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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Aye, local newspaper social media comments are usually full of keyboard warriors declaring that “insert provincial town” needs more shops. the shops are gone because nobody was using them, if there was a desire for them then they’d be back crossing multiple threads here but there are a number of YouTube creaters calling for “ walkability “ in towns and cities, usually citing how European cities are pedestrian friendly but North American ones are car centric. it seems in the UK we have the worst of both worlds, we’ve got plenty of well pedestrianised town centres lieing semi derelict and neglected whilst having retail parks and out of town shopping centres doing a decent trade. looks to me like there is no going back, people liked walking the high vibrant high street until something else came along. European cities must be far more closely managed than UK ones for them to still be doing ok.Once you give people the option to drive everywhere then that’s what they’ll do. same goes for online. People just naturally choose convenience every time. on the covid thread many of us wondered why so much of the population were in support or at least not arsed about lengthy lockdowns. answer , you don’t need to leave your house for anything anymore! It’s actually quite depressing
  2. Aye and no, there’s a natural evolution going on. I think I’ll always prefer to buy groceries and clothes at the shop. hardware is hit or miss, if i absolutely know that B&Q have something then I’ll go in person for the instant convenience, otherwise I’ll order online and wait for it rather than spend ages looking. I’m fucked if I’m ever going out shopping for white goods tho, who wants to by a washing machine in person and take it home in the car? my parents in their 60s simply can’t understand the proliferation of coffee shops in modern times, it’s just alien to then that people would go out to town for tea and coffee yet drink alcohol at home, as far ad they’re concerned it’s just the wrong way round
  3. Going into an independent retailer & upon seeing the price to be slighter higher than a major national chain, owned by a multi million pound conglomerate, declaring them to be " a bunch of fuckin robbing b*****ds"
  4. TBF, you're going to be in it for quite a while.. just saying
  5. aye your right, they should just take what they're fucking given and be happy with it. maybe c***s who take 100+ million public contracts from their mates for shite that doesn't exist should be asked first what do you think the bigger number will be
  6. here here, all those c***s on about "wE ShoULd leAVe it in SUmmEr tiME Aw yEar LIghTer niGHts n thAt" do they not realise in Devember and Janauary it would still be dark at quarter past 9 in the fuckin morning and it would still be dark at the back ae 5 anyway
  7. I've said it enough times, how can America be the richest most powerfull nation on earth when it is rammed full of absolute cranks? we just don't know
  8. The last 2 posts have just summed up for me the feeling that has come back this season, I honeslty think that for clubs like us there are 2 things we need t give us a heart and sole. one is fan ownership and the other is a youth system made up of majority locally sourced players. and we finally look like we're getting somewhere "but after the last few years of insipid garbage dominated by charlatans unfit to wear the shirt, manage or run the club, it" every professional sports team pays professionals to play and charges spectaters to watch, you're not going down to watch the local lads take on the next town then have a pint in the club afterwards, that is understood. but when the entire club from directors to players is made up of utterly uninterested journeymen on a footballing mery-go-round playing absolute garbage and getting no results, you can't simply expect people to keep turning up just becuase they live in the same town that the club operates in. You have got to give people a reason to keep turning up Post covid there is a social media driven renaissance of diddy fitbaw on scotland. some think it is a bit cringy and samey but hey, if it gets young people into otherwise empty and quiet stadiums then I'm all for it. A strong fan ownership, fan representation and a youth system providing a pathway for local players well ensure that we are on the right side of history. without fans football is nothing? without a paying audience - proffessional sport is not viable
  9. Don't want to offend anyone here (ok actually I do!) the number of speakers is of course very low at 1% or there abouts, but that's the total number of people who CAN speak it, ie have enough knowledge in to hold a conversation BUT I'd bet a fair number of them are hobbyist/ revivalists. the number of those who actually use Gaelic as their day-to-day language of communication must be about 10% of that if you're lucky. The kids in the revivalist schools will know how to speak it sure, but do they actually bleather away to each other in Gaelic when the teachers not forcing them, do they use it at lunch time or when they're out with their mates? I bet they dinny! Wales is in a different situation to us. My opinion is the worst thing we could do to Gaelic is to follow Ireland where they have used the Irish language as a way of saying "look how un-English we are " so naw, we shouldnae dae it
  10. Also a wee anecdote. my other half is part of a wee social group that meets about once a month, when the resumed meeting in person after restrictions ended there was one couple who wouldn't meet anyone in person as they were absolutely terrified of catching it ( this was with good reason tbf as their health is very poor) but even they are now casually socialising away like it's 2019, no masks no distancing. I know plenty other examples of this too with people who took quite a while to ease back in to the old ways but are now quite relaxed about things. You're really just down to a handful of people who are either; 1) still terrified of the virus 2) acting out to prove a point or virtue signal 3) using it as an excuse to avoid things they don't want to do Everyone else, in this country at least has reverted to type that's my observation
  11. Masks on public transport: 61% Masks in indoor public spaces: 49% Interesting, as there's nowhere even close to that happening now. lucky if it's even 1% now
  12. The tories have nothing left in the tank except going for broke against woke. when you’re behind in a game you’ll often here auld c***s shouting at the players to “ get it up the park” despite that being outdated shite. This is the same. Nothing left to do except appeal to prejudiced folk who think everything equality related is a lot of modetn nonsense
  13. It very much has echoes of clause 28 in 2000. Back then it was protecting children, now it is protecting women. Basically presenting the gays and trans as dirty and dangerous. Very much appealing to prejudice. My auld auntie used to describe gays as “ perverts” based on nothing at all. For this fabled man dressed as a women in the girls changing rooms to perv or assualt? What exactly do we have to prevent that right now? The law? But what else, bouncers on the door checking your legal gender before yoi go in? Moan tae f**k
  14. Not so easy when there’s a gun pointing at you and your whole family get sent for re education. The Chinese people deserve better
  15. heavy vibes of "it's ma baw" here
  16. Technically any player with a British passport who hasn't already played a senior game for another association can play for us. FIFA rules simply state that players must be citizens. It's up to individual associations if they wish place additional criteria on top of that to make it fit their idea of representation. the UK home nations are in a somewhat unique position as there's no legal way of defining who is a Scot or Englishman so we have our granny rules to draw lines on who qualifies. worth noting that many other countries don't give a f**k, you've got naturalized players who often came to that country to play for a club turning out for the national team after a fast tracked application for citizenship. some have family connections like Jorginho others have nothing at all like Brazilian Eduardo da silva playing for Croatia The short answer however, is no they can't
  17. The mrs and I were in a hotel recet - ish - ly and there was an Indian wedding taking place down the stairs, The women looked absolutely fucking out of this world. if I were you I'd get yourself down there and bring your dancing shoes anaw
  18. Pish! if he really had that surely he'd take it to the members and win. is there any way those pulling the strings like thon 1922 mob can actually stop him from doing so?
  19. That's 6 words but f**k it. it's my soundbite that is getting repeated till the cows come home
  20. I was thinking earlier, there can only be so many votes you can gain by appealing to peoples prejudice. now granted , in England or the US it seems to be a-fucking lot but what happens ones you start hitting your key supporters pockets hard? Remember the old poor pensioner trope is way out of date, our current crop of 55-75/80 year old's are the absolute golden generation of oap's. they are actually the wealthiest demographic in the UK and the Torries have been hugely, hugely favorable towards them in terms of policy and tax rules. If we reach the point where all of their assets, pensions, house prices etc take a tanking AND they get hit with a tax hike, surely tae f**k getting rid of the foreigners and declaring war on the woke just won't cut it any more?
  21. Hey sir! that doesn't necessarily make one a tory nor a bad person. just saying. for no reason of course
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