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Everything posted by johnnydun

  1. Why not put that proposal forward then? Or like I said, just roll over.
  2. Because it's fairer than giving teams undeserved promotion or relegation. Edit: I am more aggrieved with the possibility of ICT getting a promotion out of this than United.
  3. So why should ICT get promoted under possible reconstruction and not give Ayr United a chance?
  4. Still don't see why your chairman seems to think that it's a certainty you'd win the play offs, Inverness have been above pretty much all of this season so IMO they'd have a better chance of going up than you What we should do is follow the Ayr United model and just roll over.
  5. I am not bothered about United being promoted either tbh. If our positions were reversed would you let the SPFL take away the play offs?
  6. So why single us out? It's not about getting it up United either, that's just an added bonus.
  7. Haha, I like your style @MacArab! No I wouldn't think it would be particularly fair on us and I can see the frustration from United. However, you have to also agree that no team has mathematically secured anything.
  8. Why are we to blame if a club dies? The money is there for the SPFL to dish out, nothing stopping them. They say the rules state that final positions must be confirmed before any money is dished out... Then they change other rules to end the season.
  9. Ah right, ok yeah, great answer, gives me something to think on.
  10. Unlucky boys, Nelmsy says you have to take bottom spot... https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/5478513/dundee-chief-john-nelms-could-table-resolution-to-end-leagues-with-no-promotion-or-relegation/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1586469648
  11. Not entirely Kincs. Under Nelms proposals, Celtic would be made champions.
  12. Not trolling matey. I just think that because no team has mathematically secured any position, why should they be punished or rewarded based on the current standings? At the same time, it's not voiding it so could be seen as a loophole for the TV money.
  13. TBF, it is the fairest option for all (apart from The Rangers I guess). No team has mathematically secured promotion or relegation, so why should they get it? Why should we or any other club miss out on potential play offs? At the same time, we were not guaranteed these either, so why should we or any other club be guaranteed them also? This gives some clubs the recognition they crave but is also fair to those who missed out on the opportunity to make up the potential points gap. A possible financial compensation for those who finished top without the promotion?
  14. If Dundee United are so certain of promotion at any outcome, why don't they vote against it?
  15. I think this vote is totally un required at this moment in time. With no football until at least the 10th of June, why not come up with a few possible options to vote on, as a contingency plan for what to do after the 10th of June. It would give organising, planning etc.. a lot more time. If clubs need money, give them the amount for the lowest position they would possibly get mathematically.
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