
  20. Shameful , do they not know that people have DIED of this ?
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