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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Sorry , not buying it at all, Southampton can pay 2, 3 or 4 times the wages the either of the old firm can offer. the very best players can afford to be picky about who they play for and where and what they win but thats it. if you pay the wages, they will come. Hearts don't need mbappe or haaland to win the Scottish premiership. None of this sugar daddy talk matters tho becuase it's so unlikely in reality it may as well be a prayer, for a start, such a thing would not be allowed under FFP. In England, there is potential for clubs to get a return on their massive investment, not only due to the large tv money on offer but also the over inflated transfer fee's that they can command for players that our clubs simply cannot. Sugar daddy driven hearts would need to go all the way and win the champions league in order to make back the transfer fees and wages required just to win the premiership alone If it is to happen in real life, it's either going to be an alignment of the stars - we could be waiting a while or , more likely ( for a team to win at least) it will take a complete top to bottom overhaul of football contracts, squad sizes, transfers and wages that is deliberately designed to reduce the gap in strength between the top end teams and the bottom, a Bosman on steroids if you like. again we might be waiting a while
  2. get the price of renewable electricity fucking well unpegged from the price of gas would be a start you facking cahnts
  3. It's not so much that fortune favours the bold, half of the bold will still fail for one reason or the other, it's more a case that the over cautios and negative minded will never get anywhere
  4. I wouldnt have bothered with the oyster part if it wasnt for the governments stupid "substantial meal" rules so it's their own fault
  5. Why Grant Shapps is really calling for cyclists to wear number-plates (msn.com) can go round in circles about the tax and insurence debate if you want but it really is the tail wagging the dug as far as road safety and management go. also is this going to apply to waens out playing in the street? he's been rightly called out for pandering to whinging tabloid idiots but it's just another sign of how pathetic this mob are
  6. I feel like 2012 was only yestarday , when i first discovered the gen nonsense and folk commenting on the first day of school posts, those kids will be in their final years of the high school this year where does the time go?
  7. Glad to hear those replies lads (and lady) sounds much more positive than i thought. I went to regular school from start to finish so it didn't quite apply to me but when i was applying for jobs, the apprenticeship i eventually got had, at the application stage, the option to declare any medical conditions that you have. My auld man furiously talked me out of it and told me never under any circumstances to disclose that information to any employer. his view was that if there were 200 applications then that declaration would help my application find it's way into the bin against all the others with nothing and I would be none the wiser to prove anything. TBF I've worked at my current employer for 10 years and they do have a history of employing the most convenient candidate , usually someone with a friend or relative already working there (doesn't apply to me), so as bad as it sounds , there may be some merit to what he said. Cynical me thought that employers would just see the name of the school and go, nah not for me, don't want the hassle
  8. genuine question here, what is the likely affect of attending an ASN school on a young persons employment prospects? Assuming that a job is within their capability is it likely to swing the balance either way? i know in theory discrimination would be illegal but in the real world these things are often hard to prove
  9. there was a neurodiversity thread a wee while back, i don't have autism but one of the other conditions that have been mentioned. all i'm going to say is, apart from talking to strangers on a football forum, i live a completely normal life. relationships of all kinds certainly are difficult but my condition isn't the whole story, eye contact, theres a thing. for me, holding eye contact with someone who is talking to me feels exactly the same, in terms of internal discomfort and awkwardness as staring at a stranger across the room would. i know that you are supposed to do the former but never the latter, they both feel the same, does that help explain it?
  10. Whats most peoples thoughts on it there? are they shit scared like it's certain death or do they have a more nonchalant attitude that we have adopted?
  11. Shows just how profitable the pre capped fobt’s were they were limited to 4 per shop yet could afford to proliferate shops,with all the overheads that entails, all over the place ( 4 in falkirk town centre is now 1) at a time when the majority of sports betting was shifting online
  12. I think it's a pretty big factor along with some others in no particular order ; lowering of the drink drive limit to the point where 1 drink will put you over, or , where a late sesh will see you over well past lunchtime the next day, you certainly can't " 5 & drive" anymore , ok, technically it's been illegal since the 60's but was widely accepted till the end of the 80s. you can't even have 1 pint of the way home from 5s or any other group activity where you have the car. 30 year ago we had 4 tv channels and nae internet, the old ways of needing an activity to "get you out of the house" is becoming redundant as there is almost as much you can enjoy from home as from there is outside there are other things to spend your money on, 30 year ago , going abroad for a weekend city break was prohibitively expensive for most, now it's affordable to alot more, but they may have to sacrifice a few nights in the local boozer . that's just one example the price dating apps, - chatting burds up in a pub - often uninvited, is becoming somewhat strange and outdated the less people that go, the less who will want to go. who wants to go sit in an empty pub with just the folk you know? people are looking at alcohol differently now, it's no longer acceptable for most dads to go and sit in the boozer after work for example
  13. pubs have been declining for 30 years, and your right, it's not one thing it's many
  14. i'm younger than you but yeah, i was born under thatcher but i'm not old enough to remember any of her, didn't agree with either of them but they were by an absolute mile the most competent
  15. dine in restaurants will most likely suffer a downturn, takeaways will probably be ok as they're less expensive and are good for comfort and morale boosting
  16. This has been the biggest minter of the pandemic, it's awfy like celtic fans with the palestine flags and rangers responding with the isreali ones
  17. So why do we only talk about cost-benefit of NPIs, like masks & ventilation as if they're of less value? I'll tell you why deepti, cause going about with a mask strapped to your face at all times, keeping a distance from everyone as if they're a disease ridden leppur and never going anywhere to enjoy yourself is absolutely fucking wierd behaviour that only someone with high functioning autism would actualy think is reasonable. for everyone else it gets extremely tedious and tiresome after a while and causes longer term harm to society that is worse than the virus your so desperate to avoid in the first place. away and sit doon
  18. Because they are unlikely to vote for her, at least in big enough numbers and in enough constituencies to swing an election. So their numbers add up to f**k all
  19. i'll be honest and say i'd never thought about a car like that before. i always looked at them as more like an appliance than anything else, sure the value goes down as you rack up miles and wear out parts but you pay to have the thing so you can drive it about. other things that cost a reasonable amount of money - fridge-freezers, washing machines, boilers etc all of them are fairly infrequent purchases but they don't last forever and most people would expect little or zero re sale value when your done with them. cars are just same if you think about it
  20. As i said the other day, an idiots vote counts just as much as an educated vote, as soon as the trumps and johnsons of this world made that their primary strategy then the baw was burst for any sensible government
  21. Correct. The attitude towards alcohol by the authorities in Scotland and the uk make the case that alcohol is something to consume with the sole intent of gettIng drunk and that any drunk person is a nuisance to others. Alcohol must therefore be segregated from the rest of society
  22. Aye i know how it is for them, basically they say that lowering prices won't bring in any new people so they have to keep fleecing those loyal enough to keep paying over the odds. Thing is i've often slagged off old firm fans and EPL fanboys for being glory hunters as if there's something morally superior about supporting your local team, but why? just becuase we come from the town where they play their home games doesn't mean anything now, they players are mostly just on a mery go round of provincial clubs, alot of the rural clubs are based elsewhere for training so the club isn't even in the town. it's not as if players or managers have any great affinity for their current place on the mery go round. so again the question is why keep paying? These clubs have to give themselves something that gives people a reason to want to turn out and pay
  23. Definitely. Back in my 20s though the only option was to go to the "dancing" if you wanted to carry on drinking. Could probably count on one hand the number of times I actually danced. Always felt the UK was pretty backwards for enforcing alcohol sales by the clock, after doing away with it you would get a wee upsurge in bother for a while until the novelty wears off then it will gradually settle down, people will just stay out till they've had enough rather than trying to tan as much as they can before the bar shuts. However it has to be said, with maturity you'll come to realize that the British standard timeline for a night out i.e. starting around 8 ish and finishing in the early hours is by far the best, the only issue the cut offs for pubs and clubs is just an hour or 2 early causing an unnecessary rush. I've visited mates living on the continent before and those lazy foreigners don't even leave the pre drinking house/ flat till after 1 . go to clubs at 4 am and get home sometime around 7, the entire following day is completely fucked and you're out of sorts the day after that too.
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