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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. TBF something has to be done about the stadium ownership sooner or later, for the club to be successful they need the stadium & surrounding facilities to work for them 7 days a week, (over and above the pitch hire ) including restoring the once popular 5 aside pitches that the council neglected, introducing parking charges for those visiting the helix etc, provision or renting of catering facilities when pitches are used for children's football (ie when parents are all buzzing about) matchday revenue , prize/broadcasting (all the same in scotland) and transfers are not enough
  2. because we are the people ? wait nah that would sure affect TFS too
  3. 677 new cases of COVID-19 reported 26,258 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results 2.8% of these were positive 1 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive 10 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 114 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 3,286,261 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 2,106,177 have received their second dose Could be better tbh
  4. f**k me, fwiw i think it's silly all those folk needing to isolate becuase someone coughed once in a room but if people actually living in a house with someone who has been deemed enough of a risk via contact that they must self isolate, don't themselves have to isolate then no wonder the entire system leaks like a sieve . might aswell not bother with the hassle of it now
  5. i'm sure if someone needs to self isolate, then the entire household does, whats the point in someone staying at home incase their unknowingly spreading covid, only for the rest of their family to go out and about unknowingly spreading it whilst they're in the hoose?
  6. As far as i know none of my mates, family or co workers post on here but I don’t know many who are still wanting more restrictions or who are still scared of getting the virus There are though, some people who were dissatisfied with life as we knew it pre pandemic and are not in any hurry to return, and this gives them the perfect excuse to keep it up. Normality is coming tho, even if it is delayed significantly it will be no later than next spring even in the most extreme circumstances, because there is just no way that governments can keep burning money whilst enforcing mandatory closure of the economy
  7. What if they done a recruitment drive for skilled staff overse... nah f**k it brexit means brexit WATP
  8. For all the man city and chelsea “fans” we have up here I don’t doubt it unfortunately
  9. is it? i think once you take population size into account we don't look too good either? We're also not the thinnest or healthiest bunch around either
  10. 464 1.8% Hospitals & ICU down but no figures Presume no deaths otherwise would have been mentioned
  11. I've got a really sinking feeling that cumings' telling tales is going to have massive ramifications for all us rational minded people A lot of stars came together to make covid the menace that it was, -china's dodgy data, highly contagious, Enough of a fatality rate that when combined with trasmission rates would kill a lot of people, airborne, Asymptomatic transmission & long incubation perioid. the kind of things that sort of made lockdown unavoidable at least in the early first wave. But now that all of this government incompetence has been blasted out in the open , i fear that the lovejoys of the world will start demanding lockdowns and the like every time any sort of new threat appears anywhere. The government will not be able to give them satisfactory reassurance that lockdowns are unnecessary this time because it is now public knowledge how fucking clueless they were last year. i worry that we're going to see far more snap cancellations, international travel restrictions , potential quarantine for international arrivals imposed on a whim and costly insurance to cover you should you get caught up in such shite
  12. people i know i AUS/NZ are absolutely terrified of the virus as if it meant certain death , whereas we all know about 10 folk whov had it and had nothing more than a week in their bed with some lemsip
  13. if this current rate of cases doesnt transfer into significant increases in hospitalisations, serious illness & death in 2-3 weeks time then the vaccines have well and truly pumped this virus and are now just passing it about in their own half waiting for full time
  14. It’s shite like this that gives me the fear
  15. going by some of what he's said, you wouldn't fancy this government to competently order or manage his assassination anyway. he'l be fine, sadly
  16. WTF is going on up here with gigs like this. That's equivalent to a UK figure of about 6000+ and we are seeing nothing near that outwith Scotland ??? pish weather keeping folk indoors?
  17. I’m not sure if this is what you’re asking but if you mean people who have conservative & right of centre ideology who support independence? Then yes there are bound to be a significant minority who mostly vote snp If there ever was independence then I imagine the parliament would become dominated by a social democratic party made up of majority current snp members and some labour lib/ labs And a new “ conservative “party made up of current moderate tories and the more right wing snp members. With the greens further to the left and some sort of British nationalist nostalgia party further to the right who would oppose EU membership You’d likely find that the SD would be dominant like the tories are in the uk with “conservatives” winning sporadically whenever SD fall out of favour But you never know, independence could be such a shock to the system that it changes the voting preferences radically Only one way to find out...
  18. f**k knows mate, i never mentioned anti English racism or the yes movement at wll in my post
  19. well she doesn't know where we're going , but at least she can say where we've been. so really , we just don't know
  20. she doesn't work for the Scottish government, She's just a talking head . She works for one of the edinburgh universities but i can't remeber which one
  21. so you're not a gammon then? not all people with right wing views are perma seething, there are plenty who view money and personal choice in this way But there are plenty who fall into the -anything new = silly nonsense category and they are mostly right wing ETA when Micheal Gove said that people had had enough of experts , he was telling the truth. But it's quite a sad state of affairs when that's how a large number of people make their mind up in this country and politicians like him make capital out of it. What he really could have said was " people aren't interested in facts or the truth, they want leaders who will tell them what they want to hear and confirm what they believe to be true "
  22. Where i work, if you're off, someone on their rest day off has to come out and cover you. They get paid for it obviously but to call in sick especially at short notice, on nights, at the weekends or on public holidays is always treated as suspicious until proven otherwise
  23. i'd rather just suffer at work than have the mrs do my tits in at home tbh
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