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Everything posted by Bestsinceslicebread

  1. there will be either 3 or 4 divisions of equal level and will be populated with teams accordingly I would expect something similar to Kilwinning, Auchinleck, Pollok n Irvine meadow in each divisions Then the next four teams in the premier in each divisions and then the same idea with the West regional championships and so on and so on and then teams outwith the junior teams who join, slotted in where they LL,EOS and SOS might think is best or applicable. All divisions as stated will be level and named conference leagues and then the following year, final finishing's will result where they are placed in top division, second division and so on
  2. I think with the manager asking the Thorniewood United committee about the pyramid and them stating they are staying junior is just typical of the attitude of many in the junior game. There are many teams like that, some who have even already applied for the new WOS but it is what it is and they are just junior through and through but with no vision as I'm sure they just thought things would never change. If it was 30/40 years ago its fine but times change, less people playing football, youth teams folding as they don't have enough lads staying in football. if you want to stay alive you need to have an open mind, a vision and try to progress. You don't, eventually time will catch up with you and you will not be able to adapt. I have no qualms if any team doesn't want to join the senior ranks or pyramid, whatever way they think of it. Its up to them and whatever decision they make they just have to deal with the consequences while others get on with their futures. e
  3. I would have liked the EOS to put the final application date to the same as the WOS, 7th April as some decisions could be made by the existing junior teams in the East at last minuite due to many West Region junior teams leaving junior football to join the Pyramid system
  4. Perfectly worded, straight to the point and covers most bases. Couple of things, I believe some clubs in the EOS might be interested or looked at the new WOS, Dunipace for example but that's all it is at the moment unless a EOS team has applied already which I certainly have no clue of. Also the comment in the statement "There have been calls from the West Region SJFA to maintain the current four leagues structure, which would mean the WOSFL would provide:" was eventually covered in the statement but I believe to include, there are many 'junior People' would want this and it was brought up exactly the same way to me a few days ago in conversations with a couple of committee men at junior teams and as I said to both. "it doesn't really matter what the junior association want or junior people want, the league has nothing to do with them in regards of administration and organizations, Its the LL, EOS and the SOS who will decide, as they have successfully ran the current structures so far and intend to do the same at the new WOS league"
  5. Roddie McDonald of Celtic was at both Irvine Meadow and Maryhill as too was Colin McAdam of Rangers
  6. I literally burst out laughing there why is that guy at Armadale bothered about the lowland league and what they do Just stay where he is with his team and hes sorted
  7. Honestly what are you talking about. If that was the attitude of many west teams then I'd say, well just stay where you are because a league is starting with or without you and once the conferences are sorted, any team who wants to join the following year, will be starting at the bottom division and quite rightly The WOS isn't the junior league, its is run by the LL,EOS and SOS and they run it the way they think is best and the conference way that they have used so far has worked well, (from what I gather)l. It seems to me they want everyone on an even pegging and then they will all fall into their correct divisions after the first season. There maybe more teams applying who are not junior, only the Association who run the new league will know better but its conference for a reason in the new league, its less hassle and everyone is given the same opportunity to start off with. If there are 25 teams already stating they are applying then that's two divisions but there's probably more who have applied who haven't stated anything so only the WOS operators will know. For me if the conferences are kind even then that's all that can be asked. Its a new ear for a lot of football teams, potential more money to spend, potential bigger sponsors so they will change their structure and some clubs will grow out of this so some teams will be ready to hit the new league head on with progression in mind, we just do not know
  8. Seriously hope not, too much shitting, saving the grade attitude and less of progression attitude in a pyramid, hey will just vote in the guys from the junior association who have made a mess of the last two years
  9. no agreed Lowland, we know the power struggling for the past few years and how its changed and adapted and I know what I said wont happen but that would put an end to it and eventually clubs wouldn't think of themselves as junior but as a club in the pyramid system trying to progress.
  10. Yes but a rule should be put in place that the clubs cannot vote any new committee members in for the next 5 years. it should be arranged by the LL, |EOS and SOS to pick the people to run the league, no exception
  11. If I'm correct in thinking. There are 63 teams who are currently part of the west region league this season 19/20. If say 20 of them apply to the WOS, they will enter the new WOS league in a conference divisions, 20/21, all equal to determine which divisions they will be in the following year 21/22. These conference divisions will also include other teams joining who were not part of the West region league this year. All the junior teams this year who join the WOS can also keep their junior membershio and participate in the Scottish Junior Cup. If 20 junior teams this year leave to join the WOS I take it the other 43 teams left in the junior league will play in a new structured West region junior league. meaning the WRJFA will still exists with league running the teams which have decided not to join the pyramid. This WRJFA will have no connection to the pyramid as they will still exists on their own as they have done in the past. Have I understood that format correctly guys n gals
  12. As I posted earlier. sorry guys, I missed that bit, not like me
  13. I don't not know what the outcome is but what the hell you talking about, what war ? Its about teams who want to progress in Scottish football and being allowed to do so with people coming to a decisions in what's the best way forward. It may be right, it maybe wrong but its going to happen either way and I wish every club that joins and every club that stays where they are, all the best for the future.
  14. If it is true, the Lowland League, East Of Scotland and South Of Scotland leagues should put out a statement immediately to let everyone know this is the process. So each club at all levels know what the process will be for them to make their decisions. I cannot see any reason not to unless there's a reason to hold back, for example the junior clubs have asked to contact their member's before any statement is issued etc...
  15. Fair enough, but my point is that the WRSJFA will become surplus if they manage to negotiate entry into the LL run WOSL for all 63 clubs. This guy Beenzon Taste says he didn't say the LL wanted the WRJFA wound up and wanted proof. The proof was shown to him and as he is that hell bent of keeping juniors alive his reply to being caught out, FAIR ENOUGH . All I can say is lolololllllololololololololollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooolololololololololololololllllllooooollloollololol Negotiate what, just tell all 63 teams to apply and they will join. No need to negotiate anything as far as I'm aware the LL SOS EOS run their leagues excellently with less for their clubs to pay out to the administration than junior teams pay the junior administration and everyone who has moved over to them are really happy so it will be the same when a new WOS starts. I'm concerned I think new rules should be put in place that no junior association member will be allowed to apply for the new WOS league even in the future so that once the new WOS teams who used to be junior will be allowed to vote in the persons best to run the league and not junior pals. Has TJ sanitationed these negotiations ?
  16. This is where the problem lies and LL need to take note because its only going to cause hassle and friction in their league. if your joining the pyramid you are leaving whatever level you are at and joining the senior league. You are no longer a junior team, a welfare team and amateur's team or youth team etc.. you need to get that out of your head. This is why all this shit hassle is happening. No longer junior. How many of the 28 odd teams who left the east juniors to join the senior leagues consider themselves to be a junior team, nearly all of them consider themselves a senior team
  17. But what's that got to do with the LL, absolutely nothing. They have never said the junior association wind up. Clubs should leave and leave for one reason alone, to progress, under junior football there is a ceiling and they cant. The ones who don't want to progress should be allowed to stay, if there are any who want to stay.
  18. I'm reading all this and seeing it from both sides but the junior side is really, worrying. I believe there are clubs who do not want to join the pyramid/seniors and wont say who I think as I have no proof but all this talk of all in etc... and the juniors winding up. Not a chance, the junior hierarchy have looked as if they have been power struggling for the past two years trying to get their foot in the door for jobs and under negotiations the way they want. it hasn't happened and we are at the stage we are at. All this talk of juniors joining ALL-IN, Really, Really, then all the West region juniors have to say to the west junior teams, is : APPLY RIGHT NOW TO THE LL AND YOU WILL GET IN, THE 63 LOT OF YOU but no there's negotiating this, negotiating that. Noticed someone said the Rooney said at the junior west meeting that the Scottish cup was SACROSANCT but that's only in junior minds. its just a cup ffs, and its nothing to do with the Senior/pyramid system and will only confuse things. Also clubs that are not junior and finish bottom of tier 6, where do they go as they don't want to be members of the junior association, so that would mean they stay where they are and not be relegated. It's too much hassle. The LL know they will have enough to start a new WOS and if its 2 divisions then ever better. I will add, after the PWG broke down and the LL starting one themselves the only reason they had the meeting recently with the West junior association is from pressure from the SFA to try and get the ALL-IN to happen. I cant see it other that that reason why the LL would entertain the junior hierarchy
  19. Donald Dewar center is very similar to that of Huntershill where Rossvale used to play, The dressing rooms, (public) are located beside the park and the park if fences off by similar fencing to that of Huntershill. Excellent park right enough but so is Huntershill
  20. no, it covers the park. Parks are not patrolled at night and things can happen to them, vandalism or anything else for that matter
  21. Nope, for a fact I know a couple of teams cant or wont. As sodz law, as soon as they stop insurance, summit will happen
  22. Right now, insurance for parks and players, think they will be two separate ground payments, they might own their park but is it fully paid up, not sure Above is not just for junior teams but also senior ones as well
  23. For me, I have no qualms of any team if they decide to stay juniors or decide to join the pyramid. What I want is that the committees of each team get all the facts and information on all sides and put them to their fans in an objective manner. I read the Arthurlie statement and didn't comment but I just shook my head in disbelief. If you are on the committee of a junior team, infact any team, then you are duty bound to do the best for your team/club with all the information/facts at your disposal but that statement it reeks of the "saving the grade attitude". This is important times for Arthurlie and all other teams, so the right decisions have to be made. I wish Arthurlie well in whatever way they choose
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