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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. manager with large multi million pound squad rotates players after midweek game in shock move it's not 1980 anymore
  2. They surely knew there was going to be a washup of some description coming once it was all over with, if the truth is (and I think it is) that they simply got caught up in the panic of early 2020 ( when they should have been the ones to stay calm) abandoned all previous plans and made it up as they went along. which is a bit shit but can at least be used for the lessons learned afterwards. If they are deliberately denying and hiding things then it will only fuel more and more conspiracy theories that there was something more contrived going on re power grabs and excuses to force through unpopular changes - like drinking on trains or stricter controls on football fans. if you look back far enough on this thread, all of the main players had noticed that politicians at least appeared to be very very careful not to explicitly promise that we would eventually revert back to 2019 normality, there was all this talk of new normal and behavioral changes. That fueled a lot of anxiety and people have every right to know why that was the case
  3. Nothing odd about it. it's fucking gemmil
  4. I look forward to super john McGinn to the tune of achy breaky heart being belted out in Nashville
  5. It's going to take till their all retired until some of you lot realise just how high quality the players we have now are. not since the 1970's when we we're full of European cup & English league winners did we have such strong collection of players. the majority of the squad play regularly in the EPL, the strength & depth of that league is like nothing that has ever been seen before. the level of technicality, professional discipline, athleticism etc is like another sport compared to the 1970's. The manager rightly deserves a huge amount of credit for how far on he's brought this squad. Strachan or leveign would have us going into the last game scrapping for 3rd & a play off before failing no doubt. But the success of this team is because we have better players.
  6. Surely in an ideal world a draw is the best result tonight, not only do we qualify with 2 games to spare but if we win our last 2 games we win the group regardless of spains results
  7. I think what this highlights more is; it's not that the rules weren't correctly applied, it's that the rules themselves need re-visited. I believe in the age of VAR a players whole body must be offside when the ball is played. You can watch it a thousand times, there is clearly no unfair advantage gained that affected the goal, it's nit picking to look for a reason to disallow it.
  8. Rodri had his Keven Keagan moment at hampden, they won't like it if it's not going their way
  9. can all these c***s predicting a hiding try and remember this is not the Spain squad of 2010 nor is it the Scotland squad of 2010 either. We actually have fuckin quality players now, Yes Spain are ranked higher than us but they don't have any right to beat us at home. For the 100th time, Enough of this fuckin stinking losers mentality
  10. I think we can get a result England look like a better side than spain tbh Everyonr thinks the confidence will suddenly collapse after that defeat but I dont see it. Clarke has sorted out messes like this before we no longer travel like a 5 year old with a weak bladder either
  11. In that case they've been at work in Scotland for decades. I know plenty of people who must only leave their own scheme maybe a handful of times a year. not like you need a man with a gun to enforce it!
  12. I always laugh at grown virgins in the 40s & older screaming "I DO NOT CONSENT" at the polis as they get launched in the back of the van at their protest events. All because they were told it works, it clearly doesn't yet they persist !
  13. Plenty on here have been doing that for years
  14. What exactly is the accusation? that he committed an act without her consent? I'm asking cause I havent read up on it. or is this more like the schofield case? people were calling on schofiield to be charged, but what with? sexual relationships with large age gaps of the kind we're talking about, although socially unacceptable, are not illegal? In some other places the age of consent laws are a bit more nuanced ( got to be careful how you spell that!) where sex between 2 young people of a similar age is tolerated but the blanket threshold is higher. most people would agree it is mental to criminalise an 18 year old for having sex with a 17 year old, it's also equaly mental that a 38 year old can legally sleep with a 17 year old! perhaps we should think about something like that?
  15. ah the days, as a teenager I owned a regular jacket that had been home modified with two inside pockets that could comfortably conceal 2 bottles of buckfast or cider without displaying a tell-tale bulge from outside when zipped up. The bottles mostly weren't nicked to be fair, it was much easier to get a carry out when you were underage 20 years ago, but handy for keeping the merch away from the eyes of the law!
  16. I live in Scotland's 5th biggest contagious urban area with a population over100k, I work at said areas biggest single employer. I live 7 miles from said place of work. There are no direct buses. I would have to get one from my house to Falkirk town centre then another out to Grangemouth which would take over an hour in total. the above option is not available for my morning shift change time of 6am I can and have cycled to work during nicer weather where the trip is only 6 miles due to a nice shortcut not available to cars That's my 2 options. car or bike Interestingly. my 1.6 diesel honda gets 65mpg & is a band A for (emissions based) VED but is NOT compliant for Glasgow's LEZ, but my partners petrol astra gets a poor 30 mpg and is a band D for road tax, IS compliant. I get that diesel emissions are worse but surely when there's more than double the amount from a petrol it should cancel out?
  17. If I was innocent of any wrong doing, that's certainly not who I'd want on my side
  18. There are plenty of people for whom private rental suits just fine, fair enough most people would rather own their home or have secure long term tenancy. Students, people who'v just moved to a new area, people who move around for work regularly etc. Sure there is no where near enough affordable houses but private lets do serve a purpose for those who don't want the hassle of buying or even furnishing a place and just wat somewhere readily livable for 6 months or a year
  19. I think what goes in our favour would be Clarkes age and the fact that he's already made good money to the point that his family should remain wealthy for generations. A younger man would probably be hungry and itching to be in the thick of it with a club every week whereas Clarke may be more content with the workload of international management
  20. You're fuckin one of them that insist on standing at the bar with your pint even tho the place is mobbed and everyone else is trying to get served arent you?
  21. Man on the radio at lunch time basically saying its all down to immigranrts and without them we would be in decline, and not just that but without them proping up the younger age brackets the decline would soon be alarming. really paints quite a different picture to the utter shite you hear from the english media.
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