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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Well they didnt sell farid and people have been calling for their heads since i started lurking around online last year, farid may have scored the goals but there was a marked decline in performance after higgy left. i didnt make it to too many games last season so i could be wrong but it the board cant win with the fans anyway.
  2. Just legalize it and get on with life, it doesnt need to be a free for all, Available from license traders like alcohol, To over 18s only like alcohol Consume on the premisis or take it home, no smoking a joint while walking down the high (no pun intended) street etc No driving under the influence. simples
  3. given the crowds we get at the moment we could do with closing a stand rather than building another, hell we'd have been aswell keeping the gazeebo and not bothering with the south
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