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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Nobody changed their mind from yes to no becuase of the vow a lie you want to believe, is still a lie
  2. We've been over this before. a non-sanctioned "wildcat referendum" is a non-starter. the unionist side will simply boycott the debate and referendum process and instruct all their voters to do likewise. yes will win with 85% but only on a 40 odd percent turnout. exactly like Catalonia. it will just become a farce, the UK government won't recognise the vote or the result and no country internationally would recognise Scotland as a sovereign state. The Scottish government in its current guise doesn't have any means of collecting its own revenue or controlling its own territory, so the only way we're becoming a proper state is if the UK lets us TLDR anything other than officially sanctioned referendum is a hiding to nothing
  3. if any one of them says we don't do walking away, then I think I'll have an orgasm
  4. If they f**k off the pensioners surely that's the baw burst for them ( even more so than now?) they've relied on auld c***s to vote them in, although most of the wealthier ones won't be relying on the state pension much anyway
  5. every single c**t I've ever met from Sunderland has been a horrible racist p***k
  6. Won't try to give too much advice as I don't fully know your situation. Been totally dry since 2014, I was never dependent but like Richie said, one or two always turns into a sesh and you end up black out drunk having made a c**t of yourself, or worse. that was my reason for stopping. I was 25 at the time so it completely turned my social life on its head, nowadays less so but it's still shite not being able to go for a pint. If you had been sober for 2 years then the good thing for you is that you are definitely not dependent therefore you can stop right away without any external help. Perhaps I could offer a couple of things that helped me get to where I am (no support groups) Best thing I heard was; You have to make a decision whilst sober to have your first drink. if you can manage to stay strong with that then everything else will fall into place. alcohol takes away your inhibitions. 3 pints might not be enough to get you pished but it is enough to make you change your mind about only having 3 pints. Also, when deciding it had to be absolute zero, I technically could manage limiting drink to 1 or 2 pints on occasions BUT I knew that if I tried this as a rule going forward then it would fail. If you only have 1 or 2 then you are still a drinker, you can easily end up talking yourself into making an exception to the 2 pint limit for special occasions and the like. As soon as you do that the games up & you'll be back to bevying like never before I followed Kevin O'hara who has a youtube and blog called alcohol mastery. no god bothering shite, just straight up advice. after couple months I didn't even need that All the best
  7. is it becuase it's an oil painting? I'd be tempted to batter those c***s pouring the milk tho. f**k right off with your self rightous shite. if you don't want to drink cows milk then fuckin don't. nae c**t is forcing you
  8. Yep, I may be wrong but i don't think there are any oil fired generations in operation in the UK any more, at least not at scale. As mentioned already, scotland is already almost completely away from fossil fuels for power generation, only gas fired peterhead remains. the rest of the UK is still a bit to go tho
  9. Modern day veganism has political connotations for a great many now which is what the backlash is coming from them on the " other side" the same folk who will go to th ends of the earth to criticise electric vehicles "cause"
  10. So in the last 10 days my mrs has had covid, she only tested after being alerted by a friend who herself had it. nothing more than one day of mild headache and a bit of nasal congestion through the week. I never tested positive once. we both got the initial 2 doses of the vaccine but decided against getting any more / boosters, the last jag we had was in august last year. She can be a bit of a hypochandriach at times and back in 2020 was absolutely terrified of covid being convinced it meant certain death. even she said it was f**k all btw dawson park boy forgets that other folk live in falkirk too. it's down to only a handfull of individuals wearing masks now, very rare
  11. Please stop crowdwanking. Everyone else rips the push out of us for it
  12. There Had to be somewhere from all the one f’rs to go to onedindoom
  13. Not this time, we actually look convincing now. Haven’t said that for years. Even houstons 2016 2nd place was full of shitfesting and last minute goals. Sure we’re in league 1 now but we actually look like a competent team who are capable and of beating the opposition comfortably- most of the time, which should be enough to get us out of here. it feels different now
  14. Have you ever net any fitbaw players? The answer is f**k all! Even more so for the younger ones
  15. maximum number of players contracted by any club capped at 25. not just the first team squad - the whole shebang, you want to bring someone in then you need to let someone go to make room
  16. I thought baverman was gony round of that speach with WATP NS nothing like pandering to the lowest
  17. in august i just told the dentist i was exempt when masks were everywhere and the recptionist just shrugged her shoulders and said ok
  18. FTFY I posted on here at the time, we went something like 16 months or more where our only competetive wins were against malta and gibralter, we didn't manage a win against a team of professional footballers in over a year
  19. so long as no one got covid, can't be too careful
  20. I honestly think we just lost our form for the Ukraine play off, all the uncertainty over the game, the big occasion and the circumstances around it fucked with the players heads and we shat the bed. Not to mention it being moved to the end of the domestic season. These things happen unfortunately. The Ireland game was just a calamity brought on from the playoff. The way the team has responded has been superb tho, when you compare it to a similar situation _ the late loss to Italy in 2007 where we had earned ourselves pot 2 for the 2010 world cup qualifiers. We then went on to have an utterly horrific campaign under burley, just when we thought we were in the up. The way this team have came back, the comparison to then and now, there simply is no comparison
  21. I know that, but we should also have recognized that we are more than good enough to beat Ireland. we must get away from this mentality that a point here and there will do, for donkeys years we used to approach every away game that way and it got us naewhere, we should absolutely be approaching games with the mindset that of we are good enough to win then we should be winning.
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