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Shadwell Dog

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Everything posted by Shadwell Dog

  1. I'm not sure we really need him. We've got Gasparotto, McCracken, Grant and Muirhead.
  2. We only won two games in the league that he started and in one of those he got subbed at half time. Someone like Henderson can always take his place. He couldn't be any worse.
  3. I'm sure we've got cover for Rankin. I mean I'll sit on the bench and do feck all if their struggling. Major bonus him moving on. We've managed to free up a wage and weaken QOS all in one move.
  4. Our defence always looks far stronger with Watson not playing . He was always a bit soft. Easily knocked off the ball and a bit small. Rankine at the end of the day was kept out of the team by Kerr who hasn't been having the greatest season.
  5. Rankin looked finished to me. At his peak he would've been starting in our team every week no matter how many of those types of players we had. No surprise that he was part of DU's relegation team.
  6. He was one of the best centre halfs in the league last season as voted by his peers. Your right we probably won't get that money for him but thats how much I'd reckon you'd have to offer to get him. If he stays fit then that kind of money is peanuts to teams down south and as I said previously I would expect him to have more chance of heading back down there if sold under contract. Again we don't have to sell him and I reckon that's how much he's worth to us and players of his calibre are impossible to replace at a team our size.. As was mentioned by numerous Saints fans O'Halloran isnt worth 500k and has struggled to get a game for rangers but you still got 500k for him as thats how much you valued him at whilst you could've let him go for the first bid that came in. Yes he's been injured but he's a very important player for us and so we're not going to let him go for peanuts just because of that. Whether someone is willing to meet our valuation is another thing but its not as if St Johnstone are going to be doing us a favour by taking him.
  7. I reckon if he progresses and stays fit there's much more of a chance he'll end up down at Fulham with his father than somewhere else in Scotland.
  8. I reckon we'd be looking for 4-500k for him as he's been excellent for us and he's on a decent length of contract having extended the one that ran out this summer. Whilst we've not got much cash to spend we're also not desperate for money either so there's no need for us to panic sell him. Whether you'd be willing to match or break your transfer record for a guy with a questionable injury record over the past couple of seasons and whose a centre half I'm not so sure. If you offered that kind of money I'm sure he'd be off.
  9. They still need to come up with the reddies though or he's going nowhere. I'm sure like most players he would prefer to play in the premier instead of with the rest of the dross in the championship but its not up to him unfortunately.
  10. I just can't see St Johnstone paying a few hundred grand for a player who has had an operation on both knees in recent years. He's just getting back to form now after being out for a while . As I said previously different story if he was nearing the end of his contract. St Johnstone unlike us are a well run club both on and off the field. They've seen many a manager move on to bigger and better things but have always managed to find sensible replacements as well as getting decent cash for players like O'Hallaran when they move on. I wish our bod were half as good as their's.
  11. Not a problem as long as he isn't the only player coming to the club otherwise we should've been using the cash elsewhere and worrying about goalie cover if it ever came up.
  12. Yeah and read my post. Alston was out of contract that's why he ended up in Perth. Otherwise he'd still be with us. He also hung on till the end of the season to see if we went up as he again would then have stayed with us. Grant has not long signed an extention and won't be going anywhere for a less than sizeable sum. If and when his contract runs out and he's still with us then which will be very surprising you might get him if he's like Alston fed up playing in the championship. As pointed out the last thing we need in our squad anyway is a left back and a midfield plodder.We've got two excellent left backs and John rankin. Is the 50k only involved if we also take Paul Paton?
  13. Yeah and scobbie will be happy to take a pay cut to play for us im sure. If Grant leaves under contract it will be to a much bigger club than st Johnstone. Only chance of him ending up in Perth is if he leaves under freedom of contract and I reckon he'll be away long before then.
  14. Hibs,qos,dunfermline,St mirren , Raith and Dumbarton have all started strengthening their sides with new players and yet we aren't adding to a squad that's already struggling for the playoffs.
  15. It's not his tactics that are the main issue. It's his recruitment which has been pretty dire since he joined us. Far too many piss poor signings and our best players have been mainly those he inherited.
  16. The bod should either be moving Houston on or backing him with soem cash for more signings. By doing nothing they are basically saying that they are happy with the current situation and the recent piss poor performances.
  17. I'm sure the season we just stayed up under Hughes we posted a significant loss financially even although we got to the cup final. We certainly couldn't sustain his revised plan of signing aged experience players instead of young up and coming talent.
  18. Henderson always played better against us than McGinn I'd say. McGinn was anonymous in both playoff fixtures. I like mcgeough but you need to play more than 19 league games a season.
  19. I think kerrs form last season was partly down to Vaulks. He did all the running allowing Kerr to break up play and play the simple pass. Kerrs been a shadow of the player he was last season as there's no one along side him with the legs or drive of Vaulks.
  20. Or at least invest the cash back into the team instead of pocketing it and using his wages only to sign a player whose shot. That for me sums up the fact they have no interest in promotion.
  21. Each player has their level. Loy was excellent for us in the championship scoring at nearly a goal every 2 appearances. Obviously the step up was perhaps too much for him. Something similar could be said of hemmings and Stewart who were goal machines in the premier but have only managed 4 between them since moving down south. Whether loy is the player we need right now is the main question.
  22. There's a difference of 125k prize money between 2nd and 4th which is a lot of money to a side like us. On the other hand it would be less cash for Houston to pish down the walls on diddies I suppose.
  23. First season he underachieved big style in the league. This was papered over by a pretty easy cup run that got us to the final where we made a total hash of it. Last season we overachieved by one place probably . This season we've gone backwards and with the 3rd biggest budget in the league that should be the minimum target. We should be achieving that comfortably with the budget available to him and not scraping it due to dire signings.
  24. Both craigen and Kidd were first team regulars at Raith and Queens before we got hold of them. Wouldn't be that remarkable for teams like them to be interested in taking them back surely . I'm not sure there is an ideal formation for a squad full of one paced plodder to be honest.
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