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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. from sky news Sir David King told Sky News: "[There are] 5,300 new cases of the disease per day in the United Kingdom and we're up about 2,000 on last week. "Now we've been discussing whether or not we're going into a serious third wave and I don't think we can possibly wait any longer. This is the evidence of another wave appearing." Live COVID updates from the UK and around the world Around 400 infections a day are among people who have had both vaccines, said Sir David, who is the chair of the Independent Sage He said: "We know that anyone vaccinated twice is relatively safe against the virus. "But let's not forget one in 25 new cases are people who have been vaccinated twice - that means 400 new cases a day are people who had the vaccine twice." from my calculator 5300/25 = 212 IE almost half of what this dick is trying to suggest
  2. it also doesnt mention if those one in 25 cases are people at home with the sniffles or in icu, i thenk more will be the former
  3. We slag of the english for being over confident gobshite primadonas who are not as good as they think they are hence the gloating when they get pumped ( especially from teams they have a “right” to beat) They slag us for being perma diddies with a chip on our shoulders who can’t kick our own arse and have been utterly irrelevant on the world stage for most of history. And on balance that’s about right. And the way it should be None of this oh good for you do the home nations proud shite That’s not what footballs about
  4. 20 thousand tests tho which is way more than what used to be done at the weekend
  5. I got fined for drinking in the street at the 2009 cup final, there was no disturbance everyone was getting along just fine, it was one of those “ everyone was doing it but you’re the one who got caught “ scenarios As they were taking my details and giving me my ticket, i was still in quite a jovial mood , one older cop started going fuckin mental at me as if i was the scum of the earth and how i had to sharpen up my attitude etc etc After he fucked off the 2 other , sounder guys said to me “ careful with guys like him, they can take a daft wee offence like this , put the word football in it and suddenly you’re in alot more bother” That’s how they view us
  6. Well today is better than yesterday numbers wise
  7. You’re part of the problem for the next generation! He’ll think everything he does is special now, bloody kids these days pc gown maaad
  8. Can’t do that as with such low numbers you’d risk exposing the identity of those in
  9. There is no logic because it hasn’t happened
  10. And back to normality mentioned several times not new normal or greater degree of normality Also a recognition that face coverings and distancing are getting tedious for most of us , none of this “ we’ll become a nation of mask wearers “ pish That and a lack of shiting the bed and referencing the vaccines doing their job, I’d say that is fairly positive
  11. Things don’t half feel a bit grim today. Need to speed up the jagging and hope hospital numbers don’t rise by much otherwise we’ll at best get held at this level and at worst get put back Agree with a previous poster that if things aren’t gone completely by September then they’ll be kept till next April
  12. your wrong dickhead! actually i don't mind it on P&B for some reason , it just feels like it's ok for a bit of debate and can pass some time , we're actually not as daft as we make out to be but i do cringe at those who do it on facebook comments sections, anything around football or politics or current events most often becomes very childish very quickly
  13. 835 new cases of COVID-19 reported 31,841 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results 2.8% of these were positive 4 new reported death(s) of people who have tested positive 8 people were in intensive care yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 110 people were in hospital yesterday with recently confirmed COVID-19 3,305,812 people have received the first dose of the Covid vaccination and 2,137,618 have received their second dose cases keep going up but huge numbers of testing keeps positivity level hospitals down slightly ICU also down BUT.. looks like they all left in a box cigars ? - 50/50
  14. When they say that i think most of them really mean " my wife will never give me fucking peace so i'd rather just be at my work "
  15. if you say so, i'm a bit of a worrier by nature, if i was on furlough and hence my job was on life support then i'd probably have an uneasy feeling the longer it dragged on i done plenty of cycling and walking during lockdown 1 untill the mrs got on my case about spending "quality time" which was her language for spending a quality cash in the house and garden in the absence of holidays and going out .
  16. Fair enough, it's not a life i'd ever want. if i'm going to be off work i'd prefer to be able to have a wide range of things to do with my time rather than just sit around doing f**k all. in fact lockdown was one of the few times in life where i'd rather have been at work than off
  17. it actually makes me both sad and annoyed that there are folk like that. i hope it's not as many as it sounds. i've noticed less and less lovejoys on social media these days
  18. Iwas talking about isreal, never mention portugal
  19. Indoors ? Masks are required in virtually all outdoor settings never mind indoors "The only remaining restriction is the indoor mask mandate, which is expected to remain in place for at least the next week." Could you even imagine our government giving us such a short timescale for binning things ?
  20. come on mate, who actually enforces/ adheres to the whole physical distancing rules when with people they know?
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