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Chicken Wing

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Posts posted by Chicken Wing

  1. Also for me. Wedding was meant to be in June, stag in April this year. Wedding moved to September this year and stag to April 2021. Totally fine with that, looking forward to a few days with some mates as a mini break rather than a LADS LADS LADS liver-killing weekend. 
    Is DA Baracus still allowed to take you to the lap dancers though?
  2. For what?  
    It was really weird at first but as soon as you get over yourself, it's absolutely fine. Nearly fell asleep in one sauna room before someone opened the door. 
    If you ignore all the cocks swinging around and just take sneaky glances at all the nice boobs, it's a fantastic day out. 
    Did you try to hide your stiffy?
  3. Is there no sort of train tracker type thing ScotRail would have that would show when a train deviates from it's journey? Seems mad to me that a train could derail and it takes 2-3 hours for anyone to be notified in this day and age.
    In that area, the type of signalling is known as absolute block (old fashioned Victorian semaphore signals), the area also isn't track circuited meaning the signallers in that area aren't able to accurately pinpoint exactly where you are in their signalling section. These individual signalling sections run for miles and miles. Unlike a location, say between Glasgow and Edinburgh, the signalling sections are shorter, track circuited and controlled by signaller's computerised workstations, thus lending them to having a much better idea where the train is in each section.

    Anyway, utterly shite news, that's all I'll say about it.
  4. The way I read both responses suggested it was a third party, perhaps even Baracus himself.
    If not, may I congratulate one of you on your acting skills?
    As not to incriminate myself, I know of the story and who the culprit is. It's like a PnB game of cluedo. It's ............ with the shit stained garments in the cludgie of an Aberdonian establishment.
  5. For a train driver's salary I would.
    I've worked night shifts in the past. Started and finished shifts at every hour on the clock. I know they are shite.
    But, and this is my point, the main reason for having to do so is that we live in a 24/7 society. If we expect people to start and finish work at all hours of the day then they should, within reason, be able to get to and from work on public transport.
    Nightshift's a piece of piss on the railway!
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