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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. See, I can read that fine. But when I try? f**k that
  2. Hi, Whenever I put in a sweary word it is automatically changed to *****. Can I change this? I used the word "b*****disation" in a post and it was *** as well. Not a sweary word!
  3. Another Twitter panic-merchant - and this one is just lies. We're at 4000 cases a day and have 200 people in hospital in total (unless people are in hospital for just one day, discharged and a whole new 200 people take their place) His whole timeline is panic.
  4. I like the part where they are a party dedicated to the Christian values of the nation, and later on are against the "liberalist b*****disation" of the church by Archbishops, Popes and the like. Which one is it? Pro-Church or Anti-Church?
  5. Been a spate of positive tests etc. in people I know in the last week or so. My sister, and a few work colleagues. In one case (a work colleague) she was feeling ill, her son tested positive and then she did. She's been double-jagged (as has my sister) and is off work, feeling lousy. Now, in context, catching a bug, feeling ill and being off work are not new phenomena to Covid.
  6. Just for fun I looked at their website to see just how crackpot they were. On a scale from mildly nutty to utter fascists, these folk are utter fascists. Normally I'd quote bits of their manifesto for a laugh, but not in this case. Needless to say they are anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-EU (not British membership of it, they are against the whole thing being in existence), anti-gay, anti-independence, anti-socialist and very, very racist. Talk of physically fighting within the UK for their "values".
  7. Fernando Alonso was in talks to join Red Bull this year https://www.planetf1.com/news/fernando-alonso-red-bull-talks/ That would have been something to see....
  8. I reckon the disintegration of politics for the last 15 years or so is down to social media. It promotes division, extremist views and acts as a forum whereby people on the left attack each other for not being pure enough, and people on the right just attack everybody. Jeez, social media brought us President Trump. The problem comes when politicians take to social media believing that it's where they need to be to engage "the public" when in truth many people (aside from hardliners) are either not on social media, or if they are they're not there for the politics. So for your average politician engaging in social media, they get nothing but hostility. They don't take time to craft arguments to reach out to people, but rather seek to win over twitter for the day. This, plus the demise of print media, has led us to this poor state of politicians.
  9. Protector by Conn Iggulden. Excellent writing as usual, continuing his story of war between the Persians and the Greeks. My only issue was that the climax of the book happened about two thirds of the way through it, leaving an Act Four that meandered on without much purpose.
  10. It's the 2020s. You can get sacked if someone stumbles upon a 15 year old tweet you made as an adolescent.
  11. For me, there has always been the agenda in the stories. But it was subtly done and the entertainment within the stories was the driver. The speech at the end of Orphan 55 is the kind of problem the show has now.
  12. The joy of the American "statute of limitations" laws. Stops any historic sex abuse cases having consequences.
  13. One of the guys accosting Chris Whitty has been given the tin tack from his job. Looked to me a wee bit more than putting an arm round him.
  14. The replies...comparing lockdowns to swerving a car to avoid an accident. Utter nutbags.
  15. This comes from Prof Tim Spector at UCL who has been tracking symptoms. Basically the Delta variant is indistinguishable from hay fever in younger people with the exception that you can manage hay fever with anti histamines. So...your kid has a runny nose in hay fever season. Should you really lock yourself and family indoors for 10 days? Getting in to farce territory now.
  16. It says the UK's top 20 courses. Is this by graduate earnings? Possible - maybe law, banking, robber baron studies and stuff like that.
  17. I watched the "Scotland's Game" documentary on BBC last month. More than one person on there (Jim McLean, Anne Budge and others) said that "the problem" was Scottish football was that there were too many teams, ands money was spread too thin. Adding more teams isn't going to help.
  18. I couldn't agree more. My mum's mum died of cancer many decades ago, when mum was a kid. Mum is convinced, utterly convinced, that the GP "helped her along" and helped prevent a lot of needless suffering. The same GP was our family GP until he retired, even looking after me as a kid. Mum wouldn't let anyone else near the family. Maybe knowing this has coloured my view, but - as dad puts it - you wouldn't let a dog suffer what we let people suffer through at the end of their life. This is one area where I will write to my MSP expressing support. Rare for me, but I do feel strongly that this legislation will prevent pain, anxiety and suffering. Life alone is not enough, you need quality of life.
  19. They really couldn't care less about the other teams. Just dictate their own skewed agenda.
  20. Plans are moving forward big time now. We are going back on campus, and will offer some face to face teaching in the new academic year. But it won't be like normal. For my classes, students will watch a recording of the lecture video at home, and then come to campus in small groups for tutorials. No big lecture halls crammed with students, at least not this year. I'm looking forward to getting back to some kind of normal teaching. Last year was an OK substitute but not how I'd want to do it permanently.
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