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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Perhaps it does sound grim, but imagine it just like a pub or club but on a massive scale . just like in a real environment although the place might be absolutely hoachin , most of the women in their won't be interested in you. but through sheer weight of numbers there will most likely be somebody that wants what you want . If you live in a populated area , like I do . then there are tens of thousands of people like you who live within 20 miles of you ( for me that takes in Glasgow, Edinburgh Stirling etc ) who you simply won't cross paths with real life. but unlike going out on the pull in real life, where you are constricted by having to actually get dressed up, go out, hope that the place you go to actually has any talent and then you are also restricted to how often you can do this because of time and money. with tinder once you set your profile up it goes into cyberspace and works 24/7 for you. you can also be chatting to more than 1 burd at the same time which of course would not be a good idea in the real world. I was sceptical about it to begin with but there's just no way you can compete with that kind of efficiency
  2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-56799729 finally a bit of balance from the industry , social distancing is not some wee adjustment we must learn to live with from now on, it makes the everyday things that make life worth living fucking near impossible.
  3. my experience of my 6 months on tinder back in 2018 90% won't match with you of those who do 90% won't chat with you of those who do chat 90 % will say a few lines then stop replying ( ghosting) of those who keep chatting around 75 % won't be interested in a face to face meeting BUT when who you do get to meet face to face , the chances of getting your hole are actually pretty decent I only met up 7 burds whilst I was on it but I pumped 4 of them , all on the first meeting . it's just a numbers game.
  4. I don’t think anyone is seriously suggesting that that’s the way forward for football matches
  5. My dads not really into football but my mates all supported falkirk when i was a teenager. Funnily enough I’m pretty much the only one who still goes as they’ve all chucked it for various reasons
  6. Whether you find it entertaining or not surely a simple explanation is that it’s adult content ( not porn just the humour and innuendo etc) and is thus unsuitable for young children? In the same way frankie boyle wouldnt be right for a kids audience
  7. Do you ever wonder how much of it was just subtle ploys to get people to change their behaviour? Remember how blase many people in the uk were at the beginning, untill they went full on lord of the flys obviously
  8. Decent article instead of their usual pish tbh, touches on a point I've made already and one that has been largely ignored in most media, it's not normal behaviour to treat everyone you come across like they're a disease riddled leper. And doing so will have negative effects onus
  9. I get that what i am about to say sounds callous but so be it, the messaging from politicians like sturgeon about each death being an individual tragedy ( for the family sure ) is somewhat disingenuous, we’re not talking about a war or natural disaster where the fatalities are mostly healthy young people. A great many of those who passed were going to die the next time they got sick , granted that may have been quicker than it otherwise would have been but the sad fact is the majority were elderly and somewhat unwell.
  10. people have always been fuckin cranks man, remeber there used to be ( maybe still is) a c**t who went round taking pictures of badly parked cars and posting them on a dedicated facebook page, absolute 40 year old virgin behavior, nothing to do with fear of the virus, just another busy body finding an excuse to act all holier than thou
  11. Quite right, only well of fans who can afford a to travel all over for every game should get priority for big games. must keep the rif raff away you know, I've still got shares in timberland
  12. Unfortunately I think you're right. Far too many people are either too scared (due to constant fear mongering from media and public health advisors) or comfortable with lockdown (furlough, working from home etc. and all the advantages that brings) for there to be any mass protests. I think in this country if people are not personally affected by something then they couldn't care less
  13. ease up with the conspiracy stuff mate , no ones biting
  14. does mrs blues like to taser you whilst carrying a loaded handgun on her belt? If so, tell us more please!
  15. When we breach the quarantine we're really gony show, the world a brand of covid that they could never know to the tune of allys tartan army?
  16. gyms can open but to ensure social distancing no phones will be permitted, that way only c***s who go to actually get some exercise will bother and all the posers will stay at home
  17. Large music festivals are planning to go ahead in late summer at full capacity , albeit you'd be more worried about cancelation than you would be in previous years when they were almost unheard of. maybe there's the Edinburgh international festival is attended by 98% lovejoys and this is the only way they will sell any tickets
  18. they'll be an increase in the amount of folk you can outside an little more, followed by sturgeon walking away with a smirk thinkin ah hud them guan there eh they thought they were goin for a pint!
  19. good god that looks fuckin shite! Really hope this isn't the entertainment sectors version of the taylor report, only even more OTT and unenjoyable than the Falkirk stadium
  20. That can’t be true there would be a 6th wave and double variant if it was. Wait 2 weeks
  21. don't announce it, just do it. That's what everyone who's breaking the rules is doing these days
  22. in the true spirit of the blitz, we should all go and get blitzed
  23. Did this pish not start by some of those alt right wanks often referring to the prime minister of Canada as “ the substitute drama teacher “ which was his first job after college or whatever, I noticed some seething gammons in Scotland refer to sturgeon as “ the divorce lawyer “ in a copy cat way. Not the kind of c***s you really want to be associated with tbh
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