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Sarcastic Bairn

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Everything posted by Sarcastic Bairn

  1. To me he as always came across as someone who thinks he is better than he actually is, by a huge margin.
  2. I see even one of the lads that deals with the Crunchie initiative has left. This board can't even deal with guys trying to do something good for the club and a true legend for free, far less make us successful on the park. I have never seen or dealt with such a shit show as this lot in 30 years of business.
  3. Lets hope Montrose and Clyde win the SC ties and we call it after 18, because we'll f*ck the above up.
  4. Said it about Mutch on a previous recent match thread and came with a bit of rebuke. I know we have poorer players in the team than him, however with a keeper you want to have confidence and I don't with him unfortunately, as I think he is just as likely to let a back pass in as he is pull a worldly out of his locker. Look today that shot should have been shut down by a player before him, however he still concerns me for consistancy.
  5. I forgot Keena was playing until just before half time.
  6. All the 4 4 2 formations being shared with Sammon in them shows what a problem we really have.
  7. Doubled up with never really apologising for all the made up allegations against fans, just makes you wonder how we still have a decent fan base.
  8. I felt underwhelmed, don't know why, but I did. Fits in well with how we are just now.
  9. Draw and a Cove win, leaving them to overtake us next week where they smash us 3 nil. League gets called on 18, leaving us with a last game scenario where we lose out.
  10. Remember it’s a 7pm kick off if you bought this, as I didn’t!
  11. He is a 19 year old boy who is probably a Rangers supporter, I couldn't care less as long as he has the desire to play the best he can when he pulls on our strip when the two numpties decide to play the strongest team, he's not a Goodwillie.
  12. I forgot Paul Paton was with you guys, bet we still give him half an hour to turn around to face us even though we know he is slower than the Evergreen turning in the Suez.
  13. I don't think we played as a 3rd division club, they would have at least attempted something, like say a shot.
  14. Somebody needs to ask them where isn't a tough place to go so we know. I would rather they just stopped these one sided interviews now, they add no value apart from rile up the support. Last night is not what I expect from my team with the most level head I'm going to have on this one, after waiting a day to calm down. However I should have expected the comments from the duo if after playing Dumbarton they were claiming its a tough ask to beat a team who in a relegation fight, why were we going to see/hear anything else against Celtic. I am just embarrassed.
  15. I thought I would start to count how many passes we can get it in a row, I'm bored; 1...2...3...4...5....FFS Leitch 1...2...3...FFS Leitch 1...2...3...4...FFS Leitch
  16. Received a bottle of this today for a present The World’s Best Bourbon—According To The International Wine And Spirits Competition Sadly I hate opening new bottles, so it'll go on the shelf and I'll just look at it for now.
  17. 101 is probably my fave bang for buck bourbon, only £23 at Tesco just now.
  18. Likewise, I thought he had something about him, whereas the others that were being played before him didn't look like they had even slept with a footballer (as my grandfather used to say).
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