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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. I ohnestly coundt see that working here. the fact we've already lost 2000 odd fans (thats neerly 2 thirds of our current gate) for most league matches in the last 5 seasons what would a boycot do now?if our crowds dropped to say 1500 or less i don't think the board would walk. rather they would go into panic mode. move towards part time football, sell any player. close the academy or maybe even administration. I don't know about fan ownership in our case. too many confilcting ideas. i'd like to see us having a decent size stake in the club but a majority shareholder should be someone who knows what they're doing. I know they have got it wrong in the past. they had wild dreams about short term top 6 finishes with old expensive players which wouldnt give us much of a return. now surely even they know that isnt the way to go. maybe they can learn from mistakes and what we are witnessing now is a long road back to being a regular spl side. I always try to remeber that we are not that a big club and we are not too good to be mid table in this devision. Inverness and st johnstone do very well for their size and well done to them for it. considering our wider urban area is the 5th biggest in scotland with well over 100 thousand, support from within the town is frankly woefull. when i was young alot of others were interested in the OF. but now they aren't even the least of our worries when a large number of youngsters are simply not interested in scottish football at all. So if we cannot get people through the gates we must start looking at how you can be succesfull with crowds between 3000-5000 I dont think our season is over after 2 defeats in the league. and i do think we are heading in the right direction but there doesnt seem to be much patience and understanding left for many falkirk fans
  2. I think he will. He if nothing else has them working alot harder and isnt up his own arse like pressley was/is. I dont think the board have been great.They are mostly trying to amend mistakes made 5-6 years ago but i dont hear any alternates being put forward and i dread to think what state the club would be in if some of these sour faced posters had their way. The fact people gret like f**k about the plastic pitch just tells you all you need to know. 500 large which should be paid in 5 years. OH BUT THATS MONEY FROM THE PLAYING BUDGET!!! pish! the state of the sandpit last year would have ment spending a fortune re laying of the summer and every season after that and then there was the undersoil heating that didnt even work properly. concerts were a f**k up but not a bad idea in themselves. everycunt in an armchair seems to know how to run a football clun these days. Rant over
  3. ive not been online since the weekend, tough mudder seems almost as if it was made for these wanks to fill everyones newsfeed with shite about it
  4. I for one would much prefer to deal with a proper buisness when buying my smoke than some of the shadey fuckers i have to at the moment. If you are the kind of person who buys a quarter and has it arsed within a couple of days which youve spent doing f**k all else bar watchin telly and playing xbox then fine but you are probably a waster anyway and it was hardly the weed that made you that way. i much prefer to treat my weed like a nice bottle of malt whicky which i return to on hard earned ocasions to top off a hard day or to socialize with friends and i dont see why i should be criminalised for it
  5. The "craig levein for the sack" page is a great laugh the guy who runs it puts out deliberate shit everyday and gets at least 50 bites from absolute morons
  6. 2 or 3 experienced players should make us a squad, the young players have the quality (at times) just need the leadership and guidance. do that and we'll be ok
  7. we'd be aswell playing the euromillions in that case
  8. i know my spelling and grammer is pish sir i cany help it so a canny! I read in the herald that 2 games in august may need to be moved to allow the work to be completed . not sure if its league games or early league cup or challange cup tho. as for pre season f**k knows
  9. also there is nobody in the devision next season we should be remotely scared off. i'm hoping garry holt does well if he gets a winning mentality into the boys, f**k me even with pressely we went on 5 game runs! confidence breeds more confidence.
  10. Dont get me wrong im all for the pitch i think it will provide better football all round than playing on the sandpit and itl save us much more in the long run and we must be like stenhousemuir and make sure it is used by the comunity on hire. if were not playing a game or training then it should not be sittingthe tesco empty whilst tesco camelon take on asda grangemouth on a thursday night. . I actualy agree with ritchie in ten years it could only be say ibrox parkhead hampdon easter road and pitodrie playing on grass one day future generations will look back and say daddy when they played on grass what happend when it was so cold the grass froze? well son the home team spent thousands of pounds burning gas and lecky to heat up a field of grass. dad no way what kind of idiot would heat up a field did they have big heaters in the open air stand to keep eveeryone warm to?
  11. Its a may be a good price but for his own footballing reasons hed be better staying here cause lets face it as much as we love him he'l get found out at that level. That money will not make its way back into the first team not when we got a plastic pitch to pay for. I'm not disheartened with the club as much as some but does anyone else feel the same? i've no problem paying to watch basicly and under 19s team developing but i want to see it going somewhere not just to keep struggling to get mid table in the 1st devision
  12. In a made up story anything can happen but. Anyhoo time to stop digging
  13. I dont have it handy but its the "immigrants not australians must adapt" one and its been doing the rounds on the internet for about 5 or 6 years now and im pretty sure its made up. Much like the one about the muslim women in a british supermarket being told politely but firmly not complain about the union jack, bullshit when are british people ever polite in a supermarket never mind to a "fuckin ..insert racial slur.. wife". maybe its just living in falkitk but the amount of biggoted racist dumb f**k throbbers i come accros at home at work in the pub etcon a daily basis is frightening considering we don't even have many immigrants about here.
  14. That julia gillard pish has now been tied to 3 australian prime ministers and im pretty sure its made up. Surely even a country as casualy racist as australia wouldnt be so stupid to moan about immigrants "their" land where they are christian and speaking english. a country made up of white europeans fucking miles away from europe and lets not mention it had a native population that got almost destroyed but hey believe what you want.
  15. why let the truth get inthe way of a good story?
  16. On a shopping trip to glasgow many moons ago we were at the traffic lights when they started beeping to indicate the green man, 2 american women absolutly shat it not knowing what this crazy alarm was. when we explained to them that all was well and it was a signal for blind people to cross the road they looked in sheer horrer and declared "OH MY GOD YOU SCOTTISH LET BLIND PEOPLE DRIVE CARS!!"
  17. Ned i wouldn't put you in that catagory at least youre still supporting but hey. The newco vote was a massive dissapointment for 2 reasons one being rpinciple and the other meaning they knew that we were never going to do anything other than pay lip service to promotion this year and sevco being in our devision would have been a great excuse why our team of wonder kids didnt go up, well a season later with no sevco and the fifers doced 15 points and we limp into 3rd place. Anyway we are where we are now imo becuase yogi signings were extreemly short sighted regarding players ages and money and unless we'd somehow had a european run i cant see how it would ever have paid off, but for a while we had some nice football to watch whilst beating bigger spl clubs and got crowds of 5000 +, just imagin that today! So other than getting a time machine and changing that we have to look at ways to move forward, we have a tight budget and are trying to raise funds ( yet concert get slated on one f) we get an untested manager (what is russels managerial record???) Its going to be low ages low wages for the next while at least, gotta take the rough with the smooth if you win the euro millions feel free to buy us a couple midfielders
  18. The negativity about garry holt was ridicules before hed even had a single game ffs. all this about getting rid of the board etc etc i'd love to see what some of these keyboard warriors would do if they were in charge
  19. Seriously? some of our fans are a right shower of crabbit c***s these days, everything is a disgrace to them yet they have no alternative to come up with and insist they wont be back at the stadium blah blahI ITS NOT BENEATH A CLUB OUR SIZE TO BE AS SHITE AS WE'VE BEEN THIS LAST WEE WHILE! What the f**k do they expect to achieve giving online abuse to our tope scorer for the love of f**k!
  20. Instead of getting so off topic does anyone have any real reasons for WEED to remain illegal?
  21. The spiking argument holds no water for me, you could be a life long teatotaller whos never tasted alcohol and someone puts a big hoose half of gin in youre lemonade, since it doesnt have the strong taste and instant gag reaction that say vodka or whisky does when you take an unexpected mouthfull , you might not taste it. and as someone who doesnt drink youre tolerence to alcohol is poor so you can be relatively drunk on very little amounts. not the most likely scenario but not impossible either, spiking is illegal, rape is illegal, making drugs legal wont make a blind bit of difference to date rape cases.
  22. Why penalise at all tho? i start work at 6 am, if i want to have a drink at night i might still be over the limit in the morning, even if im carefull i'll still be up for my 3-4 middle of the night pishes. on the other hand i can have a joint and be off to bed for a full nights kip at 10 o clock and fresh as you like in the morning. one is legal the other isnt??? I know some people will just sit baked out there box all day and amount to the sum total of f**k all in life but they do that any way and some do it with alcohol. It would just make too much sense to legalise it
  23. Is there much of a problem with it in the uk anyway?
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