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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. If we're not starting the season with the expectation that promotion is absolutely expected and tae f**k with the cups as well. then we might aswell throw in the towel. go part time immediately, terminate the lease at TFS and groundshare at ochilview FFS
  2. being a skiver who does only the bare minimum has f**k all to do with your position or level in an organisation. it's about your personality and likelihood of getting away with it. Performance related pay sounds fine on paper, but often can be abused. more for brown nosers and auld pals acts, less for those whos face doesnt fit
  3. What is all this utter fuckin pish about historically this or that? anything that any team did, good or bad, that was 12 or more years ago is completely irrelevant. the players will have either all retired or the few that are left will be at completely different stages in their career. We have a relatively good group of players right now. relative to both our previous teams and to other nations our size. we are comfortably a 2nd tier european nation. ( pot 2 in other words) most of our best players are 25 or younger, theres more to come from this squad We played shite against Ukraine and made them look brilliant, we lost all our pre christmas momentum Ukraine are a decent side but they're no a brilliant side and we are good enough to beat them
  4. On the subject of doom mongers, there's a surprising mindset of those who seem alarmed that society is still stuck in pandemic mode, it isnt Hate to do this but, was in tesco today and asda yestarday, both were quite busy, you are now down to only a handfull of individuals wearing masks, perhaps less than 10 people. i've got a funny feeling that DPB was talking pish when he claimed that it was near 50 % last week
  5. men who go on and on about how shite womens fitbaw is are feeling their manlyness under threat and are overcompensating in the most cringe way possible
  6. I don't know if we ( western Europeans or whatever ) are too blase or if a lot of the world are massive hypochondriacs. My mrs is from the Caribbean and a fair number of them ( way higher than here) act like covid means certain death, fair enough they don't have free healthcare or an insurance system but 90 % won't even need to trouble the doctors for it. A few year ago i had a bit of cold / flu and she went way OTT in trying to look after me, more than just cups of lemsip and benalyn, it was nice at first but eventually I had to invite her to give herself peace as i was a bit no well but hardly dying.
  7. I see you as a person who can't be arsed making an effort and judge you accordingly
  8. not like tourny to talk utter pish is it?
  9. Thread below on this i believe. Bastart! Never saw it, close thread!
  10. Is it just me or are labour missing one open goal after the other? the torys should be facing a bigger pumping than they got in 97 the way they're carrying on but it doesn't sound like that is so
  11. aye same, i wore one to my sisters wedding on her request, same outfit as the groom, groomsmen and my dad. Apart from being the bride's brother, I had absolutely f**k all to do at this wedding, was just any other guest. As a sound c**t, I was able to just go along with it to keep others happy but i'd never have bothered otherwise as I can't stand wearing the stupid things! BIB A mate of mine was determined to wear his to a birthday party we'd been invited to, it was in Ireland with mostly Irish people. I told him that the idea was pretty wanky since it wasn't his party and he shouldn't try to make things all about him, I think he thought it would increase his chances of getting his Nat king ( In all fairness, that's not wrong) but thankfully he reconsidered
  12. I don't know when you're seeing this, I doubt I've noticed as much as 10 % anywhere I've been including the auld biddy's. even the Chinese students at Stirling uni weren't bothering when I was at the OH graduation last week
  13. Keep your shagging stories for another thread cheif
  14. what's so good about kilts tho? a kiddy on national dress based very loosely on history
  15. It's not like they have bouncers on the doors of ladies toilets checking your gender status before saying the famous phrase " not tonight lads "
  16. He talks utter pish the rest of the time but he's right on this occasion. those on the liberal and left side of the political spectrum, who were often the ones who shouted the loudest for masks, mandatory vaccines and other covid theater, were similar to the rangers fans who started waving Israeli flags in response to celtic fans and their Palestinian flags.
  17. I loved music festivals when I was in my late teens/ early 20s , don't think I could be arsed with them now although that's probably because I'm a boring auld c**t
  18. I have one of the conditions that qualify as neurodiverse, I'm not going to say which one but if anyone can guess then i'll confirm if they get it right. For me I'd say it's quite a difficult one to deal with to be totally honest, I essentially do know wright from wrong and what is & isn't acceptable behavior and proper etiquette, but i often forget to remember to stick to the script. I present as a normal person about 70% of the time and therefor get held accountable as such. I never engaged with any online community until recently, i went from aged 18 to 32 without receiving any support at all, back when i were a lad, doctors were only concerned with immediate behavioral implications and the ability to function in a classroom environment. My parents were wrongly told that i would grow out of it as I got older and when i was leaving school I was told that since I wasn't going to be doing an office type job that i would be completely fine and i was discharged. It wasn't true, they also neglected to tell me of around a dozen or so other symptoms which I never fully understood till i was in my 30s. When i finally went back for some support, I engaged with some social media accounts, f**k me has that grown arms & legs. There are many who have taken quite a militant stance on things, in a similar way to what LGBT and gender rights discussion has become quite toxic. There are many who will simply label anything other than complete unquestioning acceptance as "ableist" eg giving guidance on good conversation skills and not fidgeting is somehow "ableist" as you are insinuating negativity with the ND behaviour. I'm considered a traitor by these people because i think it's all bullshit. My words and actions can and do affect other people, if i'm not paying attention to them when they're talking to me then they may get upset, if i snap at someone whilst i'm irritable and under stress then i could easily get a punch in the mouth ( people aren't mind readers!) I've gotten a reputation in the past for being the volatile one, which people can't be arsed with. it's a c**t of a condition for something that is essentially invisible, on a good day you can do anything and everything right, but you simple can't maintain it and inevitably slip up when you're tired or run down or under pressure, which is a double whammy as those around you wonder or cast doubt since you were able to behave absolutely fine just the other day. your husband or wife ends up feeling like they have another child to deal with and people become quite resentful
  19. I know several hypochondriacs and I'm pretty sure that if you spend enough time thinking and worrying about how unwell you are, then it will be enough to make you a bit unwell. I'm not one for woo woo law of attraction or anything but I would say the more time spent worrying about a negative thing happening then the more likely it seems to happen, it could be just that you are more likely to notice it after thinking about it obsessively. I never once gave any thought that i might have caught covid no matter how many times I've spent at close quarters with others over the last 2 & half years and so far I've not had it Also a bona fide physio gave me acupuncture on my Achilles tendon a few years ago when I had torn it (not severed tho) and it seemed to work well
  20. The dismantled all the test center's at the end of may did they not? there'll probably be a bit of surveillance next winter but i can't see a return to any widespread interference in life. i also don't think the gerrys will go ahead with their winter mask rule
  21. Not this pish again, In the even of UDI, no one will recognize us, no access to the UN, no diplomatic relations with other countries, Scottish passports not accepted for travel, no access to the IMF. In the real world of international relations, you're not a country just because you say you are, only if others agree that you are, which is why places like the Palestinian territory's or northern Cyprus are not real countries despite their governments claim that they are . The UK government would continue to claim to be the legitimate sovereign state, would most likely dissolve the Scottish parliament. Even if the Scottish government tried to ignore this and continued to meet in their own capacity, they would have no way of governing, the UK treasury would control all of the money, the MOD would control all the territory including sea and airspace. UDI is a hiding to nothing Either have an armed confilct and force the UK to sign a peace deal giving us recognition or accept that we can only vote to leave when they let us
  22. This is 100% the situation we are in, no formal legally binding referendum but the SNP decide f**k it we'll have one anyway = union parties boycott the vote, Yes win with 85 % on a 40 % turn out and it ends up in a farce like Catalonia, No one would recognize us internationally if we tried to declare. The fact that no legal referendum will be permitted is the only reason sturgeon is even talking about one. There's a lot of numpties in the party membership who are demanding one now who have to be appeased, but to even be thinking about calling a serious one, you'd have to have support consistently polling higher than 60 % which we are nowhere near. Even a narrow win wouldn't do, it would only result in a brexit style farce with such a chunk of the electorate unhappy. By calling a vote knowing it won't go ahead she can appease the numpties whilst claiming her hands are tied. only danger is if more patient indy supporters get fed up with the cycle and vote for somebody else or lose interest altogether.
  23. Somebody somewhere at some point as worked out that an idiots vote counts the same as an educated persons, that is where populism and pandering to the lowest common denominator has came from
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