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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Definitely, watching old football matches, any game from any league pre say 1995 or whatever, the amount of unforced errors compared to now is staggering especially defensively. Some of the goals scored in the 1970s from Liverpool Leeds etc would look like comical errors in modern day Scottish league 1. 6 players standing baw watching as a cross comes in, 1 unmarked forward toe pokes it past a keeper rooted to the spot with the defenders blocking his view.
  2. the greens are a bunch of fucking useless c***s. basically don't go anywhere ever is there answer
  3. maybe it's deliberate? there are thousands in the SNP membership who keep demanding that we hold another indy ref as soon as possible, one that we would almost certainly lose if it we're to go ahead. having a shite leader to increase apathy and get all those blowhard members to chuck their membership gives the wider independence movement time to build for having a proper go at winning the next one, which would have to be some time after 2030. You need polls to consistently show 60% + in favour of support to be even thinking about having another vote. we don't have anywhere near that
  4. I had to google that, didn’t actually know it was derogatory. It’s not my style, I never use other well known short hand names that have offensive connotations
  5. Not really tho, they kept their borders sealed and prohibited mass gathering for far far longer than most of the world, the Olympics in 2021 had no spectators for example when by that point even Scotland was allowing crowds back. So yes they are going to have had less deaths than us but you can hardly put it all down to masks. lockdowns, distancing and other sweeping restrictions certainly do work at containing the spread of respiratory viruses, there's no doubt about that. but as discussed many times, they come at a disproportionately high costs relative to the harm they prevent. masks are Pishing in the wind. Sure if your all choked up, coughing and sneezing big covidy snotters everywhere then aye, in that case they will reduce the spread. but if you are like that then you shouldn't be out in a crowd anyway. if you're asymptomatic, they will do f**k all
  6. Aye exactly, the Japanese have been at near 100% compliance the whole entire time, has it made the blindest bit of difference?
  7. It may sound conspiratorial but I've always been absolutely convinced that mandatory face coverings during the pandemic were solely to serve as a visual reminder i.e. you see someone wearing a mask and remember that it's a pandemic and you should keep your distance. humans are creatures of habit, we quickly revert to type as soon as we become comfortable again. No one can seriously think that pieces of cloth were going to stop particles less than one micron in size.
  8. Never mind the religious side, I just can't see a 32 year old being first minister, would that not make her the youngest elected national ( I know, I know) leader in the world?
  9. Everything in Scotland seems half arsed even by UK standards. the main motorway between our two largest cities is mostly only 2 lanes. comparable ones in England are almost always 3 for instance. I know it would add a shit load extra to the costs but we should really have been looking at extending the motorway all the way from Stirling to Inverness, bypassing roundabouts at Dunblane and Perth. same with the M90, motorway up through and past Dundee to Aberdeen. Dueling is better than not dueling but your still going to have turning traffic crossing the carriageways which must cause plenty accidents by themselves as well as having slow moving farm traffic acting as moving chicanes.
  10. Ideal victim is definitely a thing, remember the case of Jodie Chesney a 16 year old white girl stabbed to death in a park around 2018? the killer was ultimately arrested and convicted a year later. anyway, at first it was reported that she was smoking cannabis ( clearly does not in any way rationalize her murder in what was quite likely an unprovoked attack, and f**k me who ever heard of a teenager smoking dope!) The narrative was quickly changed from getting stoned to "relaxing in a park with friends" had her A levels coming up and her whole life ahead of her etc etc, all true of course, compare to other stories where the alleged criminality of the victim is front and center of the whole story, inviting the usual comments of " no smoke without fire & fly with the crows get shot with the crows " and so on
  11. I often wondered if we'd have had a labour government at the time (same with the USA and the democrats), but one who took the exact same approach as what the torries did in our timeline, would the right wing have been absolutely frothing about " wishy washy liberals putting so called freedoms ahead of safety? and calling for " a proper lockdown" with a warden and a curfew - like during the blitz was an all. I'm glad we haven't adopted the mass politicization of masks in the UK. it's very old firm esqu in the states
  12. I think you need to spend more time with the girl in work son
  13. There was enough holier than thou c***s giving it "oh stop complaining all you have to do is stay home and watch TV" how about naw ya c**t! people don't like being confined to their living quarters and not being able to do or see who they want to. That's why we send people to jail as a punishment
  14. Aye I know, seems very wierd. I don’t post much on normal social media and in real life I’ve obviously got many opinions but don’t express them anything like what I do on here. I think there’s a term about anonymous internet persona’s that change from real life. In real life id be way to self conscious about things lest you get the “ oh hear he goes again talking his pish” which you obviously get on here from other posters but it doesn’t feel so personal also, i think it would be wierd putting a face to posters,
  15. After 10 years on here there is not a single other member I've knowingly met in real life that I could put a face to, Which has got me wondering how many times I've unknowingly interacted with another P&Ber in real life? since I don't tend to bring up the forum in normal conversation, well ever At football matches is the most likely but I'm not counting that.
  16. Feels like Burrell excels at coming off the bench to change games, he will start some aswell, but i can see why mcglynns got him in this role
  17. 20 years and without a doubt the greatest post of all time still has to be the legendary "all morning I killed cows" a post that will live forever
  18. there are a few things in life everyone must understand before they leave school. 1. no one has ever gotten their hole from cat calling women on the street 2. no one has ever gotten rich from a get rich quick scheme except from the owner 3. more for the girls, those older boys with cars who you think are cool that are into you, they're absolute losers.
  19. It's been only ryanair for about 10 year now. hard to see anyone else coming in now, all the other low cost carriers have re-located to Glasgow intl. the expansion of Edinburgh & Glasgow in the 2010s gave them all extra room, there's no need to land in the middle of nowhere anymore
  20. It’s more about the extremes people gravitate to on here. We will more than likely go on to be a full international in time. there are some on here who are determined to trash all our young players at every opportunity and others who go on to try and counter that pointless negativity by talking up 2 decent touches in a cup game to ballon d’or winning material its childish
  21. he's good, he's got 20mins playing at a decent level and looks promising - he's going to go on to greatnes - no he's no, he's shite, if he was any good he'd be at man city psg or real by now, fuckin mbappe won the world cup at 19 Welcome to tartan army forums past present an future give it a fuckin rest you c***s
  22. Using lingo from an area hundreds of miles away from where your from to sound cool, is awful patter no matter your age
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