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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. WFH going forward should be between you and your employer or union f**k all to do with government any longer
  2. Good They’ve back-pedalled before after a backlash It was only in February that swinney was “leaking” to the press that restrictions may remain in place after everyone was vaccinated and that got kicked tae f**k after uproar from the public
  3. They have too, if they have any hope of getting support for independence high enough to win a hypothetical vote they have too If they keep us muzzled and restricted out of stubbornness or fear whilst England is out partying then many people including long term indy supporters like myself might think well if this is what independence looks like then you can ram it Which would be sad on a many levels
  4. Aye, didn’t see that one coming, thought it would be the right wing that would have had a hard on for authoritative measures
  5. guarentee the lovejoys will retort that statement with one saying that - because people are free to go to stadiums and nightclubs, it makes essential places like supermarkets and workplaces much less safe for them to inhabit because they will be full of people who have been bevying fitbawing and having maskless fun & they have no choice but to use them,
  6. that statement was the most "look how much more i care " in the history of all i care more statements fuckin hell
  7. 11:04 Greater Manchester mayor says face masks should stay after 19 July Boris Johnson has said the UK is aiming to get back to normal as far as possible this month, and sources earlier told the Daily Mail that the requirement for face masks could be dropped in shops. But Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham has said he wants the measure to stay in place even if lockdown is completely lifted. Speaking on the BBC's Newsnight, he said: "I am worried about reports that distancing is going to be dropped, and masks are going to be dropped. You've got to keep one or the other, you can't get rid of distancing and the requirement to wear masks. "You've got to think of people who feel worried about being out there. I think about the tram in Manchester, I know if that [social distancing] goes some people will feel very vulnerable to use the tram, I think it's better to keep the masks requirement." The mayor has often been in disagreement with the government during the pandemic, causing a stir when he hit out at local lockdowns in Greater Manchester
  8. What plan or procedure was there for treating a novel respiratory virus before this came along? i read online that high death rates in itally back at the start could have been down to them intubating the majority of patients but for some this made it worse?
  9. now your just showing off! the rhetoric today , to me at least ,sounds like the emergency response phase of this pandemic is drawing to a close in this country , domestic normality is coming and people catching the virus day to day is going to just be accepted. and if necessary treated.
  10. Fucking kids these days eh? think they know best
  11. will be interesting to see how and when the downward part of the wave appears without additional NPI as were used in waves 1 & 2 , not lovejoying or calling for them, just curious to compare how different or similar they will be as we haven't yet had the chance to find out
  12. i think it's just availability of information that clouds peoples judgement into thinking the world is a big scary place full of danger my parents and most of my friends folks took a fairly laidback approach to things when we were young (90s) and gave us almost complete freedom as teenagers in the early 2000 by which time we had phones, they were totaly fine with us going to brockville on our ownat age14 and up it was common for groups of us to get the train to either glasgow or edinburgh to attend a gig where there was alcohol on sale ( it wasn't that hard to get served or have someone buy it for you in those days) and not arrive home untill around midnight , all completely unsupervised. i don't know how many parents would allow that today but i think it done us a lot of good in terms of finding our way in the world
  13. Same happened at forth valley couple weeks ago according to the local paper, people in hospital for other issues caught it from other patients or staff
  14. i'm back to having that sinking feeling that this won't be allowed to continue for much longer , hope tae f**k i'm wrong
  15. to the OP read this and remember it anytime you feel guilty. perhaps one of the half dozen or so ladies on P&B can testify ? being a burd on these apps is absolutely nothing like being a bloke. think of burds just out to enjoy a night out and getting swarmed by losers like flys round shite in a crappy nightclub and times it by 100, there are always way more men on these apps, so much so that the algorith lowers the premium service price for females dependent on the M/F ratio in a particular area they can get inundated with matches and messages, although 80 odd % of them will be unwanted bordering on creepy harrasment, they can almost always afford to be more picky than you btw, i was never much of a "shagger" at all but when i had my wee spell on tinder a couple years ago i ended up having 3 burds on the go at once (2 from tinder and my ex who i had broken up with but was still in a wierd pally - no quite moved on phase) to be honest i found it slightly stressful as my mind wasn't accustomed to this at all, but the novelty of it was a massive rush . it didnt last long, after maybe 4 weeks i decided stop with one of the tinders, stopped seeing my ex and the other tinder stopped replying to me, all in quick succession too, it was for the best anyway but it was a quality few weeks, still get a wee smile when i think about it! just enjoy yourself, thats what it's for, the people you match with are by definition doing the same so there's no need to feel guilty about it. if something then becomes serious you usualy just delete the app but with only the minimum amount of discussion, there should be no need for either party to discuss "others"
  16. here's how i think it will be rolled back Vaccinated contacts no longer need to isolate vaccinated householders no longer Vaccinated positive cases without symptom no longer isolation for postive cases becomes advisory International travel - depends on the lovejoy rating of your destination country
  17. Yes sir, i can lurgie PS Boohoo shit happens, people are going to be contracting covid for the rest of time from now on, stop trying to moralise people people getting no well, it's time we accepted it as a fact of life instead of looking at it as wholey preventable if we would only stick to what is essential , just f**k off
  18. republic of ireland shat the bed today leaving them the complete outlier in europe hope we're not getting any ideas
  19. fair play to her, them that never asked for a sweetie never got one, can't see it happening myself mind you!
  20. they're behaviour reminds me of overly confident mouthy kids combined with parents who agree with the, who think that snow automatically = schools shut. sorry kids, this isny school
  21. remeber this forum lovejoyed the f**k out of pozbaird last year for the pishiest of lockdown breaches. we forget about that. i didn't (then or now) give a toss as i personaly broke plenty rules from april last year up untill now but just didnt announce it to anyone
  22. i don't think age makes that much difference to weather your likely to be a lovejoy or not. there are people who don't understand the risk and how it evolves not just with vaccines but with time and understanding. theres also people who have ulterior motives for not wanting this to end, although surely even the dumbest of folk must know in their hearts that furlough can't last forever ., there are many who want to continue to work from home but they need to take that up with their employer. it shouldn't be for the government to determine how each workplace is run
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