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Seymour Skinner

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Everything posted by Seymour Skinner

  1. They aren't covering up homophobia, they're covering up homosexuality *edit* disregard this, just got the gist of the post there
  2. The worst is when someone posts something along the lines of "I hav so much respect for any1 who haz beat cancer x x x" Fishing for likes and comments. Scum, subhuman scum
  3. Took my wee sister to see Frozen a few days ago. I didn't think it was great when I was there, but I've been trying to convince my sister to come and see it again in the last couple of days. Really decent film. 7.5/10
  4. Most if not all football related memes are atrocious.
  5. I've been genuinely contemplating wether or not to make a pic like this, I'll give you a greeny tomorrow for taking the initiative
  6. Canny believe i have never seen this thread, 24 pages of pure genius
  7. Anchor man 2. Really, really funny, but the story was basically non-existent. A bit like watching a family guy episode. 8/10 Ps: Ron's boss was a c**t, he should have kicked her in the pie when he had the chance. His son was also a painfully bad actor, deserves a slap.
  8. Fair enough. I wonder why he didnt want associated with it. Probably because its such a shite tune
  9. Clearly not, but for a producer to put his name and his name only on the track is laughable
  10. Exactly. He also puts his name on the title despite having f**k all to do with the lyrics or the singing.
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